sorez created by solardelton
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Sorez was new to this G-Milk bar, they seem to be popping up in every city and town, spreading like some sort of disease... or well it would be, yet there is never and news about these bars.. so one curious visit to the new one in town later, Sorez finds himself confronted inside by a rather large goat, his clothes definitely too small for him... as Sorez finally took a shot of the oh so popular G-milk...

Sorez felt... hot... too focused on the sudden tightness of his clothes as the drunk goat dragged him out the back door, the goat's clothes ripping apart and falling off rather quickly.. as his own clothes soon follow as well, everything looking.. smaller and smaller... as he falls to his knees at the powerful heat he's feeling, underwear ripping away as his huge junk slams to the floor, growing in full view, as the goat who once looked quite normal but large, now was sporting his own giant junk, and an erect monster of a dick...

His head filled with the sudden desire for more G-milk... more sex.. more.. spread.. and the goat seemed to be feeling the same as he suddenly thrusted his huge rod into Sorez's now malleable ears and head, the g-milk working through his system as his own huge rod throbs with a monstrous desire. Lips growing on the fox, yet these soon won't last as the g-milk continued to abuse their genetic makeup...

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