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Not being a derg to pass up the opportunity to join another after an invitation was issued, it was to my utmost glee to have received an invitation from none other than Craddock to join him for... Something? It wasn't really specified as to what activities would take place, but I knew it would be fun regardless of whatever he had in mind.
However, things took a slight turn when it was later revealed that he had invited me to join him in skiing... Suffice to say, I do not make for a good skier, and I just sunk far into the snow every time I attempted to wear the straightforward pieces of equipment, and it was blatantly apparent that the sticks could not budge me through the powdery landscape, much to my irritation, and Craddock's entertainment.
This was not the only thing he had in mind, however. For once he himself was done with his typical skiing route, we would then proceed to head back towards an outdoors setup, just shy of a dense tundra, and all I will say is this: That derg knows how to accommodate towards a large appetite.
However, sadly, when one gluts their self whilst in the company of a friend, time flies awfully fast. As dusk was rapidly approaching, it was time that I bade my farewells. This was when Craddock had actually offered to accompany me back to the edge of his territory, seeing as I am rather inexperienced in traversing the cold; harsh terrains which he called home.
As the two overfed dergs trundled their way through the tundra, bellies swaying with both weight in fat and stomach contents alike, they both had become somewhat lost in conversation. So much so that it had become apparent that they were not paying attention to the very grounds they were waddling over. This would prove to be a terrible mistake for one of the dergs, namely, the 48.75 ton tub of lard that had been visiting that day.
With a crunch, a crack, and a sudden de-escalation, the icy terrain turned out to be no match for my heaving self. Quickly engulfed by the freezing cold waters of the icy lake that laid beneath our paws; unbeknownst to us until now; more than half of my overly-obese form had become submerged in the stiff, dormant blues.
Tried as I might, I could get no grips on the ice to heave myself back out of this predicament, as with every panicked clawing at the brittle surface, it only broke further under my weight.
Meanwhile, Craddock aside me; finding this to be all too entertaining to miss; decided that perhaps it would be more amusing to simply spectate my struggles rather than actually help me, much to my infuriation. That tubby devil, I bet that's the reason he wanted to waddle alongside. For all I knew, he may have known that this predicament was an inevitability, and simply wanted to be there to see for himself as to what a derg out of his depth would look like...
Little does he know, the constant thrashing of the half-submerged derg, combined with his own overabundant weight, left considerable damages to the ice beneath his own paws. Only fate may decide if he is to join me in my struggle, or stay safe above to watch and tease...

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