created by vivipossum
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I am trying to draw nsfw art, critique welcome!

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  • Warning! I am extremely honest!

    Personal view
    Sorry in advance if I state stuff you already know. I haven't seen you before so I don't know how new you are to art. Or I don't remember. You didn't add your artist handle so it makes it difficult.

    The quality shows potential. Background is a bit psychedelic which is great because this style does psychedelic really well. Pink, purple, & bright candy colors do well showing the femininity & add further to the unreality.

    This type of pixel art, as shown here with the lack of shadowing, outlining, & color transition/variation, I think does better when the focus is the art portrayal & how it makes someone feel when looking at it, especially when telling a story... as opposed to porn. Not that you can't do it or that it's destined to be bad. I just believe it'll be really hard to show enough detail to be erotic when the selling point of this style is more abstract & being able to bring certain emotions out of viewers with that.

    Make sure to focus more on the artistic side than porn side. Again, this style is great for fantasy & trippiness.

    Extended Critique
    On the art

    Nice retro bit style appearance. Don't see a lot that has this many pixels while still giving an 8-bit feel. The lack of using pixels to portray shadowing, color transition/variation, & even the lack of outlining & what looks like pixel enlargement, all helps. Hope you get better & make more. It's good for obscurity/ambiguity, & can be abstract just enough to feel ethereal &/or mythical, & portray illusion, all in a way that feels like a dream. Even in a usual, maybe even boring setting, that abstract nature can still manage to give an off/odd feeling that something strange could happen.

    It isn't very good for detail. What it does good at is the opposite of that. The more pixels you add the more solid & real everything will get, especially when you start dedicating pixels to shadowing, color transitions/variations, & outlining, but will take away from the fantasy feel.

    >Remember to post your artist handle so people know how to find you.<

    On the porn

    When looking at Pr0nz, being able to see a bashful &/or expectant face, including the "I'm so horny I need a dick in me (or hole to fuck) >right now<", really sells it the rest of the way. Applies just as well whether dominant or submissive, girly or masculine.
    Personal opinion (like I stated at top), I'm not into smug expressions. But being just me, there'll be someone who is.

    Going back to the abstract appearance of pixel art. The lack of detail can make it difficult to portray character faces & anatomy (including erogenous packages). Meaning that what sells this as porn for someone like me who wants to see the "O faces", you will have a very difficult time pleasing their buttons. Adding more pixels & dedicating them to shadowing, color transition/variation, & outlining will fix this but again takes away from the fantasy.

    So, focus more on overall body language & physical shapeliness, such as going for seductive posing. Creating the sentiment, ambience, & aura that go with "doing naughty". You seem to being going for that already.

    Go more emotional & emotive. It'll be necessary to make up for lacking detail.

    If the sole point is NSFW & has minimal story, then I recommend adding &/or dedicating pixels for shadowing, color transition/variation, &/or outlining for more detail. Really more pixels in general. If you want to avoid adding that type of detail, you'll need the help of blushing, body language, & emote symbols. You'll need to be really good at those to make up the deficit of detail. With the number of pixels you have now, however, you might be able to make simplified facial expressions. This will also help.

    If you want to attempt to add NSFW to a story, in say... a scene... you can add detail to the art, but don't let it dominate the story, & don't allow NSFW scenes to be the only areas to get that extra detail.
    & when you do tell a story, you get leeway to add dialogue.


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  • totally-a-microphone said:
    I did not expect an actual critique, that's really helpful thank you

    Nice. I'm so glad it was.

    I tend to be frank & when I see a flaw I point it out. Last time I did that I think I broke someone & they took the piece down soon after. I didn't mean to make them feel bad. That's just how honest I was. I've never outright insulted someone in a critique.

    How I accidentally broke them

    I told them that it looked like they struggled with limbs & digits, & that their dragon appeared to have flews making them look like a dog, even though it was obvious they weren't going for a hybrid creature. I was even trying to be nice about it by brushing off the dog appearance as if it wasn't bad & pointing out what was good. As for their overall quality, they were okay. Much better than most first starters. Even told them so. Which is why it's such a shame that I scared them off. :(


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