diana, ezechiel, and uriel created by lunarez
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"Now behave and stay very quiet. I'd hate to have to knock you out and risk damaging that pretty face. But if you force my hand, I won't hesitate." Ezechiel warns the prisoner in his arms. Earning him an angry muffled grunt from Diana.

The rat brothers stick to the shadows as they stealthily make their way back outside. The heavy luggage in their arms doesn't make it easy, but luckily, the majority of the kitchen's customers had left for the night leaving the rest of the staff busy cleaning up in the back for the brothers to navigate around.

They manage to reach their carriage out back without any other trouble. Uriel quickly loads the heavy bags of loot into the back to the carriage before helping his brother lift their captive into the back as well. Diana struggles hard against her bonds wondering how the hell is she going to get out of this one, while Ezechiel climbs into the driver's seat and Uriel climbs into the back of the carriage.

"Sorry princess but I gotta cover you up until we get out of town. Wouldn't want any prying eyes to spoil our fun." Uriel says as he pulls a blanket over Diana covering her completely. "We're good back here. Let's go." Uriel signals to his older brother. Ezechiel snaps the reigns of the carriage and they take off into the night down the road.

As they leave they pass an elaborate looking carriage but are unable to see who's inside. "That went better than expected. Hardly had to get my hands dirty. Just a few more people to encourage to cooperate, then I can leave this forsaken backwater." Amanda Arranoc smiles to herself relaxing in her carriage. Having no idea the surprise that's in store when she returns to her room.

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