mrs. pig (toybox pals) created by the weaver
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Character Bio

Mrs. Pig has a rounded, stout figure with long arms and very short legs. As a result she often finds it easier to go on all fours, and is a little clumsy when walking.

Personality wise, she is “the responsible one” – a gentle voice of reason to bring things back down to earth when adventures got out of hand. In the “Innocence Era”, the time when the pals all went on wholesome edutainment adventures in the backyard and helped their owner deal with problems at school, she was always the one saying things like “it sounds like this is serious, maybe you should tell a parent” or “I think you hurt their feelings, maybe you should apologize. You wouldn’t want people saying things like that about you, would you?”
She’s a compassionate more adult-like figure (where some of the others were usually more like playful kids) who therefore took up the “teacher” role, helping dole out lessons and keep everyone playing nice. She was often the one to deliver or sum up the morals and she always looked after the others.

Post-innocence, she still finds herself playing educator, just on slightly more racy topics. She’s often the one to turn to, both for the owner and her fellow toys, when “adult” advice is needed. Being mature and reasonable doesn’t put her above the awkward or embarrassing feelings from time to time but she does her best to handle them on her own. In a pinch, the demure piggy she can still teach valuable lessons, even if she’s red-faced the whole lecture.

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