auran and ismar (mythology) created by tres-art
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Auran is always very curious and looking for new experiences (even under the bed sheets), so I imagine him wanting to try out some gay sex for once even though he's usually into girls instead. He thus goes to a LGBT party to find some guys willing to make out with him but his first attempts are unsuccessful since he's also shy and feels a bit embarassed when dating other boys; that's when Ismar spots him and easily gets Auran to follow him in a private place thanks to his much more dominant personality...

Auran was sitting on a bus awaiting to reach his destination, with his slitted, golden
eyes staring at his own reflection on the bus window to check his appearance; he was
wearing a simple shirt and a pair of jeans, while his red and white pelt covered the
rest of his skin together with the few emerald green scales that decorated some
patches of his body. His lengthy tail had to rest in coils on the seat next to him, the
tuft on its tip tapping his lap repeatedly as he pulled and twisted one of his long
whiskers with his index finger and thumb, something he usually did under stress or
There was no going back now: he had decided that he was going to have sex that
night... Gay sex, specifically.
Born with an incredible curiosity, Auran often craved for new experiences; he was kind
of an ‘eternal child’ on that regard, always exploring the world and trying out new
things, enjoying the fascination of novelty… even if it meant trouble sometimes.
Maybe it was due to his ouroboros nature to be destined to endlessly seek something
new, to pursue the infinite until he would come back full-circle at the beginning and
start all over again… or maybe not. For now, all he knew was that he wanted to
further explore his own sexual nature.
When his body had become sexually mature, he started experiencing feelings such as
attraction, arousal and lust for the first time… and he had been very happy to second
such new instincts and discover the pleasures of love… but they seemed to guide him
only towards ladies.
Recently instead, he came to know the existence of other aspects of sexuality after
seeing a brochure for a LGBT party event; it had led him to numerous questions, and
embarrassed answers, on topics such as sexual identity, gender and sex, which later
spiked his interest on homosexual relations. Only then it occurred to him the
possibility of a male partner, and the more he thought about it, the more he was
intrigued. He began believing that his natural attraction towards ladies had limited his
opportunities and that he had to broaden his horizons… Eventually, he decided he
would join that LGBT party and make out with a guy for the first time.
Finally arrived at his destination, Auran firstly gave a thorough look at the place: it
was a quite big but cozy club room, all geared up for the occasion with glittery or
rainbow-colored decorations, a small dance floor and poles, all illuminated by colorful
but suffused lights while disco music played in the background. He also glimpsed at an
adjacent buffet room with tables and chairs.
But what got the ouroboros’ attention the most, were the people inside: they were all
cheering, dancing or enjoying the food together, coupled in all combinations of
genders and species. He spotted larger groups having fun too, while pretty much all of
them seemed unafraid of publicly exchanging hugs and kisses or exposing their bodies
with suggestive poses on the dance floor and poles… a certain degree of composure
still existed however, since no one was outright naked or having sex.
It was yet quite overwhelming for a newcomer such as Auran, who was now becoming
slightly nervous due to another trait of him: his shyness.
He was enjoying what he was seeing, but the prospect of reaching out and talking to
new people was now making him hesitate; should he be the one approaching another
guy, or should he just casually walk around and let others approach him? What should
he say then? Would the few ‘approach techniques’ that worked on ladies in the past
work well with guys too?
Additionally, at first glance it seemed that most of the guests already had a partner, if
not even more, at the party; was there still anyone that could be interested in him?
And so, when he eventually managed to overcome such silly worries, he was still
unable to pick up anybody. He did his best and even performed some of his alchemical
tricks to impress his ‘candidates’, but in the end they all declined his advances.
Quite disappointed, the ouroboros took solace with some food at the buffet room as
the party neared its end and the various guests began leaving, pondering he had been
pushing his luck a bit too far when believing he could just pick up the first guy at the
party and have sex that very night.
«Perhaps I should reconsider whether males really suit me or not» he thought
absentmindedly, munching some pastries.
