egger created by dreiker
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  • Exurio said:
    In other words: "pics or it didn't happen!"

    Pics are hard to take when you're bent over on yourself. Not impossible mind you, just impractical.

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  • Pugtato said:
    how much does it cost to get rid of a few ribs

    Your health. Give or take a few hundred dollars.

    LeithEstere said:
    Pics are hard to take when you're bent over on yourself. Not impossible mind you, just impractical.

    M O U N T E D C A M E R A S !

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  • Exurio said:
    M O U N T E D C A M E R A S !

    Like I said, impractical for most people. Plus not everyone wants to show their face for... understandable reasons.

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  • LeithEstere said:
    Like I said, impractical for most people. Plus not everyone wants to show their face for... understandable reasons.

    Why? If anything, it's an impressive ability, one to be quite proud of!

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  • Exurio said:
    Why? If anything, it's an impressive ability, one to be quite proud of!

    anonymity is a big thing on the internet. Some people might be happy to share all about their kinky selves, but some other may not :)

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  • To be honest it's really quite easy. I mean sure it's probably not possible for all types of people but for most all you need is to exercise and stretch your back a bit, I know that works for me when my backs a bit too stiff to do it that is. But I suppose I can't use myself as an example since I'm naturally quite flexible and have been able to get my legs round my head since childhood. Also, before anyone asks why I didn't start till I was about 17, that's just cos I didn't think of it when I was younger and when I did I didn't think it'd be possible for me

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  • LeithEstere said:
    Pics are hard to take when you're bent over on yourself. Not impossible mind you, just impractical.

    That's actually honestly the only reason I don't have pics of it. I need someone present in the room to either take the picture, or to just see. I don't really know anyone who would want to do either XD

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  • CurlyDoggoDoesArt said:
    Teach me of your ways, wise one! A million sit-ups I suppose?

    I was just naturally able to do it. As a kid, on the playground, my friend tried impressing me with how far he can put his leg up to his head. Then I tried and realized that I am like, insanely flexible. It all started to go down after that. I stretch about once a week so I don't lose the ability as I age. I know a few people who have been able to do it, but lost it. If you want to be able to do it, I recommend, just keep trying until you are finally able to. Like muscles, the more you stretch, the farther you will be able to. Just like how people learn to do the splits.

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  • Yiff-Center said:
    I was just naturally able to do it. As a kid, on the playground, my friend tried impressing me with how far he can put his leg up to his head. Then I tried and realized that I am like, insanely flexible. It all started to go down after that. I stretch about once a week so I don't lose the ability as I age. I know a few people who have been able to do it, but lost it. If you want to be able to do it, I recommend, just keep trying until you are finally able to. Like muscles, the more you stretch, the farther you will be able to. Just like how people learn to do the splits.

    yeah, but... how does one go about stretching their back?

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  • themoonkey said:
    also, do you do it on your back, or do you just kinda lean down?

    both ways are possible with enough practice. some people do it on their backs and let gravity help by pulling their legs down or by bracing against something like a wall or the underside of a bed frame. It's recommended to do this with a pillow or something soft under your upper back. It is also possible to do while sitting upright if one is flexible enough.

    Some physiological things help as well, like being slim. Less bulk in the way of course makes it easier to bend. Being a little bigger in the pants helps too, but that goes without saying I'm sure.

    It's important to be extremely careful trying something like that though. The spine is one thing you definitely don't want to damage. even more so as one ages since the body doesn't quite bounce back like it does when it's younger.

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  • Yiff-Center said:
    That's actually honestly the only reason I don't have pics of it. I need someone present in the room to either take the picture, or to just see. I don't really know anyone who would want to do either XD

    exactly! xD I've only had someone willing to take pictures one time, and thankfully they were immediately deleted because they were terrible.

    I did have an ex who I showed this ability to once and she actually uh... I guess "traded turns" sucking my dick with me.

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