created by nocturnalfuzz
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  • Comments
  • Evie' said:
    Its so dark I cant even make anything out... who would think this is okay brightness?!

    I did? And I dont see the problem, everything is heckin lit.

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  • NewbKitteh said:
    No really, can't make anything out except what might be a slightly shiny penis

    From what ive gathered, it's totally fine on a monitor. But on my phone it's a bit dark. But im still not havin the same issues you guys are, so I dont know how to fix it x3

    If you wanna help that'd be appreciated

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    From what ive gathered, it's totally fine on a monitor. But on my phone it's a bit dark. But im still not havin the same issues you guys are, so I dont know how to fix it x3

    If you wanna help that'd be appreciated

    Bud, don't take the complaints about the darkness as an insult. Take it as constructive criticisim. What is probably happening is that you made the post while you had the max brightness setting on your device, while most people run at around half copacity, if it is possible to increase the lighting of the video I would suggest doing that.

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  • Versperus said:
    Bud, don't take the complaints about the darkness as an insult. Take it as constructive criticisim. What is probably happening is that you made the post while you had the max brightness setting on your device, while most people run at around half copacity, if it is possible to increase the lighting of the video I would suggest doing that.

    Ill set the render for when im asleep. But if I brighten it any further it'll kill the atmosphere I was going for. Dark and gritty was the goal, but I guess that might not be possible on sfm? Im sure ill think o' somethin

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    From what ive gathered, it's totally fine on a monitor. But on my phone it's a bit dark. But im still not havin the same issues you guys are, so I dont know how to fix it x3

    If you wanna help that'd be appreciated

    Everyones monitor is differend and not many has money for IPS monitor with sRGB covered or phone with AMOLED being used with full brightness all the time. Even then it is really hard to see what's happening and mostly guess what's behind the penis.

    My last monitor was TN panel gaming monitor so I had extreme trouble with colors in general but I had to use relatively low brightness so that colors didn't look washed out.

    I'm once again being extremely unhelpful because I know that this happens, but I have no idea how to fix it while still keeping the athmosphere of dark room. Could be as simple as to light it up and you could possibly be seeing it better because of blindness to your own work, meaning that you can see what's happening because you know what's happening.

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    Ill set the render for when im asleep. But if I brighten it any further it'll kill the atmosphere I was going for. Dark and gritty was the goal, but I guess that might not be possible on sfm? Im sure ill think o' somethin

    add a candle light source? basically what most of us are seeing is so dark the female is almost blending with the with her shadow

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  • As mentioned by Mairo, people have different devices and monitors.

    In my main monitor, it displays as what I can only assume as what is intended(I could see EVERYTHING), but in my shitty secondary monitor, I can not tell what is going on and it's black except for the reflections of the dick.

    Also, I do not know, nor do I believe that there is a viable solution to fix the darkness issue. On a proper device, what you wish to accomplish is shown as it is meant to be seen. The issue is for those who do not have proper monitors/devices that display the brightness as intended.
    As a personal note, I've seen many comments in the past on different pieces of art about not being able to see what should be obvious to see with proper brightness settings on my monitor, but I acquired a 'new' monitor (which by all means, is outdated) and I reviewed those art pieces that people have complained about, and realize that there is NO WAY to adjust the monitor settings in order to view the art as intended. So, I cannot find any way to fix the problem of trying to make art/animations in a setting that is dark. It's not even super dark in my main monitor, but in my secondary one, it's impossible to figure out what is going on in the images I'm talking about, and I spent about an hour adjusting the settings to make it as bright and comprehensive as possible to no avail.

    tl;dr Some people see what you want them to see while other's cannot, and who knows how to fix it???

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  • Im saying to hell with my personal integrity and ill keep stuff pretty bright from now on. This is all just a hassle and ive gotten quite a few weird messages on furrafinity about it. ( people take porn way too seriously )

    Im going to upload a ' lights on ' version but then im letting this project rest. Im stressing over the mass of dislikes and it's not worth my sanity or more render hours to fix an issue half of the world has, but the other half doesnt.

    I appreciate some of your guys' help. There's some good criticisms in there and info I just didn't know. I try to learn something every day after all <3 Thank you guys for bein supportive.

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    Im saying to hell with my personal integrity and ill keep stuff pretty bright from now on. This is all just a hassle and ive gotten quite a few weird messages on furrafinity about it. ( people take porn way too seriously )

    Im going to upload a ' lights on ' version but then im letting this project rest. Im stressing over the mass of dislikes and it's not worth my sanity or more render hours to fix an issue half of the world has, but the other half doesnt.

