angel eyes and sean kelley created by monstercheetah
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Tight Moments


The air was crisp, the stars were blurry, and the bar was barely half full. The cheetah known only as Angel Eyes opened the door, and strolled on in casually. He looked at her as she walked in, taking a sip from his glass, and took a look at her features.

Her mane, white like snow, faded to golden orange fur when it reached the back of her head. From hindsight, it seemed that the white was dyed, much like the red tips, but he was good with observation, and he knew; the white was natural.

Her ocean blue eyes were that truly deep shade, so deep you may think it was purple; but you could still just barely tell that it was blue. In the night, they seemed to be glowing. Who knows? They might’ve been.

Her clothing was casual, and it was recognized. It was that red vest, blue hoodie, black jeans and boots outfit she wore. She walked towards the counter, hands in her jean pockets, and eyes deadlocked onto the cabinet adorned with hard liquor. He had heard many things about this mysterious cheetah woman, and her drinking habit was on top of the list.

The alligator Sean Kelley was a regular at this particular bar. And this particular woman had been coming here for about two days now. The first time she came, some fat biker dipshit tried to hit on her, all cheesy like. She ended up getting so annoyed; she ended his attempts by flattening his fingers just by squeezing them, which sounded both hot and utterly terrifying.

Sean had had to do this himself many times before when he’d take a date out to one of his favorite spots, but never would he had expected a five and a half foot woman capable of doing such a feat. Her boots clopped along the wooden floors until they reached the counter. She slipped onto the stool without skipping a beat and rested her paws on the table.

Sean Kelley knew of her, but he had no interest in flirting with her. Unlike the people who had refused to leave her alone, he was a man who knew how to respect a woman’s personal space. And besides, even if they’d get anywhere, he had serious doubts that either of them would get sexual. Not that she wasn’t beautiful, because she obviously was. It was just; well…she wasn’t that kind of girl. He could tell.

With that in mind, Sean simply turned his head back to the TV, and finished his starting beer, as he called it. Sean was the sort of person who enjoyed a weaker mix of booze before taking on the big stuff, and now it was time.

“Glass’a gin, hold the tonic.” They said.

Wait, they?

Sean turned his head back to the cheetah and realized that they just said the same thing in unison. The alligator locked eyes with her in a split second, and all the sudden, his interest in her had risen. Even the iguana barkeep took notice of this.

“Huh,” she said. “Maybe hope for ya, after all, girl.”

She calmly poured the two glasses, put a lime in each, and set them down in front of the two. Then, for what seemed to be the longest time, they did nothing. They just watched in silence as the ice in their glasses slowly melted, and moistened the clear, sturdy yet fragile material. Finally, Sean reached for his glass, just as the cheetah did the same. They looked at each other, and the cheetah scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Very funny…” she said, seemingly to no one in particular. Sean could detect the trace of New Orleans in her voice. “I suppose this makes us two of a kind in your eyes?”

Sean couldn’t help but snicker. “I didn’t say nothin’, miss.” He replied.

He proceeded to take a sip of his gin and winced at the strong burning sensation. The cheetah took a sip as well and didn’t even flinch.

“Experienced with booze?” he asked.

“Let’s just say ah’ve had some time on mah hands.” She answered.

Sean couldn’t help but smile, and returned his gaze to the TV, watching as the runner on the screen dashed across the field, ball firmly in his grip. He took another sip, and winced again.

“Don’t think I got your name.” he said.

“No. I very much doubt you did.” She replied.

Sean looked back at her with a raised brow, and then looked back to the TV with a smirk. “Fair enough.”

The cheetah downed half her glass in one big gulp. Not a single reaction on her face. “How ‘bout you, big guy? Gotta name?” she asked, not in an interested, sensual way, but a more casual, vaguely interested kind of way.

“Sean Kelley.” The gator answered. “I’m a native to the savage town you’ve entered, and may be your only chance for hospitable refuge.” He said jokingly, lifting his glass to the TV screen.

