created by plaguedobsession
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Story by Fullbloodlion

“Happy birthday, kitten…” Bruce spoke with a voice that echoed off of the plain, black, concrete walls of the basement chamber as he slowly made his way down the stairs. “I figured today would be a good day to end your punishment. It can be part of your birthday gift…”

Bruce had an almost cheery demeanor to him as he strolled across the cold floor of the basement toward a small cage in the corner, stopping and kneeling just next to it. The corner was painfully hot, even to the fully nude bull. It was that way for a reason, however, because inside the cage was a slave, encased from head to toe in rubber, that needed to be punished.

For almost a full month, Jack had been locked up inside the cage, which was roughly three feet wide, long, and tall. Barely enough room to crouch, and not at all enough room to lay down or relax. Attached to the top of the cage was an electrical box with a small timer, as well as a knob set to ‘random’, and coming from it a series of wires that connected to leads attached to the rubber suit of the lion. As Bruce watched the timer count down to 0, he chuckled slightly, seeing his favorite slave tense up and moan nice and loud in pain.

On either side of the cage was a large heater, the kind that would be used to heat a room in the dead of winter. Both were set to high, and the heat coming from them was enough to cause the bull’s fur to almost instantly soak with sweat. Finally, coming through the ceiling from a room above the basement, was a long tube connected to the side of the cage. The inside of the tube was speckled with yellow liquid, and a small puddle had formed under the connection to the cage.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson, kitten, because next time you say ‘no’ to me you’ll be here for a full year.” Bruce grinned to himself, thinking back to what led to his kitten being in this situation in the first place. The writhing lion, bound tight as the welding torch melded the rivet to the metal cage the contained Jack’s small cock. The smell of Jack’s fear and arousal, mixed with the overwhelming scent of singed fur. The ringing of Jack screaming ‘no’ as Bruce permanently locked his kitten’s cock away.

Without speaking, Bruce unlocked the tiny cage, carefully grabbing at the hot bars to pull the door open, then, with one smooth motion, he reached in to pull his kitten out. Instantly Jack began to moan and whine in pained pleasure. The stiffness and soreness in his muscles, having been cramped in the cage for so long, caused agonizing cramps to overtake the lion as he tried to fall limp in the bull’s arms. Every motion felt like fire to the lion’s sore body, and he could feel his sweat moving around between his furred flesh and the tight rubber.

“Hush, kitten, you’ll be fine. You’re just sore is all. Don’t worry though, I’ll take your mind off of that real quickly…” Bruce carried Jack to the other side of the basement, plopping him down on the floor next to a table of various implements. “Now I know you thought that your birthday meant you would be allowed a ruined orgasm, but kittens don’t cum, so you can forget about that ever happening. Instead, I’ve decided to give you a different gift.”

Moving down to Jack’s lower half and kneeling next to the lion’s footpaws, Bruce used his fingers to slowly tease over the rubber there, tickling the shiny bottoms of the lion’s toes.

“I think some time out of your rubber will be just as pleasurable to you as any orgasm ever would, don’t you agree kitten? Besides, I’m sure after two years your body could definitely use some fresh air…” Bruce chuckled to himself as he used his strong grip to tear open the rubber at the bottoms of each of the lion’s footpaws. Moving quickly, the bull slid the rubber up over each paw, bunching the rubber up at the lion’s ankles. He immediately stopped, moving back a bit and wrinkling his nose. “Fuck, cat… You reek! Those paws smell terrible! Rff… there’s no way that rubber is coming off of you. I don’t want my house smelling like your rank sweat…”

Bruce stood up, idly waving his hand in front of his nose as he looked down over his sweaty kitten, contemplating what he should do. He watched as the accumulated sweat dripped off of the lion’s toes, how he splayed and wiggled them at the cool air washing over them for the first time in years, and took note of just how intense the scent of musk was on his slave. He thought to himself for quite a while as he watched his wiggling, writhing pet, and then he started to grin once again.

“I’ve got it, boy. I know how I can treat you for your birthday. I can treat you like a nice, proper slave. You can service your master, same as you always do, and thank him when you are done.” Bruce grinned, moving up to Jack’s head and leaning in close, licking over his exposed, ring-gagged muzzle. “Because a kitten like you would want nothing else, right?”

Bruce was upright once again, this time standing over the table next to Jack, looking over the various items there. A couple in particular caught his eye, and he immediately got to work. First things first, Bruce grabbed a small tube, almost like a chastity cage, but with a small plastic hose coming from the end of it. It seemed less constricting than a chastity device, and didn’t have a place for a lock. Instead, Bruce slipped the cage over his flaccid cock, buckling it with a small leather snap strap behind his balls.

Next, the bull picked up an old favorite. A thick metal paddle, wrapped in leather, that was about as wide as a ruler, but much, much heavier. Bruce brought the paddle down hard on the edge of the table, causing a loud slap to ring through the room, making Jack jerk up into the air and whine out of fear. For the sake of keeping things interesting, Bruce also grabbed a small, looped whip from the items, throwing it over his shoulder.

Lastly, the bull grabbed his trusted ankle spreader, which he tossed down between Jack’s legs, “accidentally” nailing the lion in the crotch with one end of it. Jack yelped, wriggling around in his rubber a bit, as Bruce once again got down next to his slave, making quick work of latching the cuffs of the ankle spreader to Jack’s legs, leaving the rubber-bound lion nice and exposed for his master.

