syran created by mojaloo
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"Jenni isn't just my friend. I look up to her. In truth, I want to be more like her. She's gorgeous, confident, outgoing, and she always seems so happy. She's a model, too... but my anxiety holds me back from being like her... That, and I don't have a very high opinion of myself. Jenni always tells me I'm beautiful, but it's hard for me to believe. I wish I could see what she sees... I wonder if others would. I took one or two pics of myself, thinking maybe I'll start an OnlyFans, but after looking at the pictures, I realized there's no way I could bring myself to share them, even if I'm not even naked in them, but wearing my favorite panties and bra. I guess I'm not meant to be like Jenni, after all..." --Entry from Syran's Diary 1/10/21

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