ceylon, dahnak bernstein, and orchi vanessa (mythology) created by styxandstoned
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Story: Fulfilling her desires 1

Ceylon shook herself free of the light layer of frost that had formed on her feathers overnight as she blinked away the sleep. She was perched high in a cellitoke tree, overlooking the valley below her as she spread her wings to stretch; the sun was barely peeking over the horizon to blanket the mountainous region with strands of light orange light and her breaths conjured puffs of steam before her. In the past months, she had been flying from one region to the next, admiring the many climates that she didn't get enough time to appreciate in her day-to-day life. As a gryphon based out of the cultural epicenter of Saff'Rald, she spent most of her days in tropical regions or dusty plains; it was time for a vacation, even if it meant her wings carried her around the world.

She and her mate Leera were ambassadors for hire, negotiating trade agreements and settlement disputes between any nations that had the need for their skills. Both were powerful mages with skill and knowledge well beyond what most could comprehend, and were able to be diplomatic in the face of adversity or outright threaten violence if a settlement could not be reached. Naturally, both hated using their immense powers for violence since it was exhausting and they felt all issues could be resolved without it, but the reality of life had proven to them time and time again that control held more value than diplomacy in almost every situation. Usually, once they would offer a grandiose display of power such as controlling storms or creating a stronghold of ice around the ambassadors, both parties were more interested in negotiation.

This lifestyle left them both exhausted, frustrated, and ready for a vacation. Time away from their duties, time away from their friends, time away from their jobs, and even time away from each other was something that Doctor Vaulix had prescribed, so both were travelling to opposite ends of the globe to get away from it all.

Her trip had been long and hard, but she needed it. Years of overseeing diplomatic affairs between warring nations had driven her to a level of stress she didn't think possible, and she was now far in the north in a relatively neutral nation known as Onycherem. She had no real plan, no goal, and no desire to do anything in particular, but was instead just enjoying the glory of the fog-blanketed valley. From her vantage point high in the cellitoke tree, she could peek out through the blue-tinged leaves to see the wedge in the land formed by the two mountain ranges dotted by bits of snow and rock and other light blue and green tinged cellitoke trees.

Cellitoke was a term to describe trees comprised of especially rigid wood and bark, with a mostly green but slightly blue leaf. Like coniferous trees, they didn't shed during the winter, which meant that there was a light layer of snow from summit to foothills, yet every tree was still as thick and lush as summer. It was a beautiful image to wake up to, especially with the contrasting orange light, but Ceylon couldn't relax and enjoy it too much for she knew that the days in the north were short, and she did have some ground to cover.

She kicked off the thick branch and spread her wings wide, bursting out from the leaves to catch the slightest updraft that buoyed her high into the sky. The black and white gryphon let out a powerful screech to the morning as she glided effortlessly through the valley towards the northern mouth of it. There, she would eventually meet up with her friend Dahnak Bernstein in the North Shore Capital, and maybe enjoy a meal together before she would take to the skies and repeat he process en route to another location. Her entire vacation was a by-wing travelogue, wherein she'd visit a friend she'd made in her prior travels, stay a few nights, then carry on to another friend in a different location. It was a surprisingly efficient method of travel, when one had lots of time on their shoulders. Three months into her vacation, and she'd only made it half way around Dalon.

Ceylon kept her talons and paws folded up tight against her chest and belly for maximum aerodynamics, with her tail out straight behind her. The feathers that lined her spine from neck to tail tip were on end and acted like an aerial rudder. She would flap, catch an updraft that blew up the mountainside, then glide for minutes before having to flap again; it was a relatively slow way to travel, but it used minimum energy and was perfect for a leisure trip. All the while, she couldn't help but have her mind drift back and forth between two topics: food and Leera. Her belly would rumble, and she'd consider angling herself down towards the valley to catch some prey - there were plenty of deer and rabbits and sheep - but then her mind would drift back to Leera and all the work they'd put in to live a cruelty free life together. The guilt and shame ensured she couldn't help but hold off on natural hunting in lieu of pre-killed food.

That was fine, though. Ceylon wasn't the type to enjoy killing unless absolutely necessary. Hunting was fun in a primal way, but like masturbation to a Sky-Shrine worshipper, she couldn't do it without feeling guilty afterwards, so her willpower overcame her hunger.

