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  • Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

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  • Canary is one of the best furry artists, their power to imitate an art style down to the tea is amazing

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  • Finally, iScream getting the action he deserves!~~ 👍🏾

    Also anyone else think of Fluttershy when FwenchFwy speaks, or am I crazy??

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  • randomfur0 said:
    Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

    Imagine if somehow this was uploaded to the official chikin nuggit social media.
    People would be very confused (and horny), but wouldn't have any doubt that it's legit.

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  • randomfur0 said:
    Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

    So many talented people making porn but they need to make money while having a good time or to fund their passions. ¯\_(⫑◡⫒)_/¯

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  • tomdyke said:
    reminder that both characters are nobinary

    fwy is a dragon and Iscream is a demonic spawn from the deepest pits of the abyss!

    there own words not mine.

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  • randomfur0 said:
    Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

    Probably already haS TBH

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  • closetedfurry said:
    The occult has never looked so fun!

    The occult was always fun. Like these groups in America that send their finest after each other in a giant feud while wearing exotic makeup and sometimes even strange robelike or overall-like clothing. They encircle the conflict chanting over and over again playing instruments in support of their heroes. And they even don the banners and likeness of animals they believe symbolize the force they're trying to project outward

    We call this mysterious ritual "Football."

    ... Ok it's (maybe) not religious but occult is like the religion form of exactly that.

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  • The_username_ever said:
    HO-LEE COCK AND BALLS this is spectacular!! The art style is so fucking accurate! Wonder what the chikn devs think abt this tho

    "devs"? lol
    and to answer your question, they're probably perfectly fine with it. they won't acknowledge it, obviously, but the creator of chikn nuggit themselves had been previously known for making some spicy keroro gunsou art sometimes.

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  • randomfur0 said:
    Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

    Someone needs to make a Jotaro vs Dio parody with canary and zone

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  • tomdyke said:
    reminder that both characters are nobinary

    No body asked, stop being so damn politically correct jfc. Someone drew porn enjoy the porn we don't care if you're gay bi trans or non-binarry no one gives a sugar honey ice tea

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  • anonymouse747 said:
    No body asked, stop being so damn politically correct jfc. Someone drew porn enjoy the porn we don't care if you're gay bi trans or non-binarry no one gives a sugar honey ice tea

    Well said in my opinion

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  • That little throbbing of his cock and balls with that cute shriek at 0:18, I would love a loop of just that, that’s the hottest part of this animation to me.

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  • tonsatanya said:
    i mean, it sounds like you give a shit considering you jumped to hostility at the mention of it

    This type of response and its lack of logic always confuse me. Correcting irrelevant or unnecessary information doesn't invalidate not caring about the lack of said information in the first place.

    And yet people still throw that "sounds like YOU care though" phrase around like it's some magical comeback.

    tonsatanya said:
    yall instead of downvoting can someone explain the fault in tomdyke's comment? i genuinely don't understand how it pissed you guys off so much

    It's unnecessary and out of place. It doesn't make watching the animation any better or more interesting, and it's straying pretty close to the absurdity of stuff like "wtf Loona is a female wolf you can't draw her with a dick" or somesuch.

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  • tonsatanya said:
    yall instead of downvoting can someone explain the fault in tomdyke's comment?

    Pointing out irrelevant info, like what was the point? If i care about the gender of a character i can look it up(or you know, just check the lore tags)

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  • tonsatanya said:
    yall instead of downvoting can someone explain the fault in tomdyke's comment? i genuinely don't understand how it pissed you guys off so much

    The people going out of their way to point out the characters are non-binary are getting eerily similar to the meme about vegans, (who've ironically I've not seen much of anymore), where they CANNOT go on without telling someone that is the case. That's personally what bothers me about seeing it, its that I see it whenever its put into question in any capacity. I've had people correcting me who didn't even read what I SAID, like its a flinch reaction, cause I was literally talking about Chee, not Fwench Fwy in that example.

    Just.... As a general rule, shut the hell up until someone asks, you'll make people not care by trying to make them care so hard, people are spiteful like that, the lore tag alone, like the person above me says, should be enough, like, honestly, if someone asked, "Aren't they supposed to be non-binary" I'd be way more cordial about it, and tell them "yes" myself, but instead I always just see someone affirming that's the case without anyone asking. Every. Damn. Time.

    Like, for some reason I'm particularly annoyed about it.... Its almost to the point some part of me gets mad when I see Fwench Fwy or Iscream as the gender I wouldn't assume them to be, admittedly a small part, but its there, purely because I know the only reason I see it is because someone acknowledged they're "non-binary", and THAT reminds me of people who can't just.... You know.... Wait for someone to ASK. Personally, that is how annoyed I am. I don't know how many people think exactly like me, but what I do know is the people going around correcting people without asking don't want it to be a lot at the very least. And it might just end up that way if they don't learn how to not be substitute vegans, which is my favorite insult for those kinds of people.... Even though personally I don't think the vegans deserve it at this point.


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  • entropydiscord said:
    The people going out of their way to point out the characters are non-binary are getting eerily similar to the meme about vegans, (who've ironically I've not seen much of anymore)

    I like to believe most vegans stopped acting like that specifically because of the memes. Who would want to act like the annoying stereotype of themselves?

