fluttershy (friendship is magic and etc) created by puzzle-of-life
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  • I fully support Fluttershy's efforts, and I truly believe she can help us preserve peace for our world.
    ...so long as she doesn't look for peace the way the Akatsuki did.

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  • Who commissioned this propaganda. *Slams poster down on desk* I want them in my office... NOW. Fluttershy may run for president, but she may not trample our ideas of a perfect pony lifestyle.

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  • Sorry Communist but... I have to butt in.

    As an Ambassador of the Republic of Poland stationing in Equestria I personally, with full responsibilities at hand declare that our Republics representatives in the name of our whole divided yet sill not without a hope nation FULLY supports Fluttershys ambitions.
    As Poland is and will still be for years to come, the broken heart of Europe, we are and will remain to undoubtedly support a simple yet not so simple ideology of world peace.
    With this said I've got two things to say.
    First off Republic of Poland shall use Fluttershy propaganda to promote world peace in the borders of our country, and try to interact on that matter with any other nations to solve any and possibly all conflicts.
    Second thing is... I ask of other nations representatives to declare their positions in this matter.

    Violence will not save us.
    FIRST fix cracks in your own hearts.. Than try to mend others.
    What will you say world?
    Will you heal yourself piece by piece till it all come together..?

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  • The_Communist_Party said:
    Who commissioned this propaganda. *Slams poster down on desk* I want them in my office... NOW. Fluttershy may run for president, but she may not trample our ideas of a perfect pony lifestyle.

    Know what? Deal with it, Communists. Do anything to harm Fluttershy, I dare you. Not only have we got the planet against you guys on the moon, we now have...*raises several papers*...Peacekeeping assistance from both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Council. In other words, keep the peace.

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  • Royal_Guard_#2 said:
    Know what? Deal with it, Communists. Do anything to harm Fluttershy, I dare you. Not only have we got the planet against you guys on the moon, we now have...*raises several papers*...Peacekeeping assistance from both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Council. In other words, keep the peace.

    *Leans back against chair* Fluttershy is dead. It was not my doing, but you may talk to the soldier who ordered the attack. The jedi do not scare me, they have been trying my life for years. Oh, i do believe we just invaded Kashyyk.

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  • The_Communist_Party said:
    *Leans back against chair* Fluttershy is dead. It was not my doing, but you may talk to the soldier who ordered the attack. The jedi do not scare me, they have been trying my life for years. Oh, i do believe we just invaded Kashyyk.

    *Puts down transmitter* Did you hear that all of your forces were just slaughtered at Kashyyyk? Once they touched down with their little AK-74s they got ripped to shreds by ARC troopers and the HAVw A6 Juggernauts, AT-TE walkers and AT-AP walkers of the 121st regiment.

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  • Royal_Guard_#2 said:
    *Puts down transmitter* Did you hear that all of your forces were just slaughtered at Kashyyyk? Once they touched down with their little AK-74s they got ripped to shreds by ARC troopers and the HAVw A6 Juggernauts, AT-TE walkers and AT-AP walkers of the 121st regiment.

    Says the stallion who just minutes before professed his undying support for Fluttershy's ideals...


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  • So the world still prefers the easy ways of violence...
    I tough as much... I will keep doing what a White Knight has to do than.

    Oh and Fluttershy is alive. There are weapons gentle and at the same time stronger than swords and guns.
    Weapons that does not kill but protect and save lives.
    I dunno about English word but here in Poland
    Weapon = Broń
    Origin of word Broń is "Bronić" statement which means "Protect", not "Attack".

    *Pats Fluttershy on the head exchanging smiles and walks away as she flays her way home*

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  • Peace corps? Ever heard of peace through superior firepower?

    No-one touches the biggest kid on the block, and everyone sure as hell better listen when he speaks. If he doesn't want it to happen, he'll stop it.

    Just pray that he has good intentions and isn't Lady Gaga. Those are my only two exceptions.

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  • I dunno about English word but here in Poland
    Weapon = Broń
    Origin of word Broń is "Bronić" statement which means "Protect", not "Attack".

    Does that mean we should be bron-ies? Like BROWNIES?

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  • Nelsonbutterscotch said:
    No-one touches the biggest kid on the block, and everyone sure as hell better listen when he speaks. If he doesn't want it to happen, he'll stop it.

    Not to get excessively political, but in case you missed the last 20 years, American foreign policy doesn't exactly have a stellar track record.

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  • slops said:
    Not to get excessively political, but in case you missed the last 20 years, American foreign policy doesn't exactly have a stellar track record.

    Unfortunately, that is in nation building and against native peoples. Yes, America sucks at invading and impressing its ideals on a population. However, in straight warfare, America is still pretty high up there on the list of 'Powers not to Fuck With.' Neck and neck with China, in my book but that's up to the individual looking at the data.

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  • Minalkra said:
    Unfortunately, that is in nation building and against native peoples. Yes, America sucks at invading and impressing its ideals on a population. However, in straight warfare, America is still pretty high up there on the list of 'Powers not to Fuck With.' Neck and neck with China, in my book but that's up to the individual looking at the data.

    I could go on a long rant about how and why "staight warfare" simply isn't likely to consist of either "big superpower picking on impoverished third world country of choice" or nuclear Armageddon. Instead I'm simply going to point at the foolishness of complaining about the other guys "not playing by the rules" in warfare...
    I'm sure the Zulu's said the same when the British brought guns to a spear fight, or the British when Americans started fighting out of infantry formations and hid behind cover. Or the European knights when the Mongol Hordes shot them with arrows from horseback instead of getting within sword range. Or the Byzantine defenders when they saw that the Ottomans had brought cannons to the siege.
    See where this rant is going?

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