When she looked back up to the horizon, she was shocked to see a dirigible gently lumbering forth from behind the peak of a mountain, slowly revealing itself to her with a deck dangling below, a few crew members darting around it. The airship was at the same height she was, so she redirected herself towards it to say hi. As she flapped past, she curled up into a ball with wings folded on her back, waved to the canine and feline crew, then spun and spread her wings again to sweep past the summit of the mountain it had crossed.

From there, she flapped and glided - with the aid of some magic air currents - to make her way to the North Shore Capital. Before her, along the icy shores of Onycherem, the capital city slowly revealed itself. Unlike most cities, which were mostly round with a castle or parliament building in the middle, North Shore was a strip between the foothills of the mountain range and the shore it hugged. Long, wide, somewhat curved around the bay, but still flat and boring except the thousands of homes built right into the sloped foothills, with roofs jutting out and hundreds of snaking pathways connecting them all. Near the shore, a pier and wharf with many docks for travelling merchants, on either side two trade routes leading through the western and eastern passes to connect them to the rest of the country, and farther up in the mountain, overlook towers to keep an eye on the sky and a weather gaze on the northern horizon.

The many houses built and carved into the mountainside were mostly for flying creatures. Oaira, gryphons, pureblood saurossins, hippogryphs, and other winged beasts were the only ones that could properly make their homes there. Terrestrial races would not have the stamina or body to walk up and down the steep hills to town or back to one of the many marketplaces. In fact, part of the mountain was cut off in vertical cliffs, and no humans or jysar had any chance of reaching those unless on the back of a gryphon or dragon.

That was where Ceylon was headed. Her friend Bern was a rather large purebred saurossin - also known as a dragon - who lived in one of the highest altitude buildings right below the carved lighthouses built into the summits. She swooped to the side and dove towards the home of her friend, a tall, ornate castle-looking home with rounded turret perches, sloped ceramic rooftops, and golden metal filaments. When she landed on his front perch porch, she skidded across a thin layer of ice before digging claws in for grip.

"Hey Bern! You home!" She called out, eager to see her friend.

It was still early morning so she wasn't entirely sure if she expected any sort of response, so she was actually surprised when she heard a deep growl echoing out from deep within the cave. The vocalization was so strong and so deep she could feel it buzzing in her chest feathers. Given the fact that Bern's home - as well as dozens of others within shouting distance - were all carved into the same intricate cave system, she didn't want to assume any sort of truth about who it was that rumbled towards her. Could have been his neighbor, or a lover he had in his bed with him. For that reason, she gave another knock and perched up on her hind legs to look through the four window panes that were in his door.

She called out again, and after a few minutes, from deep within his home, she saw the silhouette of a tall shadowy figure lumber its way out through the large, sparsely filled front den or living room. Clearly a dragon, almost certainly Bern himself. When he stepped forward into the dim orange of the candle light, she could see his black and amber scales accented by the grumpiest morning face she'd ever seen. He stepped to the door and pressed his snout up against the window, warm breath fogging it up. Instantly, he opened the door, broad grin on his face to expose his teeth. "Oh, hey Ceylon! Long time no see!"

She leaned in and wrapped her neck around his in a hug. "I know, I know. Just on a quest for personal enlightenment and I'm trying to meet up with as many of my friends from around the world as I can. I'm in Onycherem now and I daren't miss out on chatting with one of my best dragon buddies." She gave a gentle preen to his scales behind the air before stepping back, shifting from hind paw to hind paw. "So can I come in?"

A pleased rumble came from deep within him as he stepped back, extending one of his front legs to invite her. "Yeah, for sure. Sorry if it took that long to reach the door, this entrance is not really being used anymore since we made a new one far below the mountain. Everyone complained that it was into a far too high position.” He chuckled. “Are you hungry? I'm hungry, and you just kinda showed up out of nowhere so I'm not exactly prepared for guests. I'd never say no to an old friend, though." He took in a deep breath and yawned before closing the door behind her.

