keith keiser and nickolai alaric (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
  • Comments
  • blackphantom770000 said:

    Umm... What precisely is the problem here?
    Is smooching a no-no for you?

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  • TheGrimReaver said:
    Umm... What precisely is the problem here?
    Is smooching a no-no for you?

    I think you're missing the point.

    That's Keith and Alaric, if you read the TwoKinds comic, you'd get the same reaction as Blackphantom770000.

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  • Arcanine09 said:
    I think you're missing the point.

    That's Keith and Alaric, if you read the TwoKinds comic, you'd get the same reaction as Blackphantom770000.

    again, the problem is..? They're both cute. who gives a frick

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  • TheGrimReaver said:
    Thing is, I don't, so whatever the problem is, it's going right over my head.
    Care to sum it up for me?

    Allegedly, Alaric and Keith were best friends as kids, living in the rather abstinent society of the Eastern Basitin island where decency is enforced with violence (not to a tyrannical point, but definitely enforced). So basically, it's like Fred Phelps and his brother making out in Westboro Baptist Church: it's a zomgwtfbbq moment.

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  • I really don't care at all about twokinds crappy generic furry webcomic plot line

    I just want to see these two buttfuck each other.

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  • blackphantom770000 said:

    I have to admit, I didn't see it coming.

    In retrospect, Alaric carving a nude statue of him should have tipped me off :(

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  • thedxm said:
    I really don't care at all about twokinds crappy generic furry webcomic plot line

    I just want to see these two buttfuck each other.

    That's why furries are called sick perverts around the interwebs

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  • Lennox said:
    Allegedly, Alaric and Keith were best friends as kids, living in the rather abstinent society of the Eastern Basitin island where decency is enforced with violence (not to a tyrannical point, but definitely enforced). So basically, it's like Fred Phelps and his brother making out in Westboro Baptist Church: it's a zomgwtfbbq moment.

    Westboro Baptist Church is actually totally a parody church. I few years ago, I went to their website, saw some crazy but clearly parodical stuff about the Earth being flat. Then I went to kids section and found MS Paint porn.

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  • Aww, it's so cute. A little out of left field (as far as non-cannon art goes, even if Aleric's desires were heavily implied), but cute none the less. Especially how Keith's tail is going crazy hehe

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  • Lennox said:
    Allegedly, Alaric and Keith were best friends as kids, living in the rather abstinent society of the Eastern Basitin island where decency is enforced with violence (not to a tyrannical point, but definitely enforced). So basically, it's like Fred Phelps and his brother making out in Westboro Baptist Church: it's a zomgwtfbbq moment.

    Sounds like... male friends living in a stupidly conservative part of the world such that even if they developed feelings they'd feel it "wrong" to show them. Sounds like once out of such a place, gay feelings being expressed would be very likely, if there were any, and in my experience being raised in an extremely conservative area has made a lot of guys secretly lust for men and other taboo things. Sounds like there's absolutely nothing surprising or strange about this happening, and blackphantom021943823 is just a generic "ew its gay thats gross lol" guy.

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  • hip-porcupine said:
    Sounds like... male friends living in a stupidly conservative part of the world such that even if they developed feelings they'd feel it "wrong" to show them. Sounds like once out of such a place, gay feelings being expressed would be very likely, if there were any, and in my experience being raised in an extremely conservative area has made a lot of guys secretly lust for men and other taboo things. Sounds like there's absolutely nothing surprising or strange about this happening, and blackphantom021943823 is just a generic "ew its gay thats gross lol" guy.


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  • hip-porcupine said:
    Sounds like... male friends living in a stupidly conservative part of the world such that even if they developed feelings they'd feel it "wrong" to show them. Sounds like once out of such a place, gay feelings being expressed would be very likely, if there were any, and in my experience being raised in an extremely conservative area has made a lot of guys secretly lust for men and other taboo things. Sounds like there's absolutely nothing surprising or strange about this happening, and blackphantom021943823 is just a generic "ew its gay thats gross lol" guy.

    But the one who developed those gay feelings never left the island...
    In fact Keith didn't like the paws touching in the pool, y'all forgot that?

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