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Another day & another summer at the Wiscash Splash water
park. Mons were packing the place, the adult section was raking
in the cash, & Garbodor was feeling good, real good. Sitting atop his pile of failed victim bones & sipping a cool garbage juice, Garbodor was looking over expense reports & subtracting them from his profits as he did every week & he was exuberant. Profits, it seemed, were up 33% alone from last week which were already up 19% from the week prior & showed no signs of slowing. It had been a smart call, grabbing that Marill girl last summer & sticking her in the schoolhouse. Currently, she was the single most popular whore in the park & thanks to her, Sara’s schoolhouse had a real chance at taking the title of the most popular brothel in the park + she was set to give birth soon & birth shows were always money makers. Smiling to himself, Garbodor resolved to get more girls for the schoolhouse, it was clear clients like them young, scared, & begging for them to stop, the numbers didn’t lie & Garbodor was all for it. Leaning back & taking another sip of his juice, Garbodor began scanning his cameras, hoping to find a new victim.
Garbodor wouldn’t have to wait long, as Hattrem shyly handed her pass to grim-faced Muk working the ticket booth. A rather shy but fun & outgoing girl Hattrem had just turned 12 the week prior & after a small party with a few friends, Hattrem’s parents had informed her she was finally old enough to go to the waterpark by herself. This was met with elation & exuberance as Hattrem quite literally jumped for joy at the news. See, she loved going to the Wiscash Splash waterpark, she loved the rides, the slides, the pools, & the food; she loved all of it. Every year she & her parents got season passes & every year the trio went a lot but with both her parents working it was never enough for the young Hattrem who would spend all day, every day there if she could. But until now, she’d only been able to one a few times a week when one of her parents found a few hours to take her, often sacrificing their own free time to do so.
Entering through the familiar gates, Hattrem stared at her surroundings, light shining in her eyes & mouth agape with wonder. Nothing she saw, from the bronze Whiscash statue to the obese gray Jynx walking around with a clipboard was new but being here by herself made it seem like a whole new world. Watching Hattrem smile & skip away Jynx glanced at the security cameras, all of them were tracking the young Hattrem. Scowling, Jynx knew it wouldn’t be long until Garbodor claimed the girl, which meant more work for her.
Her exuberance only grew as the hours passed, Hattrem rode all the slides she wanted, ate whatever she wanted, & did everything at her own pace. She’d met a Slugma girl on vacation from Johto & they played for a while with Hattrem delighting in showing her all her favorite snack stands & taking her on all her favorite slides. They played until Slugma’s mom said it was time to go, they were heading out of the Whismur mountains, down to Bray flats & driving straight to Mudsvale, her dad wanted to arrive before it got too late so they had to go. After bidding goodbye to her friend, Hattrem continued her adventures in the waterpark for another hour or so. Once Hattrem had spent her allowance, ridden her favorite slides multiple times & enjoyed all the pools, she noticed that the sun was starting to set & the shadows were growing long. Feeling worn out, sun-baked, & more than a little tired, Hattrem figured it was time to go so she headed for the entrance, intent on using the free phones outside to call her mom for a ride, bizarrely she was old enough to go to that park alone but not old enough for a cell phone. But first, Hattrem needed to use the bathroom.
Having watched Hattrem all day, Garbodor wanted her, no he needed her & he would have her. Having been stroking his dick all day to the live feed of Hattrem, Garbodor’s dumpster was covered in his rancid cum & the smell was enough to kill the bugs scuttling around on the floor. Garbodor would’ve loved to have gotten his hands on the Slugma girl too but ah, c'est la vie. The issue now was just finding a way to get his grubby mitts on her. Planning a classic snatch-N-grab, the issue had just been getting Hattrem alone to do it. Every slide she went on was massively crowded, she always ate her food in a crowded area, & the hours she spent with Slugma had been in view of Slugma’s mother. It was annoying but Garbodor was less than worried, Looking up Hattrem’s season pass info, Garbodor knew she went to the park all the time so even if he didn’t get her today all he had to do was be patient, she’d be his eventually. Fortunately, Arceus was smiling that day as, to his delight, Garbodor watched Hattrem make a quick trip to the bathroom on the way out. Turning off his cameras, Garbodor slid out of his dumpster ready to make his move.