Inside, the two of them moved deeper into the house, where the front foyer was connected with a quite large and long hallway which was connected to most of the rooms. To Ceylon's surprise, the environment becomes heavily decorated as more they walked. At first there was just an ornate rug on the floor and some nice candle stick holders to the walls, but then dozens of paintings were decorating the hallway. Most of them represented suggestive environments, like a tropic area and a Cliffside with dozens of gryphons that were flying around it. Most of the first rooms they approached were clearly used as guest rooms and decorated with very large beds and pillows. While the latter were clearly used for the a personal use. As Bern has accompanied Ceylon inside the kitchen room, she could notice that there was an extra passage in the hallway which bring to a seemingly small river that has been transformed as an enormous bath tub.
"So what have you been doing, lately?" Ceylon asked as she stared out the front window, taking in the view of the entire city beneath them between the foothills of the mountain and the shore.

"Same old, same old. I’m still keeping my vore shop and doing physical labor for friends and others around town; there are always needs for a dragon of my size when it comes to construction or other services. You'd be amazed to see how my growth ability make me earn so many work request."

Ceylon chirp-squeaked a bit as she clamped her beak shut. "I didn't know you were in that line of work!"

"I'm not, but when I go out to get a drink at the split-race taverns, I'm always getting cougars begging me for a go at me and they offer me drinks and money. Hard to say no when a meal, drinks, and a little on top are offered for that kind of fun, even if I feel sorry for them every time." He lumbered over to his kitchen, where he used some fire breath to boil a pot of coffee. When he poured himself a mug, he returned to the foyer with Ceylon, resting in the sun next to her as "It's been fun, and if I don't do it they go out to someone else, and I end up missing out on a night of fun."

"O-oh. Well okay." She said, leaning back towards the kitchen. "I don't suppose you have any tea here, do you? I could go for a tea."

Ben shook his head. "We just ran out of it this morning, so we currently only have coffee. My mate told me that she will buy it as soon she finishes her job, so I didn’t bother to go out and buy it. Let's go into town, we can get anything, then when we come back we can catch up!" He gulped down the hot coffee, which was fine for him since he was a fire breathing dragon and felt merely warm to him. "Come with me."

He led Ceylon out the front door, and the two of them spread their wings to kick off his front perch, making their way down the mountain's incline to the bulk of the city. The two of them couldn't really speak much while travelling, since the wind was whipping fur and feathers, making it difficult to hear or make any vocalizations beyond basic screeches.

The two of them touched down near the shore, where dozens of restaurant and food vendors were located. Bern offered to pay for Ceylon's meal, but she declined.

"I'm fine, I have plenty of money for my travels." She reached into the saddlebags that were over her haunches, grabbing a gold coin to thumb-flip it towards him. "In fact, I'd like to pay for yours, since you're hosting me! This is something I can handle on my own, and I just need to get out and be self reliant; it's important to me."

He pocketed the coin as one of the patrons in front of them got their food and went out to the patio café tables. "That's nice. So what brings you here? I know you said that you needed to get away, but I'm curious what in particular led to this decision. I know you're not the kind of gryph that is weak in the heart."

Ceylon smiled and nodded, not really wanting to tell him all the details but also knowing that it would be rude not to let him hear about it. "Well, Leera and I have been travelling the world in a sort of diplomat-for-hire job. We use our magic and political ties to, uh, creatively coerce two warring nations to make peace, be it through force or the power of suggestion. Been doing it for decades now, but have you heard about the conflict between Endra and Viokenic?" Another patron finished their order and left, leaving only a few more between them and the burrito seller.

Dahnak nodded, listening intently. "Yeah, I heard the news. I'm glad Onycherem is nowhere near that conflict; I heard it's particularly gruesome."

"It is, yes. And that's the problem. We were hired by Kayden of Waverthe to negotiate a peace treaty between them, because they knew that if something wasn't done right and soon, the conflict would erupt into exactly what it did. We went in, I talked to the king and queen of Viokenic, while Leera went to talk to War General Kila from Endra. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I have a bad history with Viokenic, and I let my rage get the better of me. I'm pretty ashamed to admit it, but I'm the reason the war was ignited, and after that I decided I needed to get out of it all. Distance myself from diplomatic work, give myself time to rediscover my kind spirit and meditate on my existence, and I couldn't find a better way to do that than to revisit all the friends and places around the world that have been kind to me in the past. I've visited the temples of Arrenthen, the ruins of Trithe, the Koluman Coliseum, and even took a break in the Valley of Gryphons on the Ijimulian archipelago. There are few places as spiritually significant to me."

