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Imagine. You pet goodra have. You build nice room for him live in. It have wide door to be fit of his thick thigh. You do a clean of floor all time from trail of heavy tail of goo. Then come home, he greet you like this... Maybe you should do a lie down, give shaft stroke, make sure he is the total empty... You hands look so smol when is on shaft that grow so much, but is okie - is still enough to do a help of him get to sleep. But maybe you need shower after.

Do join of Discord and Twitter! Dreamer community is best community. We have place for story of, place for talk, and place for meme. I also do post of many WIP thing in these place, like more angle. This animate was render 8x more speed than lugia animate because patreon was help me buy equipments. If you want help and get animate early, do a join of the Patreon ! Right now, there is even big animate of goodra there exclusive ^_^

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  • Comments
  • You_Dont_Know_Me said:
    What, you don't do the crank and cry? No handjob and sob? Not even a wack and whimper?

    Of course, I do depression faps myself, and I want to hug Goodra when I see him this sad.

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  • Soooo
    Did it die at the end or something? Looks like he melted against the wall. Was the cum too salty!?

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