“There we go, kitten. Just how I like you. Now, it’s been a while since I have had a shower, so you have your work cut out for you. Same as always, your muzzle stays closed until the first hit to your balls. I want you worshiping your Master’s scent before you clean him.” With that said, Bruce wasted no time swinging his leg over Jack’s chest, hovering his rump over the lion’s muzzle before plopping it down, lining his musky hole up with his slave’s muzzle before leaning forward to have his own fun.

Jack could smell the musk of his Master before he even sat down, but once his muzzle did make contact under the bull’s tail, his head began to swim. The scent and musk was overpowering, causing the lion to pant and moan in overwhelmed submissiveness. Not allowed to open his muzzle, all Jack was able to do was inhale through his nose, being forced to fill his lungs with the heavy bull scent.

While Jack’s mind was distracted with the task of breathing in his Master, he barely took any notice of what else was happening on his body. As Bruce unzipped the crotch of the lion’s rubber suit, Jack barely felt it, too lost in his servitude to his Master. Even as the bull connected the tube coming from his crotch to the plug firmly in place inside the lion’s hole, Jack barely noticed. The slave was too concerned with worshiping, as good slaves tend to be.

Bruce looked over the musky, sweaty, caged cock of his kitten. The lion’s balls were full and heavy, holding in a few years worth of cum. His cock was crammed into and bulging from the teeny, tiny metal cage, leaving only those full balls protruding from his body, which Bruce immediately began to grope, feeling over the matted, wet, smelly fur on them, and it was this that got Jack’s attention.

Having gone so long without stimulation, Jack’s balls were sensitive. Very, very sensitive, and the rough, strong hands of his Master played to that as they felt over the swollen orbs. Jack knew what was coming, and he readied himself for it. He knew that at any moment, he would feel his Master’s strength being unleashed.

With a loud slap, the first his landed. The thick, heavy paddle flattened the swollen balls of the lion as Bruce brought it down with all of his strength. The bull’s weight kept Jack’s body in place, only the lion’s legs and head making any movement, the latter just pushing further up into the bull’s musky hole.

“Start licking, boy. I want that hole cleaned nice and proper!” Bruce growled in his normal, commanding tone. Again, he brought the paddle down once more, watching the full balls bounce back to their round shape after being flattened, taking note of the enjoyable sight of the tiny cage jiggling with every hit. “Isn’t it nice, kitten? This is how these balls will always be. Completely full, sensitive to the touch, all because that little cock of yours has been locked away forever…”

Bruce continued the onslaught, bringing the paddle down with varying force and timings, making sure his kitten wouldn’t get used to a pattern of slaps from him. Each strike of the paddle, regardless of how much strength was in it, caused Jack to think his balls were crushed, fully expecting Bruce to tell him that his heavy orbs are just mush now, until the next strike of the paddle, making him aware that his balls are still in tact and fully capable of feeling everything Bruce throws at them.

Despite all of this, Jack’s years of training as a slave kicked in almost immediately, and even though he was in unbearable pain, he kept up his licking, doing exactly as he was told, making sure to get his Master as clean as possible, licking the musk and sweat from under his tail as his balls were beaten repeatedly, until suddenly the beating stopped.

“You’re leaking, boy. Cum stays inside. You better get that under control, because if I see so much as a drop of cum, then this rubber suit will be as permanent as your cage. You’ll be just like your rhino friend in my foyer, only in much more pain.” Bruce growled, wiggling his rump against Jack’s muzzle. “But I am a nice Master, so I will give you a bit of a break to regain yourself. I need a little break myself…”

Jack’s eyebrow rose under his rubber hood as he was allowed a break, curious as to why his Master needed one, until he felt the trickling in his hole. A warm ruse of liquid slowly pushed its way into the lion, and Jack began to writhe.

“You know the rules, boy. Any time I piss, it goes into you, and since your muzzle is a bit occupied… “Bruce grinned, watching the yellow liquid flow from the tube attached to his cock down to the plug planted in his kitten. “… this will have to do. I don’t mind it one bit.”

The feeling was both pleasant and terrible to Jack. He felt his belly bulging as the bull’s full bladder emptied into him, filling his hole to capacity with hot piss, worried that the stream might never end.

“Almost done kitten, then it’s time to start again!” Bruce kept his eyes pointed down to the tube, watching his piss flow through as he reached a hand to his shoulder, grabbing the coiled whip off of it and dropping the paddle. “Alright kitten, I’m empty. Ready for round two? I want you to get that tongue deep this time.”

Bruce leaned forward a bit, reaching a free hand back to adjust his tail, spreading his ass a bit for his kitten to get his tongue in deeper. As he leaned, the lion’s smelly paws reintroduced themselves to the bull, causing his face to contort from the strong musk.

“Fuck kitten, you smell awful, maybe I should just seal your rubber up for good anyway. I don’t foresee ever wanting to smell this again.” Having readjusted himself, Bruce sat back up, uncurling the wound whip, revealing its short length. “Alright cat, back to licking. Remember, cum stays inside.”

Without warning, Bruce expertly brought the whip down, the flayed tip of it dancing along the tender balls of the lion. Just the start of another round of amusement for the bull, and another day of servitude for the lion...

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