“Yeah…I noticed that much yesterday.” She stated, looking towards an empty table with a look of anger in her eyes.
Sean’s smile faded. Her irritation was clear, but so far, all he had heard were stories on the matter, and they seemed kind of farfetched, to tell the truth. “Is it true you broke some fatass’ hand yesterday? People are talking about it, but most of those people get shitfaced that time of day.”

“No, it’s true. Put ‘im in his place, and made ‘im scurry on back to his little friends.” The cheetah answered, eyes locked dead on the screen as the other players tackled the runner one by one. “Never, was it so damn satisfying to clean the grease out of my fingers. To wipe mah’ hands clean of another lowlife thinkin’ he owns me before he even knows me…”

The whistle blew as the players got up one by one, leaving the runner on the ground to pick himself up without his team coming to help.

“…so satisfying to watch that little piggy scurry on off to his-”

“WHOOO-DAH! I AM FRICKIN’ WASTED, EVELYN!” another patron shouted at the top of his lungs, a young skinny goat boy with a beer bottle wobbling between his fingers.

Evelyn, the barkeep, of course, rolled her eyes and shook her head as she waved him off and went to another customer. “PFF-AAAH! WHADDYA YA KNOW!?” he continued to shout, wrapping his arms around the two absentmindedly.


He looked to Sean, who was now trying as hard as he possibly could to focus on the TV. He looked at the gator’s glass, and took a whiff of the smell. “WHOO! THAT SMELLS LIKE IT COULD CHEW THROUGH YOUR STOMACH, DUDE!” he shouted.

“How ‘bout ya take a sip, and find out?” the gator replied.


He took a big swig of the weaksauce, and then shifted his head to the left, looking directly at the cheetah’s face. She took notice immediately, and scoffed again, looking back at the TV. The goat looked back to the gator, then to the cheetah again, then the gator, then the cheetah, and then finished his bottle in a big glug and tried to slick back his hair with his hand.

“WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!! HEY!! Hey…hang on a sec…*hic*…”

He dropped his bottle.

“…miss…Angel Eyes…”

He took his hands off of Sean, and then put them on the cheetah’s shoulders, much to her obvious displeasure. “Howa’bout…*hic*…ya ditch ol’ Bowser Jr., and uh…*hic*…come on back with me…so I can…*hic*…tuck ya in all safe in sound in my…*hic*…castle…?”

Both Angel and Sean looked at him with raised brows, neither one of them moving from their spot. After what could be assumed to be two to three minutes, they looked at each other, and then back to the skinny goat boy with narrowed eyes. Evelyn watched as the two of them got up, and grabbed a large bottle of whisky before slowly ducking behind the counter. She slowly opened the bottle, and drank from it, waiting for whatever would happen next to be over. As she drank, she listened to the sounds emitting from above the counter…









Down he flew over the counter, right into the half-empty shelf, and smashing through everything, and falling onto the floor, his clothing ripped, his left horn cracked, his arm broken, and some of his fur ripped off. Evelyn looked at him and took another swig of her whiskey. She slowly stood up, and rose above the counter, looking towards the spot they were standing.

Both the cheetah and the alligator looked at her before looking at the shelf. The iguana gently sat her bottle on the somewhat ruined counter before putting her hand on her hip, her clean white shirt slightly wrinkling.

The gator looked at the cheetah, who was still dusting her hands. Once finished, she looked at the iguana and realized that she had broken both the counter and the shelf. “Oh…” she stated.

“Let him pay for it.” Sean said quickly.

Evelyn looked down at the unconscious goat boy and then back at the two predators. “Pretty sure he can’t afford to pay.” She answered.

“Come on Evelyn, you know that he can just as easily work it off with the mop. Can’t you just get him to work it off for a few days or whatever?” Sean asked. He really hoped she’d consider it. He really wasn’t in the range of paying for new wood at the time, let alone the material that the counter was made out of.

The iguana looked at the two of them, specifically the gator, before turning her full attention to the cheetah. “Get her to move her sword out of my room across the street, and you gotta deal.” She answered. “Hope that’s alright with you Angel, but you do understand; I’d need your room so he could sleep close to the bar, and work off the damage.”

