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  • Comments
  • Nothing was changed. This is the exact same size as the other one and everything. No censors were removed 'cause none were there, nothin' like that. I personally recommend removing this one and the flaccid version you posted and unflagging the other posts unless someone can point out a difference.

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  • Slowdive92 said:
    Nothing was changed. This is the exact same size as the other one and everything. No censors were removed 'cause none were there, nothin' like that. I personally recommend removing this one and the flaccid version you posted and unflagging the other posts unless someone can point out a difference.

    those posts can be and are considered inferior as these are and can be considered the superior versions, and plus its not hurting anyone if those versions get deleted and replaced with these versions other then my upload score which i rarely hit the max i got anyways,not unless im going on a massive upload spree

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  • Damien-The-Red-Panda said:

    ...But how then, other than the most minute of file size (not image size) differences, can these magically be superior or inferior, when there is literally zero visible difference between those and these? It's completely superfluous and arbitrary to just delete things that are exactly the same as what you're replacing them with. Plus this just has the side effect of removing those posts from people's favorites including mine, it's a good thing I caught this or I legit would've been a little annoyed. I hate having to dig stuff up again after I find it. At least 95% of the time it happens we actually do get a noticeable improvement out of it to sweeten the deal. Ugh.

    It's just silly is all I'm saying but whatever, do what you want, I guess.

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  • Slowdive92 said:
    ...But how then, other than the most minute of file size (not image size) differences, can these magically be superior or inferior, when there is literally zero visible difference between those and these? It's completely superfluous and arbitrary to just delete things that are exactly the same as what you're replacing them with. Plus this just has the side effect of removing those posts from people's favorites including mine, it's a good thing I caught this or I legit would've been a little annoyed. I hate having to dig stuff up again after I find it. At least 95% of the time it happens we actually do get a noticeable improvement out of it to sweeten the deal. Ugh.

    It's just silly is all I'm saying but whatever, do what you want, I guess.

    favorites get transferred over to the version deemed superior post, but hey im not looking to start a fight,its just how the site works and i've done this before with previous posts i try to stick to the highest possible quailty of the img i can find even if that means stumbling across it ages later im not here to fight simple as that, and i rather not see this turn into said fight because you're just simply annoyed at how things work

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  • Damien-The-Red-Panda said:
    i rather not see this turn into said fight because you're just simply annoyed at how things work

    Now hold on, let's not be like that. If I wanted to be fightin' then I'd be swearing a blue streak and just generally bein' the nastiest little bastard possible so let's go ahead and not assume I'm just in this to be a dick. The addendum at the end of my last reply was exactly what it said: It was a "whatever". Nothing more, nothing less.

    Also I'll admit up-front that I did not know that particular factoid of replacements being transferred into the fave list. Didn't seem to be the case last time I looked for something in my list that had been replaced and went missing, which was little a while ago. Plus other sites I go to don't exactly work like that and it's happened there too so that's just me making baseless correlations. Might've been a glitch or whatever but regardless, good to know that. Saves me the trouble.

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