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On the rare occasions when Ahastar isn't being stomped, forced to worship, ridden over or stuffed into a football boot by one or other of the two crushlusty raptor boys, Hath and Grey, he is usually being skillfully co-op trampled by them - probably behind the bike sheds at school or in the changing rooms after swimming practice.

  • Comments
  • mr_woozels said:
    "you are dead... No big suprise"

    one of the raptors heads explode from behind as the other turns to see what could of killed his friend it sees a large bald Russian pointing a finger gun at him and with the words “Pootis POW!! Ha ha!” The raptor is dead. The creature, called the Heavy, or Pootis, respawns Ahastar and keeps him as a pet that is not for squishing. The end

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