Angel didn’t flinch. “Sure.”

She turned to leave the bar. “Comin’ Kelley?”

Sean shook the iguana’s hand before returning to the cheetah’s side. One specific question was on his mind.

“You have a sword?”

Indeed she had a sword, a shamshir to be exact. And when she went to retrieve it, it was her only piece of luggage. She had no backpack, no suitcase, not even a change of clothes. Now she was walking with the large gator to a destination that was currently unknown to him. She held her sword by its grip in her right hand while her free hand rested in her vest pocket. Sean held his hands in his own pockets as he let the crisp evening air blow in his face. He looked up to the somewhat cloudy sky and watched the clouds slowly hover over the moon, changing its shape second after second.

Then he looked back to the cheetah and realized that in the little supply of moonlight, her eyes actually WERE glowing. Whether it was because of the moonlight, or because she was making them do so, he was unsure. One thing was for sure; the silence she was producing was not a good way to end their time together. He knew that if they were going to hit it off, he’d have to say SOMETHING.

“So…Angel Eyes. Where ya heading to now?” he asked.

For a moment, she said nothing. She just looked forward at the empty streets and twirled her sword, resting it on her shoulder.

“You do realize that the silence is making it awkward, right?” Sean added.

The cheetah stopped walking, and with her free hand, took her free hand out of her pocket, and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“*sigh*…fuck’s sakes…” she said silently. “…look, Kelley. Ya a nice guy, okay? You can throw a few punches, and…ya got some manners. Not many of the boys I meet do.”

She placed her sword in front of her and looked over the blade’s curve. “But I am one of those types of girls who likes to keep her privacy. I ain’t the type who goes for cream fillin’ ev’ry Saturday night, and frankly…I don’t really understand why people enjoy it so much anyways.”

Sean took his hands out of his pockets and folded his arms. “So yer sayin’ you haven’t done it before.”

Angel didn’t take her eyes off the blade. “Ah, no. No, ah’ve done before. I ain't any goddamn virgin. Did it in my free time, of my free will. I just didn’t find any reason to get into it more, is all.”

Sean slowly approached the distant cheetah and placed his hand on hers. “Maybe, you didn’t do it with the right guy? Maybe you did it with someone who didn’t meet your specific…tastes?”

She looked up at him with a raised brow. He couldn’t tell if she was considering it or not. “And what? You think you might meet the requirements?” she asked.

“Maybe…if you’d be willing to give it a shot.” He answered. “And you still haven’t told me where you’re going.”

The cheetah calmly removed the gator’s hand from her own. “Skipping town.”

She planted her sword onto the ground and started leaning on it. “I’m what you call a drifter, Kelley. Whenever I stick around a town for too long, I get bored, and I hightail it out.”

She took a look at the road and watched as an oncoming car passed the two by.

“So what do you do when you get to a town?” Sean asked.

“Eh, ya know; hit a bar. Try to get wasted. Fail miserably.”

She smiled. “It’s actually a curse I happen to have. I can drink your weight in booze in a single night, and no matter how much goes into my system, I just don’t seem to feel anything. At this point, it’s gotten to aiming for the flavor, rather than the effects.”

Sean raised a brow. “What about food? What about sleep?”

She looked back at him. “Never needed either.” She answered.

Sean walked up to Angel, hands going back into his pockets, and got face to face with her. They looked at each other for the longest time, neither of them looking away. Sean Kelly hadn’t been thinking of the possibility of spending a night with this cheetah, and yet for some odd reason, she was starting to grow on him. Just something about her personality was clicking with him. That and the fact that she apparently had sex only one time.

“Maybe you should consider trying something a little bit different. Mingle with the locals a little more; partake in some of the…”

He reached out his hand, and gently brushed his fingers along the scar on her cheek.


Angel Eyes watched his hand continue to rub her face. She let the gator continue to stroke along her cheek scar and eyed it as it traveled down to her lip, softly stroking that scar as well. Not that the former wounds bothered her anymore; she carried those scars for years. But usually, physical contact with any male, female, or just about anyone, in particular, drove her to assault whoever dared to touch her.

