robert hayes created by furryrevolution
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Camping Dad

"G'mornin' sleepyhead" The older wolverine chuckled, "Sleep well?" he asked.
You let out a yawnly response to the familiar voice you heard, making him laugh again, "Heh heh... I'll take that as a yes."
Sitting upright, peering your tired eyes open, vision blurred but you can see fine, enough to notice a silhouette outside your tent.
Your senses quickly came to, realizing where you are and what is going on. remembering that you were offered to join in on a camping trip with your best friend and his parents.
The smell of bacon, combined with the sound of his gruff voice and the sizzling of the food intrigued you, leaning close to your tent walls to investigate, trying to see though the tent fabric, but only a blur of black and orange could be seen.
Still sat inside your sleeping bag, you shuffled closer towards the tent door and reached up for the zipper. With one long swoop of the arm, the door unzipped. The sounds and smells you could hintly sense before grew even stronger, but the silhouette that stood outside your tent was infact your best friends dad.

He stood there, lower half and torso exposed as he turned to face you, wearing a red plaid shirt that was unbuttoned, swaying from the summer breeze. "Oh, hey" he said in a startled manner, "You coulda' warned me you was coming out, I've been walking around naked cause' my clothes need drying" he explained, "Hope you don't mind me being nude for a little while do you?" the older male asked you, "Just until Royce and his mother gets back."
It took to a moment to register, but you assure him its fine, and pinching yourself to see if this was a dream. "Thanks bud!" he smiled as he walked into his own tent.
Sitting back in your sleeping bag, you observe your friends dad from afar, he began setting up the table and chairs for the breakfast he is cooking. Each time he came out of his tent to check up on the food, you got a great view of his front. His Body is stocky and broad with a round beer gut, covered with black shaggy hair from head to toe, torso and stomach, but the one area your eyes were drawn to most: his crotch.

He finished preparing the table and focused on the food cooking on the stove. "I'm cooking some breakfast for everyone, eggs, bacon, sausage, even some toast!" announced your friends dad. You heard him clearly, but eyes were drawn to that girthy cock of his. He shuffled the pan full of food and let out a growly yawn, you saw a rugged arm reach down to his scruffy belly for a scratch. His chubby cock and balls bounce and flopped as he groomed his stomach "Aah, thats the spot" he quietly spoke with glee.

He turned and faced you with a pleasant expression, "Now that you're awake. You want anything to eat?" he asked.

"I'll have some of your sausage, Mr Hayes.

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