created by alpha0 and hogswild
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  • anew742 said:
    Is there any difference between this and the parent? I can't tell...

    Higher filesize but same resolution. Flagging the old one because as far as I remember e621 judges on filesize over resolution. This one may be ever so slightly better due to a lack of artifacting.

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  • MeatyLoaf said:
    Higher filesize but same resolution. Flagging the old one because as far as I remember e621 judges on filesize over resolution. This one may be ever so slightly better due to a lack of artifacting.

    As for filesize and resolution, completely and utterly false. Only time I look at those values is with video files, but even then I usually focus on bitrate instead of filesize and frame rate. Filesize is just more simpler for layman than bitrate when trying to get point across with animations.

    What is preferred is quality. So because of that, highest resolution PNG file is usually most preferred one as there's most details and PNG is lossless fileformat. This is also why sometimes bit larger resolution file can be deleted over smaller one if the smaller is PNG and larger JPG; because increase in resolution may not justify the details loss with compression. As PNG is lossless, this may seem like the reason for deletion was filesize, but that's usually irrelevant information.

    It's the same as if you want to keep your music in .flac files instead of .mp3. It's not about the filesize, but the quality that filesize brings on table, flac being lossless.

    In any case, hope this cleared this up a bit. If you are unsure which version is inferior, flagging either one usually helps as it still brings it to staffs attention and if the person handling the flag knows what they are doing, they'll reverse it another way around if necessary.

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