lady fang (haa) created by quintonquill
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During her stay in Haven Haggleton, Lady Fang had a difficult time with the 'Rat Crown,' a local band of thieves whose leader was fortunate enough to learn of Fang's soft spots. It took some hard work, but with time and patience she was able to finally best the Rat King and put him behind bars... though the Rat Crown would not disband. Boldly, they announced their next heist; a museum that is easily ignored for it's items are too niche or just odd. It was an unusual move. Lady Fang was put on the spot as the museum's curator begged her for protection. She had dealt with these rats a few times too many, often being tickled out of her mind and left in embarrassing situations. She shuddered as her cheeks blushed fierce at the thought of it. Needless to say... it took some convincing to persuade Fang.

The moonlight dim, clouds obscure the sky. The lone sellsword snake patrols the museum for what feels like hours. All is silent. If the heist is happening... this would be the perfect time. So where are they? Frustrated, she decided to flirt a little; this was really about getting to her after all, right? She sat on top of a crate beside the front door and propped her feet up, "this is what they really want, come and get me!" Like any predator, she is patient, waiting to the lightest tell of an approaching target. A soft patter of feet, almost inaudible, but a peculiar pace... almost like... a dance? The snake stays still, only her eyes looking. A soft pink glow emanates from the shadows, oddly familiar. Fang, with her hand on the hilt of her sword, readies herself. From the dark an axolotl husk appears, her long tail leaving an alluring faint streak of light as she twirls closer. The husk stops, facing Fang, and curtsies, "My friend has told me soooooo much about you! I simply had to meet you! Your scales are immaculate! Is that purple natural? Oh, those eyes are bold! So precious!" Fang interrupts the gushing girl, "Was this your doing? To lure me out?" The axolotl kicks a leg into the air, stretching, "Guilty! As I stated, I simply had to meet you! I heard how well you move on your feet! I want to see them put to work... personally!"

In a blink, the axolotl leaps gracefully towards Lady Fang. The two lock into a beautiful clash of dancing lights and shimmering steel. Fang knows the husks are immortal and strikes to incapacitate, successfully pinning the axolotl's arm to it's back. The pink husk's tail whips across the snake's eyes missing the mark but the light... Fang feels a change. Magic is at play. She pins the tail down with one dagger and grapples the axolotl with her legs, bringing the two to the ground. Her legs squeeze the husk, constricting like a true snake, "It's over!" she exclaims. The axolotl giggles, "oh now this is a fight to remember! You are impressive! Oooh ho ho, those feet... you would be an incredible dancer! I should reward you." Lady Fang feels a warmth, what did that thing do to her? "R-reward? Oooh... c-can I ch-choose?" Her words were strained, trying to retain her composure, she found herself vocalizing her thoughts... the more... personal ones...

Her hands tight on her daggers, Lady Fang kept the tail pinned down, refusing to let go. The axolotl giggles softly, "Oh yessss, tell me what you want! You deserve it!" Fang clenched her teeth, furrowed her brows, blushing hard at the thought and doing her damnedest to repress it, "M-my f-f-feet! Ooooh, l-l-l-liieeeergh!!! LICK MY FEET!!! LICK 'EM!!! OH I WANT IT!" The axolotl laughs, "oh, but I heard that your feet are just ever so ticklish! Wouldn't that be a bother?" Fang is purely focused on keeping her repressed desires, ahem, appropriately repressed. So much so that her grip has loosened on the husk, slipping out of her legs and placing a binding spell on her ankles. The snake finds herself practically on her belly, feet up, now wondering if she did that deliberately, wrestling with her secrets. "T-t-tickle! OH YESSSS!! TICKLE ME! TICKLE MY FEET!! I wanna scream! Make me howl with laughter!" The axolotl leans over Fang, using the binding spell to pull the feet towards her, she gleefully giggles, "with pleasure! Whatever makes you happy, my lovely Lady."

The magic seems to wane a bit, but it's far too late. Even with the tail pinned down, the husk managed to ensnare one of Fang's arms. The snake refuses to let go of her knives, keeping up the fight even after the obvious turn. She keeps that tail pinned down, embarrassed to think what other 'confessions' would she spill with it's magic touch. It would be a long and interesting night...

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