shuari fanaka created by dcheese
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Comm: So Close, Yet so Far

A colored commission for gunsman42 featuring their Vio in the Grand Finals of the CBT, facing Shuari.I

In the final round, nearly about to CO, and down on points, Shuari went for a desperate maneuver, grabbing onto Vio as she pushed him to the ropes and thrusting her hips forward, swinging her balls at high velocity into his.
They struck and threw his balls back as a result, but hurting her own just as much. She reeled back in pain and realized she had essentially just CO'd herself, not helped by the glove slamming into her side.
the Referee was about to separate them, but called the CO as they saw Shuari's stream.

While somewhat anticlimactic, Vio earned the victory, and by extension the CBT championship, while Shuari will have to stick with second place, and being among the few fighters to accidentally CO themselves.

  • Comments
  • i_luv_femboys said:
    If I was a ballboxer, I would cum on the first punch :(

    I'm not sure that would be physically possible, given that each fighter cums before the match to prepare

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  • dcheese said:
    I'm not sure that would be physically possible, given that each fighter cums before the match to prepare

    I love the lore of this fictional sport more and more with each passing fun fact :)

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  • violinman said:
    I love the lore of this fictional sport more and more with each passing fun fact :)

    Ah, that's good to hear, it's something I've put a good bit of thought into, in spite of itself

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