This time, however, it was different. Unlike all those other times, this one wasn’t particularly unwanted. Maybe it was something about the larger predator that drove into her interests? Something that he offered that the others did not?

Whatever the case, she found herself reaching her own hand to the part of his chest that wasn’t exposed by his shirt, and felt along the hard muscle, as well as his collarbone.

“And what? You think you might be able to get me to enjoy those customs, Mr. Kelley?”

The gator couldn’t help but smile. “Maybe…if you’d be willing to give it a shot.”

The door to Sean’s apartment was swung open as he carried Angel Eyes inside. The moment she realized that she was in his place, she threw her sword down on his sofa and continued making out with him. Now with two free paws, she was able to hold herself more steadily, wrapping one arm around the back of his head while the other one held his cheek to guide his lips to hers.

Sean used his leg to close the door and proceeded to carry her to his bedroom. One of his arms held her by her legs while the other held her by her back, keeping her held upright so she wouldn’t fall. The two got to the closed door, and Sean gently set the cheetah down and continued to keep kissing her. Despite their size difference, they were able to manage just fine.

Sean planted his hands firmly on the cheetah’s back while Angel put her paws on the gator’s massive shoulders. He parted their lips and allowed his tongue to enter her mouth, earning a shiver from her in the process. His breath still reeked of fresh alcohol, and he knew full well that her mouth would taste the same. After all, those drinks were shared back at the bar.

Sean was a man who had done this sort of thing many times before. He knew how to get a woman riled up for the moment, and he knew when which partner was meant to service which. This was a time when he would serve her. He placed his hands on her shoulders, parted lips and tongues with her, and looked into those beautiful deep blue eyes. “Just let me do the work here, yeah?”

No response; just a silent nod.

Sean Kelly kneeled down to get to the proper level and proceeded to drag his long tongue across the cheetah’s gold throat.

“Mmmmm…mm-AH!” she moaned. The sensation was admittingly a new feeling for her. She was so caught up in it, however, that she was actually caught off guard when he lifted her off the floor, and held her up in the air, back leaning against the door, and continued to slurp along her throat, gripping her rear as he did so.

“AH! Ah-ah-oh…oh…mmm…”

Sean’s large hands were able to grip her rear perfectly. He continued to lick until eventually opening his equally large mouth, and softly bite into the fuzzy flesh.

“Oooohhhhh…” the cheetah moaned. The gator on the other hand merely produced heavier breathing. She felt his hands begin to massage her ass through the fabric of her jeans. The feeling of those hands…which eventually became just one.

Angel’s eyes were closed as the gator continued to massage her neck with his mouth. when she opened them to see why he stopped using one of his hands, she saw that it was going up to her vest, and she watched with reddened cheeks as he slowly unzipped it, and let it fall off of her and onto the floor. Despite the feelings rushing through her, Angel refused to just be completely subjective and began to unbutton the gator’s shirt, being as careful as she could to not rip them off by accident. She knew that she was strong enough to do so.

The gator looked down as he continued to bite, and saw that her hoodie was a pullover. Clearly, something that could be fixed in the room. The rest of her clothes, however, could be removed in the hall. He started with her boots, undoing the laces first before removing them one at a time, allowing her hind paws full exposure. He took note of how well managed they seemed to be, especially her paw pads.

Then he looked up towards her pants, specifically her belt, keeping the black denim firmly in place. While he started to unbuckle the belt, Angel finally got the buttons off of Kelly’s shirt, and with shaky paws, pulled it off of his shoulders. She tried to get it all the way off, but she realized that it didn’t particularly matter, due to the fact that he was also wearing an undershirt.


She looked down and realized that he had finished unbuckling her pants, allowing them to fall freely to the floor. Now she was only dressed in her hoodie, and her underwear, and in Sean’s eyes, she looked totally hot like that. Especially with the way she was blushing.

Not wanting to waste any time, he opened the door, and carried her into his room, setting her down on the edge of the bed. He removed her hoodie for her, and set it down on the chair on the other side of the room. Then he finished removing his shirt and tossed it on the floor. Then he slowly removed his undershirt, exposing his torso completely, and then finally, he took off his shoes and his pants.

