zigg (lgbt pride month and etc) created by chewycuticle
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  • Yay, I can now do something I was never planning to do anyways! Oh well, at least the gay people that DO want to get married can now do so and be miserable with the rest of the married folk.

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  • FerrisOnFire said:
    Yay, I can now do something I was never planning to do anyways! Oh well, at least the gay people that DO want to get married can now do so and be miserable with the rest of the married folk.

    are you complaining



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  • Madvillian said:
    are you complaining



    because marriage

    is bullshit

    and it's a bittersweet victory

    cuz when you think about it,


    aren't really meant

    to be monogamous

    and attempting to be so

    just kind of fucks us up

    and makes us miserable

    Besides, if it took this goddamn long for us to be allowed this most basic of rights, then fuck'em. I'd say just let them keep their holy institution of marriage between a man and a woman. Domestic partnerships seemed to work just fine, albeit with some tweaking here and there to even them out. Separate but equal would work well in this regard.

    By the way, is your name a reference to the MF Doom/Madlib duo of the same name? If so that's pretty sweet. You misspelled villain though.

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  • Madvillian said:
    are you complaining



    Also, I've yet to meet the gay man (or straight man, for that matter) who isn't just a bit too sexually promiscuous for strict, fidelitous monogamy to truly be considered a viable option. I once saw a video where one of the couples who'd been married the longest out of anyone in the world was interviewed and asked to give some tips as to how they made their marriage last. The old man pulled the interviewer aside and whispered "Son, cheat every chance you get."

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  • FerrisOnFire said:
    because marriage

    is bullshit

    and it's a bittersweet victory

    cuz when you think about it,


    aren't really meant

    to be monogamous

    and attempting to be so

    just kind of fucks us up

    and makes us miserable

    Besides, if it took this goddamn long for us to be allowed this most basic of rights, then fuck'em. I'd say just let them keep their holy institution of marriage between a man and a woman. Domestic partnerships seemed to work just fine, albeit with some tweaking here and there to even them out. Separate but equal would work well in this regard.

    By the way, is your name a reference to the MF Doom/Madlib duo of the same name? If so that's pretty sweet. You misspelled villain though.

    >correct spelling and grammar


    yea it is lmao, is yours a refernce to neutral milk hotel? because that's tight too.

    yea i hate marriage too but, it's not really like it matters. also financial benefits.

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  • MADVILLAIN said:
    >correct spelling and grammar


    yea it is lmao, is yours a refernce to neutral milk hotel? because that's tight too.

    yea i hate marriage too but, it's not really like it matters. also financial benefits.

    I get where you're coming from. Yeah, on a practical level, marriage can be beneficial to both parties, but you're right, it doesn't really matter. It's just that pretty much everyone I've seen get married ends up the worse for it. And yes, it is a NMH reference. I didn't think anyone would catch that. So you've heard of them AND Madvillain? I mean, obviously that's been established, but damn, I think I'm in love.

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  • MADVILLAIN said:
    he dick too big for he gotdamn hole

    Quoting the Tarantino flick Pulp Fiction, specifically Samuel L Jackson:


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