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  • I just uncensored a video. The first one in my E6 uncensoring career.
    I also had trouble matching the playback speed. The original was a GIF convert to webM at 6 fps but for the life of me couldn't export it at that, this one is 30, and anything lower and photoshop (or premiere and shutter encoder and handbrake) started to skip important frames. I COULD have exported to GIF and then back to webM but I didn't wanted to loose color and I don't know how aPNG works, so...
    I also could have exported the animation directly from procreate, which is what I used to edit it. I'm gonna try that out later with the other ones.

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  • fillingrelic594 said:
    I just uncensored a video. The first one in my E6 uncensoring career.
    I also had trouble matching the playback speed. The original was a GIF convert to webM at 6 fps but for the life of me couldn't export it at that, this one is 30, and anything lower and photoshop (or premiere and shutter encoder and handbrake) started to skip important frames. I COULD have exported to GIF and then back to webM but I didn't wanted to loose color and I don't know how aPNG works, so...
    I also could have exported the animation directly from procreate, which is what I used to edit it. I'm gonna try that out later with the other ones.

    GIF fileformat works with frame times, not by framerate. Because of this, twitter MP4 files are usually encoded at variable framerate, which does still have its issues. So it would definitely help a fuckload if this artist wasn't one of many who literally only post on twitter for no apparent reason and there was the original GIF file available elsewhere...

    What I usually do is I just do extremely fast MP4 to GIF encoding with FFmpeg which gives me the exact frame times for all the frames, then explode the MP4 into PNG files. After this I can simply match those frame times into correct speed in vegas or something. Usually animations like these either use some constant framerate or are divideable by some common value like 24 FPS so some frames are twos and some threes which makes things even easier. Also because the frames are identical, they compress easily losslessly so they should look fine even with GIF and not be too bloated with APNG.

    APNG there are couple assmeblers which allow you to just input PNG files and manually define frame times or just FFmpeg with ffmpeg -i input.avi -plays 0 output.apng to make it loop infinitely with desired other options.

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  • fillingrelic594 said:
    I just uncensored a video. The first one in my E6 uncensoring career.
    I also had trouble matching the playback speed. The original was a GIF convert to webM at 6 fps but for the life of me couldn't export it at that, this one is 30, and anything lower and photoshop (or premiere and shutter encoder and handbrake) started to skip important frames. I COULD have exported to GIF and then back to webM but I didn't wanted to loose color and I don't know how aPNG works, so...
    I also could have exported the animation directly from procreate, which is what I used to edit it. I'm gonna try that out later with the other ones.

    thank you so much for all your hard work.

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