artemis tsukino and wolferno created by wolferno
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A very funny cartoon which portrays the reality that we live some transgendered people.
He never questions about the reason because he hasn't manipulated and changed his body, or the habits they have to be more woman (or man in the opposite case) ... is offensive and inappropriate, to learn more there is something called Google, seek and get informed!!

  • Comments
  • As someone with dysphoria and no intention to change (a plethora of reasons have gone into this, first and foremost is that too often I see Trans women who make me puke), I don't get the trans majority.
    But then, I'm also a furfag who dislikes fursuits, so maybe I'm just the odd one out.

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  • MissChu said:
    Why is it anyone's business what someone else does with their genitals?

    And it's not any business what kind of video games you're playing, what comic books you're reading, what sort of food you're eating, or such to anyone else either. It's just that some people have to play 'king of the mountain' and want to boss others around about their lives. Whether it's Mister Strickland from Back to the Future or General Hux from Star Wars or King K. Rool from Donkey Kong or whoever in real-life (Ted Cruz/Michael Bloomberg/Donald Trump/etc), bossypants gonna bossypants.

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  • I know that this is going to sound trollish and bigoted, but what I'm about to say is backed by large amounts of medical evidence. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, though that's inevitable. It's the Internet, after all. Here goes...

    Transgender is a mental disorder like clinical depression and schizophrenia and is treatable through modern pharmaceuticals.

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  • Transgender is a mental disorder like clinical depression and schizophrenia and is treatable through modern pharmaceuticals.

    they used to say the same thing about being gay, women wanting to work outside the home, women wanting to vote, people wanting to marry someone of a different race, women being angry, women being upset, and women being basically anything that wasn't a flat blank staring lethargy.

    It was even backed up by the research at the time.

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