jake long (american dragon: jake long and etc) created by whatinsomnia
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Jake Long:

American Dragon.
Magical Guardian.
Dragon in his Prime.
Hyper Superhero.
Teenage Heartthrob.
Gay Pride Icon.
Prime Boyfriend Material.

When he's not saving the day or helping civilians, he lives a relaxed life bouncing from club to bar to strip joint to nude beach, doing odd jobs that oh-so-conveniently show off his titanic body. One of his favorite yearly gigs is being a counselor at the yearly training session on the secret island known only to dragonkind. They don't even pay him all that much (barely room and board) but he simply can't resist basking in the adoration of the campers. His enormous, growing body offers an immediate visual testament to the value of sticking to their training regimen, and with all the male dragon hormones running rampant the entire two-month period is simply overflowing with a palpable masculine lust. It's the perfect place for exploring your sexuality, with many of the dragons realizing just how devastatingly GAY their true bodies make them feel, and Jake really puts the camp in "camp counselor" while he and the other massive dragon titans give in to their natural limp-wristed lispiness as more time passes by.

For the first couple of days he tries to keep up the pretense of modesty. Dragons normally go completely naked but he squeezes himself into an ultra-tiny, midriff-baring shirt and shorts combo that hasn't been seen since the days of Sleepaway Camp. Maybe part of it is that he likes the roleplay aspect, too. It titillates him to stomp around, flexing and groaning, his privates spilling out of the front of his shorts and the back bunching so low he's showing off four feet of asscrack and butt-heart. There aren't many places to put merit badges despite the massiveness of his muscles, so the dragons found it more convenient to turn them into magical stickers to show off the campers' progress and prowess. Jake likes to slap them on his balls.

Of course, before two weeks have passed pretty much everyone on the island abandons the idea of clothing or modesty entirely. All that testosterone and "getting in touch with their inner dragon" brings out the primal homosexual within them, who'd have thought? That's part of the training too, though, for as everyone knows the more a dragon indulges in their gay sexual proclivities the bigger and stronger they become! Perhaps it's the power of instinct, and at heart they're creatures of vice originally, but either way the results speak for themselves...

ₐₐₐₐₐ 💦

I decided to splurge a bit and get a really good birthday present for myself this year. whatinsomnia had been wanting to do another Jake pic for me ever since the first one, and although I hadn't been able to set aside some funds up until now, it turned out to be the perfect time for it! The original show had an episode which takes place in a "training camp" for dragons like him, and I've mmmn... well, I've fantasized on several occasions that it's just a private getaway where huge dragon hulks can revel in their more private and homosexual urges, y'know... so a picture like this seemed like a natural conclusion, at least for a solo pinup. It also shows off his backside, which hasn't gotten much attention in my past commissions. Dat butt-heart... ,///,

So yeah um... enjoy!!! I know I will be. >///> 💦

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