aaron lawson created by lonbluewolf
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I sat here for 5 minutes trying to come up with a title and all I can think of is "Dilf"
And dang it, Aaron Lawson here has a smoking hot body, Evay's father is smoking hot.

He is a fit 40ish year old, business sense, fit to his physical peak, leading man of a multimillionaire company called Swifttech, making him easily a stinking rich DILF. He's smart, cunning. Battle hardened, left arm and right foot are both bio-mechanical. Right eye is blue, left eye is brown. Scarring on his right eye and he gets away sometimes as coming off as a bit of a sabre-tooth because of his canines jutting out his upper jaw.

Here, Aaron is just relieving himself of some pent up stress. I imagine the guy is pretty heart broken too with a daughter and wife he has no idea if they are going to survive their fatal crash they suffered. Now if you follow my stories, you'll know the daughter becomes the Cyber-Lynx.

That depends when ever this pic takes place but honestly I am surprised if you are reading this...what are you doing! DILF ON SCREEN! cHECK OUT DEM ABS! His rock hard...as well as...rock hard??? XD

drawn by lonbluewolf lonbluewolf Uploaded cause I've stuck up naughty ones before and this is my main gallery. I embrace sexual activity and great works of art of nude characters cause the human/furson body is an amazing thing, no matter your gender, race or size.

Blah, blah, blah.... What you guys think of Evay's papa?

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