nintendo and etc created by pasaran
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  • How is Lucario, an obvious canine, oviparous(able to lay eggs)? Same goes with all pokemon that aren't reptilian or avian.

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  • Solarium said:
    How is Lucario, an obvious canine, oviparous(able to lay eggs)? Same goes with all pokemon that aren't reptilian or avian.

    Thats a very good question.
    Now that I think about it, I quite like the concept of all pokemon being oviparous, regardless of species.
    Besides, thats how it works in the games.

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  • Solarium said:
    How is Lucario, an obvious canine, oviparous(able to lay eggs)? Same goes with all pokemon that aren't reptilian or avian.

    porn, that's why.

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  • Solarium said:
    How is Lucario, an obvious canine, oviparous(able to lay eggs)? Same goes with all pokemon that aren't reptilian or avian.

    Its simple, they are monotremes: an egg laying mammalian species. Actually since most "mammal" like pokemon are never shown to have teats, exept miltank of course, they arent even technically mammals only mammal like.

    Also just because a lucario LOOKS like a canine, doesnt technically MAKE them one. Hyenas for an irl example LOOK like they are canids, but in fact they are in reality their own catagory and are actually closer related to the big cats they share habitats with.

    As for egg laying, in real life there was a dog like monotreme that lived long ago. Its been extinct for a very long time, but my point is that a dog like egg laying mammal isnt really so farfetch'd (;P sorry for the pun~)

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  • K-Rayen91 said:
    Its simple, they are monotremes: an egg laying mammalian species. Actually since most "mammal" like pokemon are never shown to have teats, exept miltank of course, they arent even technically mammals only mammal like.

    Also just because a lucario LOOKS like a canine, doesnt technically MAKE them one. Hyenas for an irl example LOOK like they are canids, but in fact they are in reality their own catagory and are actually closer related to the big cats they share habitats with.

    As for egg laying, in real life there was a dog like monotreme that lived long ago. Its been extinct for a very long time, but my point is that a dog like egg laying mammal isnt really so farfetch'd (;P sorry for the pun~)

    You.... You have a devastatingly good point there.

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  • Untamed said:
    Thats a very good question.
    Now that I think about it, I quite like the concept of all pokemon being oviparous, regardless of species.
    Besides, thats how it works in the games.

    I suppose the reason why is because the people who made the anime and games didn't wanna go through a long, convoluted process of explaining how the birds and bees work.

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