a-25, alina volkova, and svetlana belenkova created by renthedragon
Artist's Description


Seems the Flanker twins bit off much more than they could chew!

Sorry this one took a while, peeps, February has been a little on the emotional side for me the last few weeks, but I'm steadily feeling better now!

And BTW, the hud reads, top and left to right; BATTLE MODE, LANA OS, MISSILE 1-2 ARMED, MACHINE GUN 1 & 2, SCANNING and NO RADAR SIGNAL. Big thanks to Nika for helping with this one!

  • Comments
  • Metal on metal and teeth scraping? Two of the best experiences, right behind stepping on a Lego.

    She's gotta be the blowjob champion, what with hiding an entire autocannon down her throat with no difficulty.

    Hope you get to feeling better soon Ren.

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  • dracotay said:
    Ok, she wasn't designed with a gun, but I'm ok with this.

    She's an A-10 derivative. Since her engines are external, the Gattling gun and it's mechanism are in her chest cavity. Her neck needs to be straight to draw and fire it, however. Gun barrels tend to work better when straight.

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  • She has a GAU-8? That means if they don't pull something fast... Well, for those who are just here for the porn and not the planes, time for a quick lesson.

    The A-10 Warthog is intended for a multitude of purposes. Mainly, It's used against... Well, anything that gets on the wrong side of the barrel. It's called "The cross of death" by Iraqi troops that had the misfortune of being in it's sights and didn't end up neutralized. It's equipped with a GAU-8 Avenger. This is a 30MM Gatling gun with seven barrels. You'll note that she has eight, but I assume it's artistic differentiation.

    30MM rounds is enough to shred a tank's armor to itty bitty shreds. A plane has much less than that, needing to fly. One would probably cause significant damage to ANY vehicle it strikes. It fires 3900 OF THEM A MINUTE. It's commonly joked that you don't buy an A-10. You buy a GAU-8, and the plane is an accessory.

    tl;dr They worse than dead. Go ahead, call the KGB. They can't un-BRRRRRT you.

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  • Oral canon... I think I've seen too much now.

    But what an EF-20 can sneeze out would scare anyone going head to head. Unfortunately the Russians lack this weapon and only a few planes have ever been armed with it.

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  • I gotta keep in mind that these ladies are machines and mechanized 'surprises' like this are to be expected...

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