It was then that he suddenly felt a strong, clawed hand vigorously squeeze his
buttocks, which almost made him choke from surprise!
“Hi precious morsel…” said a masculine voice in his ear as he felt someone contacting
his back, one hand still on his bottom while the other reached out for the ouroboros’
chest from under his armpit.
“Oh! Err… hi?” was all Auran managed to say after getting caught in the sudden
“I bet you’re new here…” continued the stranger, caressing the ouroboros’ chest
“Y-yesss… exssactly…” he replied; his golden, forked tongue always made his voice a
bit sibilant, but he tended to drag the ‘S’ sounds even more from shyness or when in
awkward situations. “…a-and you?”
The stranger moved to come in front of him without breaking the embrace, the hand
previously on his buttock encircling his waist while the other one shifted upwards to
rest on his shoulder. Auran couldn’t help but squirm a little under the invasive touch
of the stranger, although he also couldn’t deny a certain sensuality to it all, especially
after being rejected by so many other guys before.
“Me? I’m just a casual guest… The name is Ismar” said the stranger as he finally
revealed himself.
And so, the ouroboros found himself face-to-face with a lizardman in shorts; trying to
avoid direct eye-contact from embarrassment, he moved his gaze down, where he
briefly admired the well-toned muscles on his arms and bare torso before shifting his
sight elsewhere, believing staring at his body to be rude. He watched his long reptilian
tail move from side to side before eventually having to rest his eyes back on Ismar’s
head, who was amused by his subtle struggles to avoid him.
Therefore their eyes met, and Auran was fascinated by the peculiar azure glow of the
lizardman’s irises, as well as by the narrow scar on his right eye, a small imperfection
that actually added uniqueness to his smooth, sand colored body instead of spoiling it.
Ismar was quite the handsome lizardman he had to admit.
“I’ve been observing you for a while now, you know? Not that you could go unnoticed
anyway with your kind being so… exotic” continued Ismar.
“Eheh… Y-yesss… I guessss I get that a lot… M-my name isss Auran”
“Nice to meet you, Auran…” said Ismar as he finally let go of him, sensing his unease;
the lizardman had plans for him, hence he allowed him to be more relaxed with
himself, although the smirk fixed on his snout betrayed his intentions. “What brings
you here?”
“Oh, I… I was just looking for new experiences”
“Mmmh… you must be feeling quite adventurous then, asking all those boys out…”
The ouroboros’ face would have been red from blushing at that if it wasn’t already
covered in red fur.
“…but don’t worry; I too, am in search of ‘new experiences’” concluded Ismar.
Auran gulped and tried to say something but the lizardman reacted faster,
interrupting him before any sound could escape his mouth; he was clearly taking
advantage of his shyness as well as anticipating his replies.
“Would you spend the night with me if I asked you out?” he asked with a seductive
Auran hesitated, his heart starting to beat uncontrollably; on one hand he was
incredibly excited to finally get what he was waiting for… but on the other he was
insecure about lizardman’s intentions, feeling the malice hidden in his words.
“Yes… or no?” urged Ismar.
“Y-Yes!” yelped the ouroboros, mainly from desperation rather than reason.
Ismar chuckled; he then came close to Auran again, hugging him tightly and pulling
his head close to his snout, the ouroboros too excited to react.
“Then follow me, precious morsel…” he whispered in his ear, licking Auran’s cheek
with his black, slimy tongue.
Some time later, they both went inside a cheap hotel room not far away. Auran took
some time to examine its interiors while Ismar, who apparently was always a step
ahead of him, was already getting rid of his clothes.
“Did you get this room just for this night or-OH!” tried to ask Auran when he suddenly
felt Ismar’s naked body contacting his back.
“Less talking, more action” he murmured, his hands stroking Auran’s sides before
meeting on his chest to start unbuttoning his shirt. The ouroboros was now beginning
to like being touched and manipulated by him as a few moans escaped his mouth,
Ismar’s claws sending shivers along his spine every time they passed over his fur.
