asrael zogendral created by dbd
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And here's the adult version for the ref sheet by dbd ; check out the clean version for more typical details about the sona.

Given that he's a big oversexed monster and part ram, I decided to integrate some satyr aspects into him. The divide between the mostly-jackal coloring of his upper half and the auburn lower half is part of that, as is the tufted tail. For some reason some satyrs have tufted tails, dunno why, but I love it.

He feeds on sexual energy and needs a regular diet of it however he can. With that comes some pretty mind-blowing tricks to pleasure his partner, whether by mundane means or arcane. I imagine in a modern world he'd probably have a pretty popular Grindr profile, or just a harem of thirsty bois he can call on whenever he needs a fix. Though variety is the spice of life of course, he loves playing little tricks on people whenever he feels the little flames of lust in their heart-- particularly when it's towards him. If he doesn't get his regular feed he doesn't 'starve' per se, but his body starts kicking his systems into overdrive to try to attract a mate by brute force-- often resulting in an even more hypertrophied and sex-crazed satyr drawing people to him with musk and magic.

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