Bern kept a smile and a nod while another set of folks left the line from ahead of them. He tapped his own chin. "But that doesn't tell me why you're here in particular."

Ceylon chirped. "Oh, that's simple. You're my best friend in this country! Couldn't dare miss out on comin' to see ya! Plus..." She paused and blushed. "There is another reason I can discuss when we are on our own at a table."

The final group of felines in front of them in line grabbed their food and went off as well, leaving the single server to ask, "Welcome to Burd-Burrito. What can I get for ya?"

Ceylon glanced up at the menu for a split second before deciding. "I'll take the chicken wing wrap. Extra meat, extra spice." That menu item had a hot chili pepper on fire next to the words.

Bern glanced sidelong at her, since she ordered a chicken meat burrito.

"What? Why is everyone so surprised that I eat chicken meat? Even Ilorek look at me while I eat that. It’s delicious and it’s not cannibalism, so don't complain about that. Come on, you order." She sidestepped away, where she'd wait for their food.

He kept a stare at her as he tried to don’t laugh. He didn’t expect a similar reaction from Ceylon. "I'd like an extra large, pork burrito with spicy cream sauce." The dragon couldn't help but laugh as soon he finished his order. "And she's paying."

"Right!" Ceylon agreed, tossing a gold coin onto the counter before the wraps were finished. When the server gave them each their food on a platter, they both hobbled away towards the picnic patio area, weaving between the other tables and people eating their respective meals. There were dozens of kinds of foods, including wraps, salads, kebabs, sandwiches, roasts, barbecues, and plenty of others, and the entire patio was surrounded by all the different vendors; it was an outdoor food court, even if it was pretty cold in the northern region of Onycherem.

When they finally relaxed on their haunches, Ceylon finally leaned in close to admit her concern to Bern. "As I said earlier, I'm not just here because I was passing through. I came to you because ever since leaving Leera back at home, I've had a particularly strong craving for certain activities."

That made Dahnak's eyebrows perk up. "What kind of activities?"

Ceylon laid her beak on the table, sighing heavily. "Well, last time I was here I seem to remember you had started up your own business that is the same one that Leera was doing in Klyneth. You and another gryphoness."

Dahnak nodded. "Yes, yes. And her name is Vanessa, we've been mated for many years now."

"Well, ever since parting ways with her, I've come to realize how much I need her for those particular kinks. At first, I was just doing it to satisfy her hunger in the safest way, but in time I've come to really love it. Turns out I'm very into being prey, but she's the only one I've ever met who can regularly make a meal out of me without me having to drastically alter my size via magic or potions. The longer I'm away from her, the more I feel the desire to be smothered in soft, throat flesh, and it's getting to the point where I nearly let a jungle boa strike me when visiting the temples of Arrenthen. I figured, if I was smart, I'd come to you. You're the only one I know who's large enough to indulge me." She blushed a bit, idly poking at the cardboard container her dragon wing wrap was in. "So, is that something you could do? I could pay you."

The dragon huffed a bit, resisting a smile from curling into a smirk. "Are you asking me to be predator to the great Ceylon?"

"M-maybe? I mean, I can't just fly all the way back to Saff'Rald, I'm needy now. It doesn't need to be long, just an afternoon if you got the time and room." She took a bite of her burrito, doing her best to avoid eye contact with the dragon. She was a proud warrior and diplomat with decades of experience both in parliament and on the battlefield, and she was known for being legendarily open with her desires and needs, but she wasn't the type to ask another for help with her kinks. Normally she was the one in charge and others would come to her to indulge their fantasies, so this was quite the role reversal for her and it made her feel more than a little awkward.

His grin grew wide, his teeth become slightly visible as his eyes narrowed in a devious glare. He tapped his front claws together. "Oh, I'm sure I could work something out. Been entirely too long since I had an old friend in me. In a literally way."

She paused a moment to swallow her bite. “No, no. Not like that. I mean okay, maybe like that, but that's not exactly what I had in mind.”

“Oh. Sorry.” He said as his expression melted to one of disappointment. “So what did you have in mind? I mean, my belly is kind of my best feature.”

