red xiii (final fantasy vii and etc) created by himeraa
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Ashelyn is a huntress from a tribe of nomadic lions living in the arid lands protected by Nanaki. Usually, the lion tribe and Nanaki would keep clear of each other, but Ashelyn was just too curious and always dreamed of meeting their protector. Through months of patience and showing she had only good intentions, Nanaki finally decided to indulge Ashelyn and spend a bit of time with her.

And it turned out to be a very good time, as they kept seeing each other almost every day. Ashelyn could just not have enough of Nanaki's stories, loved roaming the land with him, loved learning all about the plants and animals from the region from him, loved sparring with him and honing her own fighting skills. Nanaki found the lioness quite fascinating, and appreciated her thirst for knowledge, improvement, and freedom.

With the deep connection they had built, when Ashelyn eventually went into heat, she just couldn't resist flirting with the mighty protector of the land with whom she became such tight friends. And Nanaki found himself deeply attracted to Ashelyn despite their differences, her flirting lighting a bonfire inside him. That is when their love for each other truly bloomed - for a few intimate moments, they became each other's mate.

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