katya and nadja (zootopia and etc) created by borba
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  • I know that eventually Nick is going to appear in this comic (it takes place between the first two trainwrecks) and I don’t think I’m prepared for when it happens.

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  • Okay, shit, I get Artistic freedom and all that shit. But how in the fuck does a POLAR BEAR get fucking mugged, unless the muggers packing a strong gun, that shits gonna do nothin but piss them off.

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  • Wavryn said:
    Okay, shit, I get Artistic freedom and all that shit. But how in the fuck does a POLAR BEAR get fucking mugged, unless the muggers packing a strong gun, that shits gonna do nothin but piss them off.

    Muggin people with Missile Launchers

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  • Wavryn said:
    Okay, shit, I get Artistic freedom and all that shit. But how in the fuck does a POLAR BEAR get fucking mugged, unless the muggers packing a strong gun, that shits gonna do nothin but piss them off.

    THANK YOU, I was just about to say, even if she's being mugged by other Polar Bears they'd need to be female and there'd need to be more than one of them for it to work.

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  • I don't like where this is going. The fox Nick was seen sleeping with is talking about extortion...

    Sure would be nice if a sympathetic character showed up and everyone had a good time...

    Wavryn said:
    Okay, shit, I get Artistic freedom and all that shit. But how in the fuck does a POLAR BEAR get fucking mugged, unless the muggers packing a strong gun, that shits gonna do nothin but piss them off.

    I suspect a gun would work, yes. By the way Borba does things, this city likely has quite a few firearms floating about and this is also a city with rhinos and elephants. I wouldn't want to take bets, but I'm guessing a hooker isn't in peak physical shape for her species.

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  • 3HC-Hg-CH3 said:
    I don't like where this is going. The fox Nick was seen sleeping with is talking about extortion...

    Sure would be nice if a sympathetic character showed up and everyone had a good time...

    I suspect a gun would work, yes. By the way Borba does things, this city likely has quite a few firearms floating about and this is also a city with rhinos and elephants. I wouldn't want to take bets, but I'm guessing a hooker isn't in peak physical shape for her species.

    Sympathetic characters don't exist in borba's world. There's just awful or god awful.

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  • 3HC-Hg-CH3 said:
    I don't like where this is going. The fox Nick was seen sleeping with is talking about extortion...

    Sure would be nice if a sympathetic character showed up and everyone had a good time...

    I suspect a gun would work, yes. By the way Borba does things, this city likely has quite a few firearms floating about and this is also a city with rhinos and elephants. I wouldn't want to take bets, but I'm guessing a hooker isn't in peak physical shape for her species.

    Gun calibers wouldn't change much in this world, given bullets are limited by gunpowder, size and quality of the gunpowder. Meaning they'd need to at the very least bring a DEAGLE if they wanted to mug a polar bear with a gun. Polar Bears are strong, resilient, and BIG.

    In a world like this, mugging a polar bear would be suicide if you didn't first take them down from a distance, then that's not a mugging, that's either murder, or attempted murder if caught.

    Its more costly to mug a polar bear than the fox. Smaller, not built for fighting, lithe. This point of mugging should have been the Foxes, and the cops should have been the Polar bear.

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  • Wavryn said:
    Polar Bears are strong, resilient, and BIG.

    But what if the mugger is a bear? I mean, there's no shortage of big species in Zootopia and you'd certainly expect big guys to gravitate towards crime.(Mr. Big has his retinue of polar bears and I suspect they could get a lot done without guns.)

    I mean, there must be a reason Big can push people around without some rogue bear just taking him down.

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  • Like, didn't Judy knocked down a rhino? I dunno man after that I could see a polar bear getting mugged here (and even more since we're talking about these comics)

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  • You guys should check his tags on Deviantart for the comic..

    They are interesting...

    Seriously guys it's like he is actually trying to get everyone on this train.

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  • 3HC-Hg-CH3 said:
    But what if the mugger is a bear? I mean, there's no shortage of big species in Zootopia and you'd certainly expect big guys to gravitate towards crime.(Mr. Big has his retinue of polar bears and I suspect they could get a lot done without guns.)

    I mean, there must be a reason Big can push people around without some rogue bear just taking him down.