Now the two were only covered in their undergarments. Angel was wearing some sort of navy blue set that had some sort of feline design, while Sean wore a simple pair of black briefs. The cheetah’s throat was reddened from all the attention it had gotten, but it was seconded to the shade of red covering her cheeks.

She took the time to admire his almost naked form. His chest was completely toned, and his broad shoulders made him perfectly V-shaped. His powerful legs did well to add to his athletic form, and his massive tail slowly swung with anticipation.

As Angel looked him over, Sean did the same. Underneath the hoodie and the jeans, her form had that healthy athletic build. Her tummy had a small four pack that complimented her curves. Her hips were moderately wide; not totally large, but not totally small; she had a good balance despite her claims of never eating. Then there was her chest area; perfect c-cups, which did well to compliment her hips.

Then the two locked eyes once again. The cheetah looked into the gator’s lime green irises and saw patience within them. She had seen the same thing many times during her journeys across the land, but never when someone had wanted to get between her legs. It was honestly refreshing to see.

“You still seem nervous.” He said to her, his voice filled with minor concern.

“I’ll be honest, Kelly; I have no idea what ah’m doin’ here.” She replied.

She looked down to the floor. “I know how to drink your weight in booze without puking, I know how to beat someone three times my size half to hell, I know how to swing a sword through someone’s head like cheese; hell, I know how to jump over a moving car without gettin’ run ova’.”

She looked back into his eyes, putting her arms around her breasts in defense. “But the one thing I can’t do, Kelly? Is this.”

Sean looked down at the cheetah and approached her slowly. She still wouldn’t look at him and continued to stare at the floor. To get her to look at him again, he cupped her cheek in his hand and guided her muzzle until it made contact with his own, pressing their lips together in a gentle fashion.

The sudden contact made her close her eyes on instinct, and she slowly removed her arms from her chest to grab onto his shoulders again, making sure that she kept herself balanced. As the gator continued to kiss her, he slowly shifted his weight, making her lean back until she was lying down on the bed, her legs hanging out over the end.

He parted their lips, and Angel looked up into his eyes, still holding that look of patience. “Then don’t do it.” He said calmly. “Just relax…and let me do it for you.”

He then began to deliver a soft series of kisses down her neck, eventually reaching her cleavage. One of his hands went behind her back, holding her upright, while the other undid her bra. After removing it, he used his free hand to cup her left breast and began to lick along her nipple.

“Hnnn-AAah!” she cried in surprise.

Angel had never felt anything like this before, specifically because her first time didn’t actually involve a lot of foreplay. She found a man who was handsome, had sex with him, and that was it. It wasn’t meant to be something she’d commit herself to; just a onetime thing that she wouldn’t usually have to talk about so she’d know what it was like. But never, did she actually expect intercourse to have such a tender outcome, least of all in a way like this!

The gator was now moving back and forth between her breasts, continuing to lick and bite one breast teasingly while his free hand massaged the other one. His large fingers kneaded along the soft fuzzy c-cups with perfect care, while his tongue slurped along the hardened skin in a swirling fashion.

Eventually, as much as the gator enjoyed listening to her moans of delight, he knew that it was now time to move on. He moved his clawed hand from her back to the back of her head and kissed her on the lips once again.

“Ready to move on, hun?” he asked.

“Y…yess…” she moaned heavenly.


He moved from on top of her, and eventually slid himself off the bed, getting onto his knees. The cheetah’s panties were now practically soaking with juices, leaking off to the sides while the fabric itself had soaked the liquid like a thin sponge.

“Now…let’s see what you’ve been hiding down here all this time. Just what have you been keeping all to yourself?”

He put his fingers on the front of her panties and pressed down ever so slightly. The small amount of pressure caused even more fluid to seep out. Angel Eyes could only watch in anticipation, biting her lower lip as the gator slowly removed the thin fabric, rendering her completely naked and revealing just what she was hiding all those years of drifting.

“Oh my…” he stated.