Making sure to wash her hands, Hattrem was about to exit the restroom when a horrific smell overtook her, stumbling as she tried to reach for the door, Hattrem fell to the floor, unconscious. Hattrem awoke to her heading pounding, her mouth tasting of dirt, & her veins burning like molten lead. Facing the ground, her lips pressed against cracked asphalt soaked in garbage juice, Hattrem rolled onto her back, spitting & groaning in pain. Looking up at the sky, she realized, A.) she was outside, & B.) it wasn’t much later than she remembered it being. She tried to remember what happened, but thinking drove white-hot spikes of pain into her brain. The last thing she remembered was using the bathroom, then nothing. Feeling shitty & wanting to go home more than ever, Hattrem tried to stand but it was a struggle. Using a grubby wall for support, Hattrem slowly rose unsteadily to her feet, pain stabbing at her brain the whole time. Panting heavily upon sanding, Hattrem’s legs wobbled like jelly beneath her, threatening to collapse, she had no strength left, whatsoever. Gripping the wall for dear life, Hattrem’s eyes darted around feverishly, trying to figure out where she was. Best she could tell, Hattrem was in an ally way, the grimy backs of buildings rose up on either side of her, covered in graffiti & a flyer for a missing Meowth girl. Behind her was a massive dumpster, wanting to plug her nose but needing to hold the wall, the smell made Hattrem’s headache worse, smelling like rotten grease left to decay in the sun. In front of her was a chain-link fence with a gate. Seeing a way out, Hattrem slowly stumbled her way toward the gate, her body & head screaming in pain with every step, not realizing the dumpster had opened behind her & something massive had just slid out.
Hattrem got about halfway down the alley before the smell overtook her. Stopping dead in her tracks, Hattrem let go of the wall, the weakness in her legs all but forgotten as she slammed her hands over her nose & mouth, trying not to vomit. Snot ran from her nostrils & tears from her eyes, it was the worst thing Hattrem had ever smelt, bar none. A rotten sickness, perforated with the aroma of disease & death, of decomposing corpses rotting in the sun. Her head screaming in pain as the smell inflamed her headache, Hattrem slowly turned around, horrified at what she would find. Her every instinct told her to run but she couldn’t, her body wouldn’t let her, the smell had control of her, forcing her to turn & face it. There, she stood face to crotch with a massive Garbodor.
Eye’s widening & pupils shrinking, no amount of blurry, tear-stained vision, could disguise the vintage of the monster in front of her. Life flashing before her eyes, Hattrem instantly found herself back in miss Blissy’s class, her warnings of Garbodor’s seared through her brain. More an abomination than a pokemon, Garbodor’s were living decay, horrific balloons of toxins that destroyed the environment around them, causing organic material to rot & spreading pollution. When rivers run green with sludge, trees wither & blacken, & the land becomes barren & toxic, it was a sign a Garbodor lived nearby. Worst still, Garbodor’s were parasitic in nature, they would attack girls and rape them, & their horrific sperm would warp & infect the female's ova, insuring the birth of horrific abominations that would spread Garbodor’s rot & corruption for the rest of their lives, no better than animals, they only eat & mate, birthing Trubbish’s to continue the cycle. Moreover, older, powerful Garbodors were known to corrupt & infect their victims, not just their offspring, mutating them into horrific abominations, living nurseries pumping out corrupt babies & the occasional trubbish. Judging by the size & smell of the beast before her, Hattrem knew this Garbodor was ancient. Due to their status as an invasive parasite, Garbodor’s had to live far away from other Mons in their own colonies in remote parts of the world. If one was spotted outside their territory they were detained & relocated, one shouldn’t be here right now, especially one this big. Still covering her nose & mouth, Hattrem wanted to run, wanted to flee but her body refused to move, her legs controlled by the smell. Her head still screaming in pain, Hattrem, as a last-ditch effort, launched her disarming voice attack at the beast but it did nothing. Smiling like a demon, Garbodor unleashed his massive cock, his gigantic brown trash log, steaming in the hot air, sprang to life, smacking Hattrem in the face. Instantly, the spot where it hit began to burn & smell rancid, causing Hattrem to cry out in pain.
The moment Hattrem’s mouth opened, Garbodor jammed his cock in, knocking her hand aside & shoving it down her throat muffling her screams as she tried to pull the cock out. It was futile, her pain becoming secondary, all of Hattrem’s energy went into survival, not caring about her headache or her nose spewing snot, her only goal was to pull the cock out as her body heated up. But she couldn’t. Pent up from watching her all day, Garbodor began thrusting down her throat, the tip of his cock sizzling in her stomach acid as he picked Hattrem up, slamming her face against his crotch with every thrust. Eyes & nose burning, & tears & snot streaming, Hattrem quickly found her strength drained away, her hands slipping off Garbodor’s cock & falling limply to her sides. Unable to do anything but suffer through her burning, smelly face rape.
