created by hhhyyyiii
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The Show Must Go On (Camel TF)

Poor old Lorri, how could she have known. The tragedy that would befall her body and soul. As the star trapeze woman at the local circus, she was adored by all. Her partner, Tammy, knew all too well the flow of the show. Lorri would burst onto the stage, rolling onto the main platform before diving into the sky, zipping around on wooden swings like an angel swathed in clouds. The crowd would burst into boisterous applause, their appraisal never-ending. Tammy would follow close behind, with neary but a cheer. The people had a favorite. Frustrated, Tammy was certain that if she had a chance to shine on her own she could outdo little Lorri tenfold. And so, the inferior performer came up with a devious plan. She went and dredged out an old gemstone gifted to her long ago. Imbued with powerful magic, today it would prove its use. Tammy carefully sewed the magenta stone to a black leather collar. When next she met Lorri, she snuck up behind her and pulled the choker across her nape. *CLASP* Lorri jumped, desperately trying to tug off the garment, but it was wrapped tight. Then the gem began to glow, and glow until it was a radiant light show. The magic was ready, and in a poof of smoke, Lorri was gone, replaced with something far less graceful. Tammy could barely contain her laughter at the sight before her. Where once the elegant Lorri stood, now sat a stinking half-naked animal, still worriedly pawing at her collar. Finally, the spotlight belonged to Tammy. As for Lorri, her trapezing days were far behind her. Now she would serve as the newest addition to the petting zoo next door, where Tammy would occasionally come to visit her former co-worker.


Missed a chance for a camel toe joke. Oh well. Let me now if you want more obscure TF's, I really enjoy making them.

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