mister mew created by soren kisamora
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My other image for November.

For Months Mister Mew has been having a bit of a problem. His figure only growing heavier despite any sort of diet or exercise that he was trying. It just kept getting worse! Hiding from friends and ladies certainly didn't help as well.

That WAS, until the worried kitty got a little Email spam from his loving, caring, local SoKi Solutions! "Tired of your weight? Looking to be fit? to stop showing your gut to others around you? Help US with Beta testing and lose a few pounds along the way! Apply by clicking-Here-"
Tilting his maw the Feline is one to easily be suckered by such specific Internet campaigns. Only a few clicks in...and there was a knock upon his door. A few waddles and minor huffs result in the Feline being handed a package. Moments of fighting the Containers light tape, and wondering how this thing got to his place so quickly...Soon finds the Kitty holding the device.

The SoKi Solutions, patent pending Raygun 3000 v3.1! [the name STILL needs work]. Excited, the feline finds a place to test it out, choosing his bed to make sure he has a secure, resting position for such a thing. It takes him a few minutes to find the problem "Weight Adjust" settings before giving himself a happy ZAP!

Form wibbling and wobbling around, Mew is excited to see the results of his silly internet clicking. His Tummy finally pulling back, dwindling away! This however, is why the Raygun is a Beta test. As his form settles out...his hips begin to gently ache. A burning sensation forming in his chest...as his figure advances outwards! the Confused kitty squirming about as his Body reshapes itself...soon resulting in the Busty Kitty shown here! Guess that Raygun had a Herm setting to it as well. Look...it said it would help with his Tummy troubles, it didn't say HOW it would! Guess...Misses Mew will have to deal with it for now though, those Rayguns are only sent out with limited charges to them. You know...to stop rampant Raygun firings from occurring.

It's all quite Tragic, I assure you!

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