judy hopps and nick wilde (zootopia and etc) created by amadose
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All-right! Here goes. I went and made a follow up to my last Judy and Nick NTR/cuck leaning comic. A lot of folks didn't seem to sit well with the idea that Judy might not be altogether honest in her relationship, that she might be a flawed character. So I decided to pad out my story a bit and show you'll how this plays out - naturally and without malice.

My aim here was to write out the conversation Nick and Judy might have when she eventually came clean, to give her room to explain how and why, and then to see them both be excited about the future. I sort of figured tie'ing them together would make for a fun place to have the convo.

I hope you all enjoy it! But if you don't that's ok too. I 100% get that this niche fetish isn't for everyone, and even replant for some. I also totally understand and see how this fan-comic might not be in line with your personal cannon. If that describes you, then I'd just encourage you to close the tab and walk away. Neither you or I will benefit from negative comments and I'll just delete them anyway. I also don't have time to explain this fetish or help you understand why I want to make these silly comics. Keep things positive, friendly and fun - the way furry community aught to be <3

If you're up for leaving me a positive comment here, I'd love to hear what you think of the comic. I worked super hard on it =)

  • Comments
  • Well, at least the art is good in this Judy-is-a-cheating-shit-and-Nick's-a-doormat "comic."

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  • CCoyote said:
    For crying out loud, go look up open relationships and Stag & Vixen relationships, stop with the naive whining, and learn how to use your blacklist.

    Their "open relationship" was for a specific reason and Judy lied to Nick repeatedly to keep it going. That's still cheating. The fact that due to the magic of authorial fiat he was fine with it doesn't change that fact that she lied through her teeth to someone who trusted her.

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  • CCoyote said:
    For crying out loud, go look up open relationships and Stag & Vixen relationships, stop with the naive whining, and learn how to use your blacklist.

    Doesn't work when you blacklist polyamory/cuckoldry and the people that upload this don't tag it properly.

    Believe it or not, some people don't find cuckoldry attractive! Whaaaaat? I know it's crazy that some people don't agree with you, but calm down, it happens!

    Polyamory to most people is weird and gross, and especially if the writing in such comics portray generally untrustworthy behaviour in a relationship that is fundamentally build on trust.

    Get over yourself, my dude. Just because you are A-Okay with having an open relationship doesn't mean everyone on the planet has to agree with you.

    You want people to use the blacklist? Be the change you want to be in the world and tag your shit properly. Tell people that don't tag things that they messed up and should consider fixing it.

    TL;DR: Shut the fuck up about blacklists when the shit isn't tagged properly. You're not special for being a cuck, and no one cares. Get over yourself.

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  • CCoyote said:
    "My dude"? Tell you what, you learn to converse like an adult and stop shaming other people just because they're different from you, and then I'll think about it. Otherwise, nah.

    i hardly think a porn site is any place to be a stick in the mud about proper grammar or whatever

    not disagreeing with you, just sayin the jab at how they talk was a pinch unnecessary

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  • 3HC-Hg-CH3 said:
    Oh poor artist, you expected positive comments? I am so sorry.

    The weaponized high-whine passive-aggressive simpering at the end makes it extra gut-bustingly hilarious.

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  • Im not even into the fetish but imagine getting this pissy over a fictional rabbit cheating on a fictional fox in a non cannon porn comic of a kids movie.

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  • CCoyote said:
    Exactly. THANK YOU.

    Not the grammar, but the inability to talk or think like an adult, which is somewhat required for any serious discussion of sexuality.

    Are you serious right now? I have cuckold blacklisted, yet the uploader can't seem to tag their pictures properly. This is cuckoldry, plain and simple, yet it still shows up for me.

    I used "my dude" because I don't know your life. It's my gender neutral way of responding to people who are a little to high stung on a porn site. If that's the only thing you can get at me at, instead of any other word I said during my previous comment, then you have much bigger problems to attend to. My statement was that you are shaming people who don't want to see this shit, who use the blacklist properly, yet it still shows up because "SpaceShipEarth" doesn't know how to add a simple "Cuckold" tag.

    Seriously "my dude" you are very much a stick in the mud when I have my blacklist set with terms that 99% of other uploaders use, but this uploader can't seem to add.

    I follow the rules on this site. You appear that you're holier then thou because people disagree with you.

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