It was perfect. Just a perfectly straight slit with undamaged walls, seeping out clear juices to the point where they were dripping like melted ice. Had she have been lying about having sex before in her life, Sean Kelly would not have been surprised. It was a perfect slit he could possibly see on a woman, and he was oh so eager to taste it.

First thing was first however. “Would you like it if I were to taste you?” he asked, looking up at her with those bright green eyes.

At this point, her blush was glowing just like her eyes were. For her, that question was as surprising as the massage she had just been given. Having a man stick their prostate into a woman’s area was one thing, but tasting it first? Was that actually a common activity in bed? Did regular couples do this all the time? Her head was now filled with dozens upon dozens of questions; questions she had no interest in answering. All she wanted right now was to feel that sensation.

“Yes…” she whispered.

Sean smiled at her and gently wrapped his fingers around her thighs. He pulled them apart and lifted her up oh so slightly, giving him a better view of that slit. Without waiting any longer, he opened his mouth and guided his long slick tongue across her. Sean was a man who had been inside both men and women. He knew what the two tasted like. The usual flavor was salty sweet. Angel Eyes only tasted sweet. It was kind of like licking a piece of candy, stickiness and all.

Angel Eyes gripped the sheets with a biting lip at the sensation of the massive gator dragging his tongue across her unused hole. The last time she had done this, she had sex and it was over. This was so much different from that, but certainly not in a bad way. The sensation was just…heavenly.

Sean moved his tongue all the way up to Angel’s clit, but as soon as his tongue made contact with the bottom part of her button, he removed his tongue from her, and then went back down to the bottom of her slit. He started his tongue again, licked all the way up to the bottom of her clit, and then went back down again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Sean Kelly repeated this process for some time, savoring that sweet taste all the while. Angel Eyes was going crazy; the feeling of Sean and his tongue gliding across her was sparking up her hormones in a way she never thought would happen. After a while, the feeling of him licking the surface became too little for her to enjoy; she needed more.

She took one of her paws, and gripped the gator’s head, pushing him down into her slit, while her other hand subconsciously cupped her breast.

Sean wasn’t totally surprised when she finally pushed him in; what did surprise him was how strong she was. She was pushing his head down with such force, he was almost unsure if he could get back out again. Not that he was too concerned about that right now.

The gator adjusted himself to his new position and tried to use his muzzle to split apart her walls. Much to his surprise, her walls were so tight, they barely even budged! He actually required a good amount of effort just so he could squeeze his muzzle in a little further! One thought pierced his mind as he did his best to push through; if getting his tongue inside of her was this much a challenge, how difficult would it be to get his dick inside of her? After all, Sean Kelly was no small-timer.

After a surprising amount of effort spent, the gator finally managed to split her walls open enough to squeeze his muzzle through ever so slightly. The amount he got inside was just enough because now he was able to squeeze his tongue inside of her, exploring the unused area. Everything felt so smooth. The taste of the cheetah and her unused hole was sparking up his own arousal to the point where he was tempted to get up and make her suck him off. He had an idea that she may end up enjoying such an activity eventually. But right now, this was not about Sean. It was about Angel. And Angel was the one who needed to be serviced, not him.

He removed one of his hands from her thighs and began to glide it across her smooth fur. The natural softness was kind of like petting a cloud. He ran his fingers across her until eventually arriving at the top of her groin, and with two fingers in place, pressed against the top of her walls until her clit was totally exposed.

“Mmmm…oh, baby, that feels good…” she whispered to him.

His other hand readjusted itself, squeezing along her inner thigh instead of her outer. Sean moved his tongue along her not-so-rough g-spot, gliding himself across her as the cheetah continued to massage her breast on instinct, her other hand refusing to budge. Sean, however, needed it out of the way for him to finish perfectly.

“Move your hand, hun. Daddy needs his space.”

The cheetah opened her eyes, and almost immediately moved both of her hands, letting them set freely alongside her head, and allowing Sean to move his tongue from her pussy, without moving his fingers from her clit. Meanwhile, his free hand moved from her thigh and started to slowly pet her pussy.


