venus spring (sony interactive entertainment and etc) created by marsminer
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  • Comments
  • Why is she wearing mascara. late at night, In a house,and playing video games. Just seems a bit over the top to me.

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  • zaytor said:
    Why is she wearing mascara. late at night, In a house,and playing video games. Just seems a bit over the top to me.

    What makes you assume that it's late at night? Or that she didn't just get home from being out doing errands and went straight to gaming to chill out?

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  • zaytor said:
    Why is she wearing mascara. late at night, In a house,and playing video games. Just seems a bit over the top to me.

    This could of been a date.

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  • zaytor said:
    Why is she wearing mascara. late at night, In a house,and playing video games. Just seems a bit over the top to me.

    The artist thought it was hot, I guess. Porn artists aren't always concerned with realism (the anatomy of the average hentai woman should make that plenty clear).

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