“C-careful there” said Auran when Ismar’s hands approached his crotch to get rid of
his jeans.
“First time?”
“I-I… Well, with a man… yesss”
“I guessed so… then just do as I say, and I might even be extra gentle with you… and
call me Master… it’s more fitting given the situation, isn’t it?”
This said, the lizardman finished removing the rest of his clothes to finally enjoy the
view of his slender, naked body; he examined his crotch in particular, which presented
only a genital slit, just like himself, except for the fur covering it. Meanwhile, Auran
was happy to notice Ismar’s eyes admiring his features, taking it as a compliment.
“To the bed” eventually ordered Ismar, satisfied.
“Y-Yesss… Massster”
Once there, Ismar further instructed him to lay down supine on the mattress, legs up
and apart, while he opened a tube of lube. Not expecting what was about to happen
yet, Auran carefully observed how the lizardman curiously proceeded to smear some
of the lube on his fingers; he then lifted the tube high above Auran’s crotch and
squeezed it, making it squirt a long, viscous column of liquid.
“Ah!” the ouroboros gasped, feeling the cold lube dripping all over his sensitive genital
Ismar grinned, and with a claw began teasing that orifice, making him moan with
pleasure as all the accumulated sense of anticipation finally started to be rewarded
with increasing arousal, the penis inside stirring to life.
The stimulation continued for a while, until the lizardman felt the tip of Auran’s
hardening cock pushing back to emerge from his vent; he thus let it grow out to fully
appreciate the peach colored, reptilian-like member as its owner closed his eyes in
bliss, his breath coming out in short, hot puffs.
So distracted by the pleasure, Auran almost didn’t notice Ismar tracing his finger
further down his crotch, spreading the lube to another private area of himself: his
Without warning, Ismar suddenly began inserting his lubed finger inside Auran’s tail
“Ow-ah-AAAH!” screamed Auran, his rectum instinctively tightening to stop the
invasion while his eyes widened in shock; he hadn’t expected his ass being violated
when thinking about gay sex!
“Shh… I promise it will feel better if you relax” said the lizardman.
Auran wished to protest, but at this point it was a bit late for that; after all he had
only himself to blame for the situation he was now stuck in, plus Ismar didn’t show
any signs of stopping. Instead, he kept a constant pressure on his sphincter, fingering
him even further whenever his inner muscles gave way. The ouroboros tried his best
to overcome the discomfort and relax, breathing heavily and clenching the bed sheets
below with his hands.
“Isssm… Nnngh! Massster… I-I…”
“Resist. You’re doing well”
It was true: after a lot of pushing and probing, Auran eventually felt Ismar’s finger all
the way up inside his ass, much to his disbelief.
“This is just to prepare you… once I’ll have made sure your ass is ready, we’ll have
some real fun…” teased the lizardman, pulling his finger out.
The ouroboros gasped in relief when said finger left his anus, his muscles relaxing.
Unfortunately, it was a short-lived moment, for it was exactly what Ismar was waiting
for! Putting his finger back inside, he made Auran tense up again… then again… and
again! The ouroboros began panting loudly, each anal intrusion making his inner
muscles accept his finger with increasing ease indeed, which also allowed Ismar to
have more wiggle room to reach and stimulate his prostate.
“Ah… ah… ah…” were the only sounds coming from his mouth, the pressure on his
prostate now slowly making the experience oddly pleasant to him: he had never
imagined it being stimulated from the inside, nor his ass being an erogenous zone,
and yet it felt… good.
Realizing his partner’s submission, the lizardman felt excited and aroused even more,
everting his own sleek, black penis as well. Unable to hold back anymore, he suddenly
began inserting two fingers at a time inside Auran’s rectum, his motions turning
stronger and rougher.
“UGH! UMPF! AH!” whined the ouroboros, squirming wildly in place while his ass
began opening up even more.
“Don’t you dare disappointing me now!” said Ismar, grabbing Auran’s penis with his
free hand and starting to vigorously masturbate him.