Without wasting too much time, Sean inserted two of his fingers into her area, while his tongue started to straight-up attack her defenseless, exposed clit.

“Ah-AAAAAHHH?!” she shouted with shock.

All at once, feelings of pain, pleasure, and pressure just started to build up. Angel, despite her strength, was finding it impossible to build herself a tolerance of any kind. Those feeling combined just felt…so…GOOD!

Sean, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. As he continued to run his tongue all over that tiny button, his fingers began to get squeezed harder and harder as he pumped his two fingers into that unused pussy. He tried to insert a third and a fourth just as those walls started to get too tight, but no matter how hard he tried, they just wouldn’t fit. To make up for this, he began to rub those last two fingers along her labia, and he smiled as he pressed his face even farther into her crotch, forcing as much of his tongue as possible to attack that defenseless little button.

After about sixteen seconds of that painful pleasure, Angel couldn’t keep it in any longer, and all but splattered her clear juices all over the gator’s lips and chin as he used his fingers to force her walls back open, sticking his tongue back into her folds.

“AAA-HAAAAAAHH!!” she screamed, instinctually grabbing both sides of his head and forcing him back in, firmly holding him in place as she finally got an understanding on what she had been missing all these years of travel. Not that any of the people she had met along the way were all that great, but certainly something to keep in mind the next time she found a nice guy.

Her squeals eventually turned to loud breaths, and she allowed her grip on Sean’s head to go free. The gator took a deep breath of fresh air and gently patted the cheetah’s leg. He climbed back on top of her, and gave her a kiss on her forehead, wrapping his muscular arms around her small, yet athletic form.

“Feel good now?” he asked.

She looked up at him with a smile of her own, cheeks still burning red, and nodded.

“Glad to hear it.”

Angel Eyes put her hand on his chin, doing her best to ignore the sticky feeling smeared across him, and pulled him close.

“Don’t get cozy yet, boy. Mama needs a little more than a tongue.” She said as they locked eyes.

Sean took another deep breath and got off of her for a moment. “Then who am I to keep you waiting?”

Sean placed his feet back on the floor and pulled Angel to the edge of the bed. He removed his briefs, allowing Angel to get a good look at what HE was hiding all this time.

If she were to guess, it’d be around eight to nine inches in length and about two inches in girth. The upper area was barbed as if it were covered in some sort of natural armor, and the bottom had a large knot that looked, unlike anything she had seen before. Despite her knowledge of combat, Angel Eyes never bothered to learn about sexual anatomy. Everything that was presented to her at this very moment made her bite her lip in anticipation. She knew that it would probably hurt at first, but then again, she wasn’t a virgin.

“Now then,” he began. “If you feel the need to stop, you just let me know.”

Angel took this into consideration, but all the same remained still. “Ah’m ready for ya.”

With all the permission he needed, Sean Kelly grabbed Angel’s legs and pulled them apart for easier space. He put one hand on her hip and used his other to guide his shaft towards the cheetah’s folds. He pressed his tip against her, earning a small audible inhale from his partner, and slowly began to push himself inside.

“Oh, lord.” The cheetah whispered with closed eyes.

The gator grunted as he began having more trouble than expected. He managed to push his head in, but those folds were so small, he wasn’t able to get all the way inside. He put both hands back on her legs and started to pull. He just managed to get a little bit more inside before he started to moan out.

“Oooh…damn, girl…”

He held the cheetah in a tight embrace as he tried to get the rest of half of himself inside of her. Angel started digging her claws into his broad, scaly shoulders, while Kelly firmly placed a hand on her ass to continue pushing himself inside of her. He gritted his teeth to keep himself from moaning too much. As enjoyable as the sensation was, he disliked the idea of seeming weak in the eyes of a partner.

After what he assumed was around two minutes, Sean could finally feel his knot pushing against those painfully tight, previously unused walls. He moved out of her until his head was all that was left inside, and then he pushed himself all the way inside again.

“Aaa-oooooh…” the cheetah started, her claws continued to dig into those massive shoulders.