    I appreciate some of your guys' help. There's some good criticisms in there and info I just didn't know. I try to learn something every day after all <3 Thank you guys for bein supportive.

    it really is ridiculous how people complain, I mean I could take the video version and just brightenten it up with after affects, seriously not a big deal

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  • Somerando said:
    it really is ridiculous how people complain, I mean I could take the video version and just brightenten it up with after affects, seriously not a big deal

    Complaints and criticisms I can handle just fine. In this case it taught me a weird monitor thing. It's the weird hate mail and threats one' gets because they couldn't see the vid. I dont even link my furrafinity to e621 x3

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    Complaints and criticisms I can handle just fine. In this case it taught me a weird monitor thing. It's the weird hate mail and threats one' gets because they couldn't see the vid. I dont even link my furrafinity to e621 x3

    that's fucked up, if people send you nasty messages report them.

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    Complaints and criticisms I can handle just fine. In this case it taught me a weird monitor thing. It's the weird hate mail and threats one' gets because they couldn't see the vid. I dont even link my furrafinity to e621 x3

    yeah that is what makes me kinda makes me upset, seriously threats over that, what ridiculousness, anyway your sfms are great and only getting better, are there easy to get models of Pip from Paladins? I was thinking of giving it a go one day cause I like Pip

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  • Somerando said:
    yeah that is what makes me kinda makes me upset, seriously threats over that, what ridiculousness, anyway your sfms are great and only getting better, are there easy to get models of Pip from Paladins? I was thinking of giving it a go one day cause I like Pip

    I can always look into that model. Im gonna stress nap forst though!

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  • Versperus said:
    that's fucked up, if people send you nasty messages report them.

    I have. Im quite a sensitive person too so bleh.. Just something else I need to improve upon!

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  • Somerando said:
    it really is ridiculous how people complain, I mean I could take the video version and just brightenten it up with after affects, seriously not a big deal

    People are just saying that they can't see anything. Also they shouldn't have to go through that much trouble just to see a 3 second animation.

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  • slapstick70 said:
    People are just saying that they can't see anything. Also they shouldn't have to go through that much trouble just to see a 3 second animation.

    I hear what you're sayin. I'm adjusting my rig to better replicate normal monitor brightness. I'm sorry it was a bit dark ^^

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    Im saying to hell with my personal integrity and ill keep stuff pretty bright from now on. This is all just a hassle and ive gotten quite a few weird messages on furrafinity about it. ( people take porn way too seriously )

    Im going to upload a ' lights on ' version but then im letting this project rest. Im stressing over the mass of dislikes and it's not worth my sanity or more render hours to fix an issue half of the world has, but the other half doesnt.

    I appreciate some of your guys' help. There's some good criticisms in there and info I just didn't know. I try to learn something every day after all <3 Thank you guys for bein supportive.

    I don't think this is a half and half issue if there's mass dislikes. I have a 4k monitor and I can barely make out the model. It isn't all that lit. If it is then it's not lighting the actual model.

    Trying to film dark scenes whether in animation or real life is one of the most difficult things to do. It's a delicate balance that requires an eye for detail. You want it dark enough to sell the mood but no so dark as to make it impossible to see. So lighting tricks are needed to help sell the mood. Usually a single source of a dim light or a passing light to show just enough of the image.

    Let me ask, are you using the camera's animation set for this?

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    I can always look into that model. Im gonna stress nap forst though!

    Ooo hope you do, I have yet to get a good animation with a nice a$$ shot, thats all I want, I am tempted to commission it at this point

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  • nocturnalfuzz said:
    From what ive gathered, it's totally fine on a monitor. But on my phone it's a bit dark. But im still not havin the same issues you guys are, so I dont know how to fix it x3

    If you wanna help that'd be appreciated

    It depends on the monitor. I have one monitor where I can barely see anything and another monitor where I can see what's going on but it's still kinda on the dark side.

    Not a big deal, just makes it hard to enjoy is all.

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  • slapstick70 said:

    Let me ask, are you using the camera's animation set for this?

    I dont fully understand the question, but ill answer it as best I can. I animated the camera with specific focus points, with ( initially ) a normally low map tone. Which leant to my confusion when peeps couldn't see stuffs. But to fix it I deleted the camera and re worked it with a %5-ish higher map light tone which made it look like the surface of the sun. So I redid the lighting, fixed some props because the higher map tone destroys my shadows setup, and here we are ^^

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  • MacGyver said:
    If you can make out what is going on, you must be "lit".

    It's a difference between people who have the fancy equipment and us plebeians, it is why the artist was so courteous as to make us two

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