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This is so cool! Roni finally invited me over to play "science" with him at his house. No one else wanted to play with a nerd like me at school but Roni just came up in science class and told me I was comin over to play with him today. Kinda weird but I'm not gonna be picky!

As soon as the two cubs bounded through the door, a bunch of weird sounds were coming from the kitchen that made the young mewtwo look to his new friends for answers. Instead of answering the question a smug smile crept across Roni's face and he pulled Arty as quick as he could up the stairs to his room. Once there, Roni started taking off his clothes to Arty's shock. With a shrug Roni explained

"You don't wanna get anything on your clothes do ya? Your dad would probably be pretty mad when you got home."

Thinking that made sense (Arty didn't need muchof an excuse to shed his clothes anyway) both cubs stripped to the fur before donning their official scientist jackets and goggles. Ushering his new friend over to a cardboard box in the corner of the room, Roni started pressing "buttons" and paying attention to the screens. Arty looked up and tried to read the name of the machine upside down before his friend happily explained, though not saying where exactly they were supposed to be going. Satisfied everything was ready, our favorite slutterball closed the doors and with a zap and burst of light, took him and his new friend off to a brand new sexual adventure....

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