For over an hour, Garbodor continued face fucking his chosen victim, slamming her face into his rotten crotch with every thrust. He was in ecstasy, her throat was so tight, Garbodor loved fairy types because they always had the worst reaction to his toxins, their bodies withering beneath him. Sadly they rarely survived but that Milcery girl did so he knew it was possible. When he felt the usual tingle & her dick began to swell, Garbodor shoved her cock to its base inside of Hattrem, dunking his dick in her stomach acid, & creating a perfect seal as he unleashed a torrent of vile brown cum into her stomach. Instantly, Hattrem felt a massive weight form within her as Garbodor’s cum turned her stomach acid & its contents of fried, greasy park food into a thick slurry in her stomach. Soon, Hattrem’s swollen stomach was packed & the cum sludge shot up her throat & filled her mouth, bloating her cheeks close to bursting as Garbodor continued to defile her with his cum. Eventually, Garbodor stopped & pulled his dick out, his balls drained. Instantly Hattrem began to vomit, the sludge mixture exiting her stomach & spraying onto the ground like shit out of a busted sewer pipe. Pointing his victim towards the ground, Garbodor watched, without sympathy, as Hattrem emptied her insides all over his undulating mass, which he quickly absorbed. Eventually, Hattrem began dry heaving once her stomach emptied, so flipping her back around, Garbodor stuck a finger in her mouth to hold it open & looked inside. He smiled.
The inside of Hattrem’s mouth was mushy & brown, layers of flesh stripped away & a fetid smell of death spewed out. Hattrem’s tongue had become long & black like a serpent, coiled in the bottom of her cavernous maw, waiting to strike. Finally, she had almost no teeth, just a few black rotten nubs. She could never escape Garbodor now, he’d scared her for life & no matter where she went or what she did, even if she did escape him. Her mouth would always be a rotten disgusting cesspit of disease & everything would always taste of death, Garbodor was a part of her now. Delighted but not wasting any time, Garbodor lifted Hattrem high, willing his cock back to rock-hard stiffness & began lowering his victim onto his cock.
The moment Garbodor’s cock touched her virgin slit, Hattrem screamed. Her mommy had always warned her not to let anyone touch her privates, that she had to scream & fight if any Mon did against her will. Despite her exhaustion, her pain, & her headache, Hattrem began to thrash & struggle. She needed to escape, the primal part of her brain that tried to make her run before was screaming full force now, she had to get away, if she didn’t the consequences would be apocalyptic. Again it was futile, the power difference between her & Garbodor was incomprehensibly large, & nothing she could do would or could stop him. The touch of his cock on her slit was enough to send burning waves of pain through her heated body but when Gabodor’s tip began worming its way in, Hattrem felt like she was on fire. A burning steel rod was being shoved into her insides, she wanted to die, wanted to faint, anything to stop the pain but she couldn’t Garbodor wouldn’t allow it, his rancid filth forcing her to stay awake & alert, feeling everything.
Garbodor was in heaven, Hattrem was so tight, her thrashing squeezed her pussy tighter around his dick, rubbing against it, & sending waves of pleasure through Garbodor as he dug in deeper. Hattrem was in hell, Garbodor so big, his cock painfully stretched her poor pussy apart, she couldn’t stop thrashing from pain, it only served to make her tighter, forcing her burning vaginal walls to rub against it, & sending waves of pain through her body as his cock dug in deeper. Soon, Garbodor hit a barrier, a flimsy wall preventing him from going forward. With a Shit-eating grin plastered on his face, Garbodor rammed his cock hard against the wall, ripping through Hattrem’s hymen. Causing the young Mon to scream in pain again as the pain from Garbodor’s dick was amplified 10 fold. Afterward, she went back to low moans of suffering, head dropping limply.
It took over two hours for Garbodor to reach Hattrem’s cervix, every inch of flesh he had to push through was a struggle. But upon reaching her cervix, Garbodor continued to push, forcing more & more of his dick inside, coiling his dick against Hattrem’s cervix until all 2ft of his dick was inside & a massive bulge painfully stretched Hattrem’s flesh below her abdomen.
Taking a moment to adjust himself, garbodor swiftly, & without warning, began rutting Hattrem like an animal. Pulling Hattrem up to his tip before slamming her back down, Gabdoror used Hattrem like a fleshlight. He was sliding her up & down his dick with enough force to make her head spin. Her body still withering beneath him, Garbodor lamented that Hattrem was too old for Sweet Sara’s Schoolhouse but would probably re-cement the Fleshroom’s place as the park's most profitable brothel, so there's that at least.
