diablo created by redishdragie
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You can feel the heat radiating downwards over you. Laying there on your back, there’s virtually no way you can get away. Not with that heavy, bulky, scaled body pinning your lower half. It feels like he weighs as much as four, maybe five people – you can tell he isn’t putting his full body weight down on you because he’d break your hips.

He sits there, smirking down at you. His bulky body has all the raw, unrefined strength of a feral creature. Unwashed, unburdened by modesty or propriety, the great, chubby reptile’s jaws hang ever so slightly open as he stares at you. He has wants. And you’re going to obey them. It’s a simple fact that he in his simple worldview is quite certain of.

And as his fat, pinkish cock throbs over the top of your face, framing your view of his underbelly, you’re quite certain as well. He makes his fat dick throb once, deliberately. It’s thicker than your wrist around, and if he were to push it inside of you? You’d break … or else cum so hard that you’d never be able to feel satisfied ever again with anyone else but him. When his hips would smack against yours, fitting the behemoth that twitches and pulses over your face all the way inside of you and putting a true bulge in your belly? You’d be enslaved to it. It’d push your buttons so hard that you would never be able to say no to him again, and you both know it.

It’s written in his smirking face. The fat, steaming, rigid cock that’s only an inch from your face – only kept from touching you by his sheer stiff arousal – is only a few wild, feral pushes away from becoming your new lord and master.

He licks his chops as he sits over you, gazing downwards. His dick twitches again to the rhythm of his heart, then slowly starts to sink towards you. He’s relaxing. You feel his tail sweeping lazy arcs between your legs, unconcerned and untroubled. He doesn’t care if anyone sees him do this to you. He doesn’t care if you willingly submit or not. He knows you’re going to lose, and he’s loving every moment that you squirm under his heavy, musky ass, trapped beneath the swell of his dick.

Then, finally, you see the inevitable. His cock plumps up a little, the bulbous, slimy flesh engorging for a moment. He grumbles out a wordless croon of pleasure as an oily dollop of translucent slime beads at his urethra, right in front of your face… then starts to pour out from it. A slow stream of precum begins to drool from his cocktip and down towards your face.

There’s nothing you can do.

There’s no way to avoid it.

He smirks as his precum starts to pour onto your cheek, warming your face with his excitement. The musk is so strong it stinks. Male. Salty. Potently of lizard, and a horny one. He slowly grinds his hips, making his cock bob just a little bit. It jostles over your face, moving from side to side… making certain that that slimy, slippery stream drools across your nose, staining your breathing with his lust.

You can’t help it. You start to squirm, feeling your body grow heated and warm. The feral beast above you grins, licking his chops again as he feels you fruitlessly writhe in your own growing need. He knows what he’s doing to you, the way that you’re feeling.

You can see the sentiment etched in his face. A cocky, smarmy message that just oozes his pure, feral confidence. He gazes at you smugly, as if asking you, Going somewhere? – and you both know you aren’t. Not even when he lifts one forepaw, then slowly presses it down on his own fat, drippy cock as it paints your face in his precum.

He looks at you oh so expectantly as he squashes that beast of a breeder down… and down… and mashes the hard, fleshy, steaming heat against your mouth. You know what he wants. And as his taste starts to smear across your lips, your body growing warm and your future growing only more and more certain, you know what you want, too.

You aren’t sure if you’ll break. You aren’t sure if you’ll become his plaything completely. All you are sure about is that right here? Right now? You open your mouth … and you let him slot his fat, salty crown into your mouth.

You feel one heavy, eager throb, and your cheeks flood with his precum. He growls enthusiastically… then starts to push forward.

  • Comments
  • I already liked this lizard, but the way the story describes him made me absolutely love him. I just find the idea of being pinned down by a large feral reptile that demands obedience by means of seduction so arousing.

    This also makes me feel a bit sad that there’s very little art of this character, but I’m grateful that Redishdragie provides us with it.

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