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I'm considering opening commissions for cheap to build my portfolio! Please dm if interested! ^^

One hot summer afternoon, a little otter perched upon the poolside's rim, soaking in the golden sun. Umiko could always be found carelessly spiraling through the crystal clear waters after class, even if it was technically closed to other students, as her professors provided accommodation to her species. "There is sufficient evidence to suggest that otters benefit from a partially aquatic environment, which is necessary for proper enrichment", her files read.

Most of the time, this time was solitary, as no other student sufficiently met the requirements to use the pool out of season. As a strict introvert, Umiko preferred the isolation...but something was different, today. She had brought companionship. The once-orderly otter had broken the rules to sneak in a friend of hers; a classmate she looked up to, who had eagerly asked to see the facility. After a few hours of frolicking and splashing through the shallow pool, cicadas buzzing in the bushes and heat building on their backs, Umiko began to look little restless. Promptly apologizing, she would reveal a secret that her peers wouldn't take too kindly to; a secret she wouldn't dare reveal to anyone, except to the person she trusts.

Umiko was aware that other species she attended school felt disgust around the act of urinating in the pool; but this wasn't something she understood, and especially not something she abided by when nobody was around to watch. While canines marked every campus tree in broad daylight, just as her companion did in the bushes earlier, and felines utilized public sand lots, the school still reacted poorly to the little otter's instincts, as there simply hadn't been enough justification to build facilities catering to mustelids. To her, disallowing her from relieving herself in the pool was something of an arbitrarity.

Umiko casually pulled her school swimsuit to the side as not to soil it, making little attempt to hide her puffy slit. With webbed paws, she revealed her plush pink interior, releasing a small golden stream that arced before staining the surface below. With a relieved and content sigh, Umiko watched the water she drank earlier return to the Earth, until her eyes met her classmates...who was watching not with disgust, but amusement. "H-Hey...Look Away..." Umiko stutters, blushing. "Unless...You wanna try doing it this way, too?"



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