Ceylon paused for a moment to click her beak and glance around, getting a good look at the other patrons in the food court. She blushed a bit when she saw a mare bending over a table, her tail raised to show just the slightest hint of flesh under their leather skirt. The gryphon hated being this bashful, so she just came out and admitted, “Well, when I'm with Leera, she usually goes for the mouth, but I usually insist on the other end. Her vent. Unlike her belly, the womb is always clean and eager to host me. I don't suppose you have anything like that, do you?”

Dahnak looked down past his belly to see his crotch. “Well, I think I might have something for you, but it'd be a bit of a tight fit.” He was of course referring to his cock. Once long ago Ceylon was swallowed up by his member, and though she liked it, it wasn't her favorite thing and there were some complications involved requiring use of magic and potions. Of course that was decades prior so he'd likely gotten more experienced with that particular gullet, but she couldn't help but remain cautious.

“I'm not entirely sure if I'm ready for that yet, but it's certainly on the table. But anyway, I hate to be rude but I truly do think that we should take this elsewhere to discuss the juicy details. I'm getting rather damp under the tail at the thought of being inside you one way or another, but I might be too shy to actually go through with it.” She tossed back the last of her spicy chicken wrap and pushed her plate in towards the middle of the table. “You have a fine city, but I think we should carry on this conversation in your den.”

He nodded gently. “I agree. I am fine talking business in public, but I'd like to do this for a friend, so I'd rather keep it private. Tell me, though, are you doing this because you miss her, or because you're just horny and needed a strong dragon to hold you as tight as possible?” Dahnak blinked a bit, slyly implying that she was really just using his time away from Leera as an excuse to have fun with him. His look told her that he wasn't being serious, but would accept that as an answer.

The gryphon slowly spread her wings to make sure there was enough room to hop into flight above the picnic umbrellas. “Why can't it be both? Come on, you have a meal to prepare.” She kicked into the air and flapped her wings, pushing down air enough to bolt low over the patrons and lower buildings lining the food court.

Behind her, Dahnak did the same, hurriedly following her back up the foothills of the mountain and back to his home – the castle-looking towers and walls expertly carved and built into the rocky slope. He would fly up close behind her, playfully nipping at the end of her tail only to have her pull it away from his jaws, since she needed that as a rudder.

She was getting a bit of hesitation building up inside her as they got closer to his home. Part of her felt like she'd been cheating on her mate Leera, but then the logic part of her brain kicked in and she remembered they had a very open relationship. The reminders of all the things she loved about being swallowed were all a trigger for her memories with Leera, all the good times and the bad.

Many, many more good times.

That didn't change the fact that she felt quite awkward about the whole endeavor. But at this point she'd basically gone too far, exciting her old friend Dahnak; she couldn't dare change her mind now. He was clearly too excited and eager to 'have an old friend for dinner', as he'd so eloquently said.

However, when they opened the front door to his foyer, they were met by a rather large and gorgeous gryphoness of purple and white patterns, dark violet wings, and golden yellow talons and beak. She had a gentle smile on her face and both her ears were perked up. “Heya Bern, where have you been all morning, and who's your cute gyphoness friend?”

Dahnak leaned in and wrapped his wing around the lady gryphon. “Vanessa, this is Ceylon. Old friend of mine passing through town. She might be interested in utilizing our services.” He smiled, chest rumbling deep in a show of pleasure and self-confidence. “And Cey, this is Vanessa, my mate and the solution to your little conundrum. You said you weren't in the mood for oral or cockvore, so she might just have the parts you're looking for.” Bern and Vanessa looked at each other and as if they could talk to each other telepathically she instinctively turned her back to Ceylon and raised her tail, while Bern gave some careful nuzzles to the soft genital area. The caressed pussy squeezed for a second, before briefly gaping and showing his deepness to Ceylon.

“Oh, I didn't know that's what this was. Please, come in.” She invited, turning away from Dahnak and to go to the kitchen, her motions deliberately giving Ceylon just enough teasing views of her plot before she grabbed a pot. “Would you like some tea?”

“I'd love some tea.” Ceylon confirmed, wagging her tail while walking past Dahnak. “I think I'll love anything you offer me right now.”

Vanessa tossed a tea bag into a mug and poured some steaming hot water into it. “Good, because I think we have a lot to discuss before we're able to fully utilize our services. But for now, tell me about yourself! I'd like to get to know you a bit, first.”

Ceylon bowed politely, chirping as she did so. “My pleasure. Well, there's a lot to say about me, really...”

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