created by beth cavener stichter
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  • Maybe not totally feral, I never saw a rabbit crotch up close, but that snatch looks human, besides, that expression likens the one Nala had in a similar position, in The Lion Kind, the famous "Nala's look".

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  • buckaroo said:
    Maybe not totally feral, I never saw a rabbit crotch up close, but that snatch looks human, besides, that expression likens the one Nala had in a similar position, in The Lion Kind, the famous "Nala's look".

    The creature doesn't have to be completely feral. It can still show human emotions and have some anthropomorphic features and capabilities. It just has to resemble the original animal more, shape-wise, rather than resemble a human/furry. Nala is tagged as a feral on this site, and she has human expression and other features.

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