darkmon and fan character (bandai namco and etc) created by ende
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  • Comments
  • Every says FF7 or the entire series are overrated, but rare are those who use a worthwhile argument.

    I enjoyed FF7.

    That pic is missing spiky blond hair...

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  • Poor kids fail to see the greatness of FF7 and isntead chime in with worthless trigger, a failure of a game as being better =3.
    Either painful stupidity on your end, or an obvious troll kiddies.

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  • Blackwingdragon said:
    Poor kids fail to see the greatness of FF7 and isntead chime in with worthless trigger, a failure of a game as being better =3.
    Either painful stupidity on your end, or an obvious troll kiddies.

    An 8 month old topic I just cannot seem to ignore.
    FF7 has no character development, no motivation towards any events at all, and it's graphics were sub par for even 1996 standards. The game was a rushed work everyone wanted too soon.


    cloud is a schizophrenic smartass who gets people to follow him to find someone they all barely even know even though they can obviously see cloud is crazy. On top of that, who wields swords as big as these clowns? Honestly. The only redeeming quality about this game at all is it's materia system. that in itself is fun to play with, for it's time.


    ff7 has so many painful story and gameplay flaws that it makes my anus bleed.

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