With each thrust, Hattrem felt like her insides were melting, Garbodor was ripping her apart from the inside. The burning log was stretching her to the point of ripping & punching her inside so hard it felt like her stomach would break. Consequently, a primal part of Hattrem wanted to die, seeing it as a favorable alternative to what Garbodor was doing/ would do. But death wouldn’t come, Hattrem remained on the verge of breaking for hours, her body withering & burning, powerless to help herself.
As the sun set & the moon began to rise, black spots swam on the verge of Hattrem’s vision, she had no strength left, hanging limply in Garbodor’s arms. She was on the verge of passing out, a welcome relief from the torture but Garbodor wouldn’t let her, his toxins keeping Hattrem just barely conscious ensuring she felt everything he did to her.
It was approaching midnight by the time Garbodor felt the usual swelling & tightening in his nuts, signaling his imminent orgasm. Hattrem’s parents had long since come & gone, desperately begging to search the park but being turned away by an obese gray Jynx reeking of garbage & cigarettes. Currently, the couple was sitting in the lobby of the local police station, desperately hoping the officers searching the streets would find their daughter safe & sound. Hattrem’s father tried to demand the police to search the Wiscash Splash waterpark but the stern Stoutland chef shut that down real quick, informing him that the department would need a warrant to search the park & that would take a while. In reality, that would never happen, city hall was on Garbodor’s payroll & if the police chief tried to get a warrant, he’d be fired before the ink dried. Garbodor was untouchable & he knew it.
Funny enough, Garbodor was thinking about Hattrem’s parents & their utter fear & despair at losing their daughter when he came. Blasting a horrific torrent of dark yellow sludge cum with brown streaks, Garbodor giggled like a schoolgirl as Hattrem’s limp body instantly sprang back to life, thrashing & squirming as his toxic load burned her insides. It was the worst pain Hattrem had ever felt, nothing Garbodor had done, forcing his cock down her throat, ripping open & abusing her pristine pussy, compared to this. The scalding sludge seemed to be melting her insides as it forced its way deep than even Garbodor’s evil cock, settling like a molten rock under her stomach. What Hattrem didn’t know was that Garbodor’s cum had forced its way through her cervix & into her womb & had already begun its sinister work.
Bursting her bruised cervix like a river through a dam, the toxic flood of Garbodor’s cum rushed into the innocent, unsuspecting womb where four Ova swam & played. Having snuck out of the fallopian tubes, the ova chose to disregard the warnings & wishes of their mother & aunt, the ovaries. The three girls believed they knew better, they believe the warnings of “something sinister on the horizon” & “evil is approaching” as deranged hogwash. The womb was bright pink & inviting, the air was warm & the day beautiful, & nothing bad would happen. So the Ova suck out, the four girls frolicking & playing without a care in the world. When the cum flood came, the girls tried to run, they really did, swimming for their lives back to the fallopian tubes, back to safety. It was futile.
The cum overtook them in seconds, smothering them as it pulled them under into the rancid & fetid depths. Trying to struggle, the Ova weren't aware of the sperm until the misshapen monsters began hammering against their eggshell defenses. Sharp jagged teeth dug into them, ripping them apart as the Sperm forced their way inside, packing them full to bursting before exploding into a shower of spores. The spores dug into the girl's DNA, warping & twisting the Ova from the inside, ripping them apart before stitching them back together in horrific & monstrous ways. Just before the girls lost conscientiousness & sinking deep into the uterine wall, they wailed to the heavens, cursing themself for their arrogance & begging for salvation.
Garbodor’s orgasm lasted for 20 minutes before winding down, cum dribbled from Hattrem’s mouth, the rotten orifice twisted into a wordless scream as she begged for death, for the pain & violation to end. Feeling immensely satisfied, Garbodor let out a sigh, before pulling his rancid dick out of Hatreem’s ruined pussy with a sicking-sucking sound. Dropping his victim on the ground, Garbodor waited with bated breath for what would happen next. A moment later, the familiar smell of ozone filled the air & Hattrem began to glow silver. Her consciousness rapidly fading, Hattrem knew she had to escape, a primal, instinctual part of her knew what was happening now was far worse than any of the pain before. She tried to move but her limbs wouldn’t respond, Hattrem was completely spent, mind, body, & soul, leaving her powerless to save herself as the glow began to brighten & her consciousness slipped away, her last thought?

