created by kokoro-doll
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Starry Moth

Ears: Luna Moth [Rare]
Tail: Shooting Star [Uncommon]
SB: $65
Min Bid Increase: $5
Autobuy/Cap: $115

Lux Bearer

Ears: Scottish Fold [Uncommon]
Tail: Paintbrush [Common]
SB: $55
Min Bid Increase: $5
Autobuy/Cap: $105

Auction ends December 30th, 8:59 PM PST / 11:59 PM EST

-Time will extend by an hour to avoid any bid sniping that happens in the last 30 minutes of the bid
-Winners will receive 2 full res images, SFW and NSFW without the watermark and a bonus single character image of the adopt they have won
-You must be able to pay upfront for the bids within 24 hours of winning the bid
-Payment USD and through Paypal only
-Do not harrass other bidders
-If you cannot pay withen 24 hours of winning the adopt you have won then the win will be rendered null and void and given to the previous bidder next in line
-You must be 18+ to paricipitate in the auction, if you bid and you're under 18, your bid will be disqualified and removed immediatly

[Original upload date 2018-12-27]

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