The ouroboros was now being overwhelmed with sensations: on one hand his
posterior was in great discomfort due to the relentless assault, but on the other
Ismar’s handjob and prostate stimulation were sending waves of pleasure throughout
his body! Eventually his hips began thrusting upward involuntarily, his mind unable to
distinguish pain from bliss anymore as he got closer and closer to an orgasm. Once
again though, just when he was at the cusp of cumming, Ismar realized it and
released his hold on both his dick and ass before he could ejaculate.
“AAAAHN…” cried Auran with glee, his pleasure peaking despite the denied orgasm,
making his throbbing member spurt a few drops of pre.
“Good… very good…” chuckled the lizardman, letting him catch his breath a little. “But
as I said earlier, the real fun has yet to start…”
This said, he kneeled on the bed before Auran’s open legs, letting him admire his
penis for the first time before putting on a bit of a show as he stroked his own
member, the ouroboros quite amused by how hard he was. After that, he got himself
a condom and proceeded to wear it in a very slow but sensual way…
By this point, Auran knew all too well where this was going, and he liked it; however,
whether because of his shyness or his partner’s dominant personality, he still waited
for Ismar’s instructions, watching the handsome master intently and flickering his
tongue in excitement.
“Are you ready, Auran?”
“Yesss Massster…”
“Then turn around and get on all fours… we’re doing this doggy style…”
He obeyed without saying a word, raising his lengthy tail for his master, who began
caressing his thighs and sliding his member up and down the space between Auran’s
buttocks, teasing both his own dick and the ouroboros’ ass. They both enjoyed it for a
while, until Ismar eventually grabbed Auran’s hips, holding them firmly, and properly
aligned his groin.
«This is it» thought the ouroboros, eyes closed and holding his breath to brace
Ismar thrusted: every fiber in Auran’s body suddenly tensed up and he clawed at the
bed sheets, groaning, but the inner muscles around his rectum were just too weak
now and so opposed little resistance. Inch by inch, the lizardman’s hard cock entered
his tail hole, going past his sphincter and past his prostate until his groin touched the
ouroboros’ bottom.
Ismar stopped there a moment to enjoy the sensation of such a warm, tight passage
on his member as well as to finally claim the ouroboros’ anal virginity; he then tilted
his head down and smiled as he watched him panting, mouth agape and tongue
lolling, remarking his utter dominance over him.
Meanwhile Auran was awe-struck by how filled his ass was feeling, a sensation he had
never imagined and that felt incredibly delightful despite the initial pain. His member
started throbbing with every heart beat and he involuntarily drooled on the bed.
Then, Ismar pulled his penis half-way out, only to thrust himself back in; like before,
he added more energy to his motions at every thrust, his groin smacking harder and
harder against Auran’s buttocks while they both moaned louder and louder, their
combined pleasure driving them towards a mutual climax.
“AAAaaah…” eventually went Auran, the first to reach orgasm, his penis erupting
many loads of thick, creamy cum and wetting the bed sheets below.
“OOOoooh…” went Ismar, the ouroboros’ ejaculation triggering his own orgasm and
filling his condom with plenty of lizard cum.
Much time later, in the middle of the night…
They were still laying on the bed, the lizardman playfully stroking the ouroboros’ fur
while Auran rested a little; Ismar was however starting to get bored by now, not tired
enough to go to sleep.
“So… how was your first time, Auran?”
“Mmmh… I’d say… rough… and… unexpected… but eventually… I enjoyed it…” he
answered, a bit sleepy.
“Glad to hear that… I thus presume that you wouldn’t mind another run… would you?”
“I… guess so… wait, do you mean another run now?”
“Aren’t you up for it?”
“I… I’m so tired now…” Auran protested, turning face-down on the pillow.
Ismar got closer, his snout almost touching his ear as he whispered: “Maybe we could
try something different this time?”
Auran’s ear perked up at those words.
“…sssomething… different?” he repeated, his weak spot just triggered by the
mischievous lizardman.
Ismar chuckled; it was so easy to induce him into following his will…

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