In response, Sean began to plant kisses all over the side of her neck as he started to move himself a little easier. Those kisses would eventually turn into a soft nibbling, which would move down to the collarbone. Sean relished in how soft and fuzzy her fur felt. So well kept, even in the moment of passion.

Angel, on the other hand, was finding it harder to think. In most of her life, she had never really bothered to consider sexual relations for having a good time. Every time someone made an advance, they were either totally disgusting or had no manners whatsoever; sometimes both. And in all honesty, she’d probably think the same way again by the time she was out of town. But right now, all she could think of was the blissful sensation of the big gator filling her insides, and stretching her folds.

Drool started to form in her mouth as the gator delivered those small nibbles along her collarbone. Inside of her, that large armored shaft began to pump in and out of her with more ease, slamming in and out of her nonstop as the gator began acting on pure instinct. She remembered his offer to stop at any time, but right now, she wasn’t totally sure if he remembered saying that. Not that she wanted him to stop, mind you. The sensation was something that totally calmed what she could assume was a lifetime of stress.

Sean Kelly started to pump himself in and out of that perfect pussy with more and more force. Angel Eyes was unlike most men and women he put himself inside of. He’d taken virginities on rare occasions before, and he was quite familiar with how difficult it usually was to get those first inches inside. But once he got past that, it was just a ride of absolute perfection; not to mention a rarity when it came to how many partners had already had sex so usually nowadays. It was so rare to meet someone who wasn’t thinking about doing something like this every other hour of the day, and the fact that she wanted to do it with him made it all the more perfect.

Unfortunately, as perfect as the feeling was, he knew that it was already coming to an end. He could feel himself throbbing as his continuous thrusts began to build up more pressure than he’d be letting out in quite a while. As satisfying as it would be to just fill her up completely, he had to make sure that it was what she wanted as well.

“I…I’m close, hun…” he said between breaths. “Whe…where do…do you want…it…?”

He held one of his hands on the bed and gripped the sheets to keep his balance, while his other hand firmly held the cheetah’s hiney. Angel Eyes heard what he said, and she’d be lying if she claimed to not be curious about that knot.

“Just…just finish in me…” she answered quickly.

That was all Sean Kelly had to know. With no more problems to worry about, he began to pump himself in and out of that perfect pussy with full force. As he continued to pump, he began to push more and more of his knot inside of her tightening walls.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out.

At this point, he was able to push about half of his knot into her, but at the rate he was going, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get it all the way inside of her in time. Not if he wanted it to be perfect.

Fortunately, he did have an alternative solution, and he was positive that the cheetah would enjoy it just fine.
With one hand gripping the sheets, with the other hand gripping her ass, and with the cheetah still hanging onto his shoulders, Sean Kelly slowly lifted himself out until only the head of his shaft remained inside. Then, with as much force as he could muster, he slammed himself inside of her and buried his knot into that perfect pussy.

“PWA-HAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” the cheetah screamed.

At the very moment the screaming started, her walls closed tighter than before, and sprayed another large wave of juices, covering Sean’s trapped shaft with a warm sticky sensation. The gator smiled as he completely released himself into her inner folds, load after load of his hot, thick, sticky cum released into her womb without any signs of stopping.

Sean was in a moment of total bliss, his fluids rocketing inside the cheetah without any reason to stop himself. The sensation was so wonderful; he just didn’t want it to stop. But he knew that in the end, it ultimately would. That was why he needed to take in the moment, and enjoy it for what it was until the moment came that he would ultimately finish.

Using the last of his strength, he got onto the bed and wrapped the cheetah in a large, powerful embrace. An embrace that promised the receiver that no harm would dare come to them. An embrace that stated that the receiver would be safe, protected, and happy for all eternity. An embrace that was shared with a woman that was unlike anyone that he had ever met before; a woman who was saying something in his ear.

“If you get up and leave before the sun comes up, I will find you, I will rip your nuts off, and I will force you to chew on them before swallowing.”

Sean wasn’t really sure how to respond to that, but the tone of her voice made it very clear that she wasn’t exaggerating.

“Y-yes ma’am.”

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