created by echinoderma
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Originally posted

Echoen blesses a bunny with corruptive cum that induces growth in whomever imbibes it.

So naturally shi just up and sucks hirself off.

Ah, bunnies.

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  • Do not mass tag. Tagging should be done purely based off what is visible in a given image, regardless of any other images in the pool it might be a part of. For example in this specific image the tags corruption, growth, multi_limb, mutation, etc. do not apply. Sure, they might apply on other images in this pool, but not this one.

    In accordance to the gender tagging guidelines, this also is not a herm but a gynomorph as no female genitalia is visible, and gender tags (as any tags on e621) should be applied purely based on what is visible in the image.

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