    ShinyUmb said:
    Like, didn't Judy knocked down a rhino? I dunno man after that I could see a polar bear getting mugged here (and even more since we're talking about these comics)

    Yeah. You got a point there, but remember, those both examples are people with actual strength built up, that train themselves for a fight, not to mention, Judy trained a lot, and is the top of her class, she has natural muscles in the leg built for kicking, speed and such she naturally would be good to put down those with more off balanced styles, say a rhino charging at her.

    In the case of the bears, a brown bear is at a disadvantage, even if they were a Kodiak bear, Polar bears are the largest bear around, unless it was another polar bear, then it'd hardly be an even fight, yes a full team of polar bears would easily wreck one polar bear. But why the hell would a full team of trained Polar bears need to mug one Lady of the night, the more plausible would be a elephant mugging her, given, it'd be a more fair fight, muscle V muscle, that'd be the most plausible mugging that'd be in the outcome of the mugger, for anyone else, besides a quick pickpocket Ferret, it'd just be stupid to try and steal from a polar bear off their person.

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  • Wavryn said:
    Yeah. You got a point there, but remember, those both examples are people with actual strength built up, that train themselves for a fight, not to mention, Judy trained a lot, and is the top of her class,

    Right, but the reverse is also true. Humans as a species are reasonably formidable, but those living in cities are far from as capable physically as those who live a more natural lifestyle. This lady may be a polar bear, but she's a civilized one which I would expect to both be more averse to physical trauma than the bears of our world and to be physically less capable. You don't have to beat someone down to the point of death to mug them, often the threat of pain will suffice. If someone jumps out at me with a pocketknife and demands money my response isn't 'That probably can't kill me, let's duel!'.

    I'd say there were limits and that a ferret mugger would do best to stick to smaller creatures, but on the other hand this is Zootopia, where anyone can be anything and I'd just bet there IS a mouse mugger out there who's figured out some scheme to use speed and size as an advantage. (And whose takedown will require a fight scene atop a moving truck at the climax of the movie.)

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  • RT_Pilon said:
    Interesting, this still appears to be on the tracks, give it time though...

    I have a sneaking suspicion Borba’s got a broken rail in just a few miles

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  • Even after the dumpster fire that was I will survive and born to be alive ,you would think Borba would learn his lesson from his poorly conceived comics but he continues to beat the dead horse that are his comics.

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  • 3HC-Hg-CH3 said:
    Right, but the reverse is also true. Humans as a species are reasonably formidable, but those living in cities are far from as capable physically as those who live a more natural lifestyle. This lady may be a polar bear, but she's a civilized one which I would expect to both be more averse to physical trauma than the bears of our world and to be physically less capable. You don't have to beat someone down to the point of death to mug them, often the threat of pain will suffice. If someone jumps out at me with a pocketknife and demands money my response isn't 'That probably can't kill me, let's duel!'.

    I'd say there were limits and that a ferret mugger would do best to stick to smaller creatures, but on the other hand this is Zootopia, where anyone can be anything and I'd just bet there IS a mouse mugger out there who's figured out some scheme to use speed and size as an advantage. (And whose takedown will require a fight scene atop a moving truck at the climax of the movie.)

    Oh you are quite right with that, but you do forget one thing, these two, both are clearly lacking proper meals, they aren't even up to standards alone on a proper full diet, so yes, she is at a disadvantage in both being slightly pampered from being in a city, and with the lack of proper nutrition, then again, seeing as she lives in a city, and being a lady of the night, she's probably versed in at the very least hand to hand fisticuffs to protect herself. Though I do see your point of, 'knife hurt, pain bad' sorry, simplest I can put it, we are still talking about a creature with thick fur and thick skin, meant to take clawing, I don't think a pocket knife would work, Bowie knife, hell yeah. So yeah, with the right conditions, it is very possible to mug this Polar bear, it's just a stupid as fuck plan if she gets pissed and swipes at your head when she's handing off her purse to you.

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  • CrazyKat said:
    Even after the dumpster fire that was I will survive and born to be alive ,you would think Borba would learn his lesson from his poorly conceived comics but he continues to beat the dead horse that are his comics.

    I wonder if Borba will try a twist in this story like he likes to do so much, (it probably won't be a good twist though)

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