created by themefinland
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"In the time of the true dragons, Alluvia was torn and sundered by the ultimatum where the primordial gods, Ukko, Umi were born from a spark, destroying Kass, the dreamer and the creator.

From this spark came the two gods and from them came Alluvia. Before Alluvia was born, Kalma awoke in the ruins that would become Alluvia, they wandered the burning and frozen wastes of the surface. Their scales were rended by the freezing cold and burned by the molten heat. It was only when Kalma came upon a vast body of water and plummeted into it did they realize an existence without pain. For before Kalma had fallen into the water it had not known rest from torment, and as it sunk deeper and deeper into the waters it came to embrace it. The sounds of the raging fires and the crackling of the ice above silenced as Kalma was engulfed by a sensation of nothingness, floating ever deeper into the darkness of the depths.

It was here when Kalma came upon the horn of Kass, the creator and dreamer, the last remaining aspect of its form. However, the light of the sibling gods restrained Kalma, forcing it to remain in the place of absolute darkness. This place came to be known as the black sea, a sea whose waves are dark as ink and whose waters are as heavy as the earth. But, even so, the touch of Kalma permeates all waters, and to live by the water, is to be connected to Kalma."

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