“Worst. Birthday. Ever.”

One year later:
Another bustling & profitable day at the Wiscash splash, the family side was winding down for the day, getting ready to close but the Adult side was just begging to pop off. Lines to get it were wrapped around the side of the park & into the forest, every restaurant, game, & attraction was completely full with hour-long waitlists. Every brothel had a line, the schoolhouse alone was 4hrs deep but none could top that season's undisputed king once again, the Fleshroom. After Marill had given birth, the schoolhouse took the top spot for a bit, sure but now the true king reigned supreme. All thanks to a special attraction.
If one were to go inside, past the living trashcan, sinks, & urinals filled with Alcreamie. Past the stall where Lickilicky took loads & ate dumps then went into the next stall over, they would find a curious sight, a Hatterene. But this wasn’t like any Hatterene any Mon had seen before, no this creature was different. While most Hatterene prided themselves on being elegant & prim, this one was a disgusting slob that stank worse than the stall she worked in. While most Hatterene were thin, this one was obese & doughy, covered in cellulite & large pockets of lumpy, rancid fat. While most Hatterene hid their small bodies by using their hair as limbs, this one sat atop a fleshly tendril larger than its actual body, covered in bloated breasts & ending in a rancid pussy, just as foul as the one between her legs. But the most shocking fact of all? She was a regular Hattrem just one year earlier.
Looking down at his latest victim, Garbdor smiled, a cruel twisted grin full of rotten yellow teeth. Watching the glowing form of Hattrem twisting & bloating on the ground before him, Garbodor wondered how his influence would affect the little fairy, rarely fairy types survived him & those who did were often broken mentally, making them useless. But as Alcremie proved, it was possible & Hattrem seemed strong willed so Garbodor suspected he’d make a new “employee” of her yet. When the glow died, Garbodor grabbed the twisted form of Hatterene & dragged her whimpering, twisted body into his dumpster, closing the lid like a silent tomb behind them.
Quickly performing a few tests to ensure Hatterene’s mind remained intact, Garbodor went to work, he wanted his latest attraction ready ASAP. Hatterene didn’t know where she was or what was going on, it was dark, it smelled horrific, & her body burned. She tried to move but it hurt too much, she tried to speak but she had no voice, Hatterene couldn’t do anything until she screamed in pain as a fresh wave of burning poison entered her system.
Over the next 2 weeks, Garbodor began injecting his victim with a combination of toxins & chemicals. He further warped Hatterene, corrupting her into a twisted abomination for nothing but sex. Like his last victim, Garbodor elected not to change Hatterene’s mind, finding that his clients preferred their “entertainment” crying, screaming, & begging for them to stop more than wanting it. Once Hatterene’s form was up to Garbodor’s standards, he installed her in the Fleshroom, waiting for the profits to roll in.
As expected, Hatterene was an overnight sensation. Having two pussies meant she could service multiple Mons at once, not to mention she made an amazing toilet, forced to take load after load of digested park food. Screaming for Mons to stop & crying for Mommy only made Hatterene more popular, serving to make Mons fuck her harder in response, demanding she cries & sob more. As days became weeks & weeks became months, Hatterene’s two pussies transformed into blown out, bloated, rancid cunt-holes. Hatterene began putting on weight, turning into a bloated blob of lard, her small breasts became bloated & tender; Causing Hatterene to scream whenever they were fondled & revealing she had 6 of them, two on her chest & 4 bloated breasts running down the bloated tendril. But that was far from the most disturbing issue, no, what kept Hatterene awake at night in her trailer cage were the changes in her stomach.
As the months passed, Hatterne’s stomach began to bloat, more so than the rest of her body, a hard ball rising from the fat, covered in stretchmarks & nasty veins. A similar growth occurring in the tentacle. Quickly, the Mons who violated & used her began to mock & torment her, calling Hatterne a disgusting Miltank, & a useless, ruined cunt. The truth became obvious one day when, after a particularly bad fuck session with a Snorlax, his massive cock painfully stretched Hatterne’s ruined holes & he stuffed her full of second-hand fair food via ass to mouth. It was awful, made even worse by Snorlax demanding Hatterne scream more, cry louder, & beg for her mommy to save her, getting off on raping the young, miserable Mon. After Snorlax finished, Hatterne sat, panting & sobbing on the toilet, dreading the next Mon who would walk through the stall door next, ready to abuse her despite her protests when it happened. A painful tremor ran through Hatterne’s body, causing her to yelp, making her rancid fat & bloated breasts shake. While not a great deal of movement, it was just enough to cause the tightness & tension in Hatterne’s breasts to break & suddenly her blood ran cold. Something hot & oily began leaking from her tits, all 6 of them. Looking over Hatterne saw a yellow goo dripping from her breasts, splashing onto the floor & creating a foul stench. Finally realizing the truly horrific extent of what Garbodor had done to her, tears began to flow once again as Hatterene begged in vain for her parents to save her.
