mythology created by kothorix (artist)
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Ever feel like returning to a more simple time - A time when dragons and gryphons roamed where they pleased, snatching up unsuspecting peasants; completely unbound by the taboos of modern society? Feral Finder lets you live out your wildest fantasies! In minutes you could be underneath the quadrupedal stud of your dreams, or on top of that lonely two-legged house-wife you've had your eye on! With over 100,000 downloads and a 4.5 star rating, Feral Finder is quickly becoming the most popular alternative dating app of the year!

Feral Finder is not liable for impregnation, destroyed furniture, gossiping neighbors, or temporary loss of the ability to walk.

  • Comments
  • enviromental storytelling.

    we can infer from the surroundings that she enjoys charrbucks and has a physcological condition in which shes wants to be inpregnated by ferals. AKA slophole syndrome.


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