A faded & tattered missing poster for Hattrem fluttered past the line of Mons waiting to enter the Wiscash splash adult section on a hot day in August. Snaking around the wall of the park, the line was easily half a mile long, going through the park gates & straight through to the Fleshroom. Tacked to the side was a large sign that simply read; “Birth show today”. Now, all the “Features” in the flesh room were in use but none more so than Hatterene, the star of today’s show. Crying, Hatterene’s big black eyes flickered wildly around the room, her eyes pleading with the big adult Mons standing around her to help. They didn’t, as usual, the Mons had their dicks out, spraying Hatterene with their nasty cum stuff. She hated it, she hated cum, she hated all the mean Mons who never helped her but Hatterene couldn’t focus on that now, all she could focus on what the thrashing monsters in her belly. It had started that morning, a mean Cacturne man with a spiky dick was forcing himself into her ruined holes, despite Hatterene’s protests. After spraying his cum stuff in her holes, something inside her seemed to burst & to her horror & Caturne’s delight, Hatterene’s bloated cunt holes sprayed a torrent of foul brown liquid. For months, Hatterene had felt the babies thrashing inside her, she prayed to Arceus every night to make it stop & end her suffering but Arceus remained silent & the thrashing got worse by the day. Now they were coming & nothing Hatterne could do could stop it.
After Cactrune excitedly shouted about what was happening, a swarm of Mons appeared around Hatterene, giddy with anticipation. Struggling & sobbing, Hatterene tried to clench, tired to contain the horrific spawn, she didn’t want to be a mommy, she wanted her mommy! But it was pointless. Inch after inch, Hatterene felt a burning squirming mass force it's way down the tunnel inside her & towards her hole. She sobbed in pain & her 6 tits sprayed rancid goo as mean Mons shot rancid cum onto her, the mass getting closer to freedom. This went on for hours, both of Hatterene’s holes spreading in preparation for the mass's escape. She begged for it to stop, begged for help but none come & eventually, with a cry, both of Hatterene’s holes squirted 2 boated & nasty Hattena onto the floor. Born fat nasty & covered in cum, the adult Mons began mock congratulating her but stopped, staring in awe & glee as the head of two more Hattena squirted out of Hatterene’s holes with a sicking belch.
As the sun set, & Hatterene was given the customary time off to deal with the 6 nasty blobs she popped out, sobbing as they latched on to her rancid tits & gobbled down the greedy goo like the fat piggies they were. Watching all this on the security cameras was Garbodor, counting his money & grinning, Hatterene, just like he thought, had been a good investment after all.

  • Comments
  • Bro the actual artist already uploaded this image, and they themselves didn't include the description this is not the original photo and the artist did not upload this. Take the description to the original photo uploaded by the artist, and then let this one be deleted because it's a copy.

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  • drugstore said:
    Bro the actual artist already uploaded this image, and they themselves didn't include the description this is not the original photo and the artist did not upload this. Take the description to the original photo uploaded by the artist, and then let this one be deleted because it's a copy.

    the og artist did not upload to e621 & as the comissionar of the art & the author, im going to upload to my account when I finish the story.

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  • dolores_umbridge said:
    the og artist did not upload to e621 & as the comissionar of the art & the author, im going to upload to my account when I finish the story.

    The parent post which is older says it was posted by zooshi in its history, and there are no differences from what I can tell, at least whit my eyes.

    Edit: if you can find a difference, please tell me. My eyesight is genuinely not the best.

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  • drugstore said:
    The parent post which is older says it was posted by zooshi in its history, and there are no differences from what I can tell, at least whit my eyes.

    Edit: if you can find a difference, please tell me. My eyesight is genuinely not the best.

    but he is the owner, he is the commissioner XD

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