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  • insulindianphasmid said:
    Who would want to act like the annoying stereotype of themselves?

    Probably those who think stereotypes are bad by default and believe they can't do anything good, ironically enough. Logically speaking stereotypes are pretty much just identifying a problem a group is plagued by, to some extent. Kinda like a socially made diagnosis, which is fitting since ironically if its not cured, it spreads.

    Hm. That's an interesting way to look at it actually. Vegans are falling off the mocking meme because they're "Recovering" in a way.

    I guess a group, specifically a group I mean, not an individual, getting upset at being identified stereotypically, instead of those poorly representing them, could be looked at like a people ignoring an illness and allowing it to get worse in a way possibly? With that logic anyway. Admittedly thinking like that puts a lot into a not so happy perspective, actually.... The more I think about it, the more this makes sense, cause I stepped back and realized that, if someone said a stereotype that didn't represent even a small portion, there wouldn't be a group of people to agree with them in the first place, which would naturally happen if enough of said people stopped acting the stereotype over a long enough time.


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  • entropydiscord said:
    Probably those who think stereotypes are bad by default and believe they can't do anything good, ironically enough. Logically speaking stereotypes are pretty much just identifying a problem a group is plagued by, to some extent. Kinda like a socially made diagnosis, which is fitting since ironically if its not cured, it spreads.

    I mean, as long as stereotypes are of the “calling people out on their bullshit” kind instead of the “mocking people for their immutable traits(race/sex/gender/sexual orientation)” kind, they’re ok and can even be a good thing.

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  • tonsatanya said:
    While I can't find the example you're talking about (probably because I'm half asleep rn,) I can see how that would be annoying

    I'll admit that since tom's comment was hidden for me, I didn't see the context of their message. I kind of just assumed the best about what they were trying to accomplish.

    I can't really form a response to this rn, but I guess I can see how being told something true over and over again can eventually work backwards

    tl;dr i didn't have the full context, i was wrong, you guys have full permission to downvote me to hell

    Eh. I don't think everyone else will downvote you now, you get the point, and anyone else angry already probably got their "I don't like this" jollies out of downvoting the other post. If anything, I'll be the one being down voted just because I took an opportunity to hit the most aggressive brand of stupid a couple comments up.

    ....Or I can be wrong, aight.


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  • randomfur0 said:
    Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

    I don't think chikn nuggits artstyle was ever difficult to copy

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  • tomdyke said:
    reminder that both characters are nobinary

    Reminder that nonbinary doesn't magically make you a barbie/ken doll and/or asexual.

    sharkerys said:
    okay there is only one problem... THEY ARE AGENDA

    Are you trying to say they are Agendered?
    Refer to my comment to Tomdyke above.

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  • thelonebit said:
    Reminder that nonbinary doesn't magically make you a barbie/ken doll and/or asexual.

    I believe these two characters are agender because they’re eldritch creatures, they might not have genitals at all.
    (None of this matters in a porn parody ofc)

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  • sharkerys said:
    okay there is only one problem... THEY ARE AGENDA

    They have an agenda? what agenda? is that a part of the lore, are they doing this to summon some other kind of dark evil? :)

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  • tomdyke said:
    reminder that both characters are nobinary

    they are also both shapeshifters. they can wear whatever tools they want at whatever time suits them.


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  • eliot115 said:
    “They’re actually non binary ☝🏼🤓”

    Edit: Some of y’all make the T in LGBT look bad. It’s fucken porn, nobody gives a fuck about their identification, we are all here to rub one off in peace. If the person drawing them gives them a dick or a pussy, they’re a male or female, shut the fuck up and keep your ludicrous Hell-bent ideologies on Tik Tok or Twitter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    (This is coming from someone who’s pan sexual)

    Why do you lie so much?

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  • dirtymac said:
    Why do you lie so much?

    Lie about? I haven’t told any lies unless the truth is a lie to you lol people throwing a fit over dumb shit, it’s like having an argument on porn hub like nobody gives a shit, we all there for one reason and one reason alone ._. keep your banter and ideologies on Tik Tok and Twitter. Thanks for the dislikes by the way, love knowing some of y’all fr fr pressed over literally tags and porn 💙

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  • tonsatanya said:
    yall instead of downvoting can someone explain the fault in tomdyke's comment? i genuinely don't understand how it pissed you guys off so much

    His comment sounded something like, "You can't represent these characters as male and female."
    And people's responded: "We represent them however we want".

    I guess this sum up everything.

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  • impchadchan said:
    His comment sounded something like, "You can't represent these characters as male and female."
    And people's responded: "We represent them however we want".

    I guess this sum up everything.

    I mean…we can present them how we want. I mean for fuck sakes it’s PORN, is everyone really gonna throw a hissy fit about porn? It’s not unnatural to put a dick on a female character or change a genderless character into a female so why is it all of a sudden an issue to some of these people? At the end of the day its porn and it shouldn’t be taken so seriously cause it ain’t that deep.

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  • eliot115 said:
    I mean…we can present them how we want. I mean for fuck sakes it’s PORN, is everyone really gonna throw a hissy fit about porn? It’s not unnatural to put a dick on a female character or change a genderless character into a female so why is it all of a sudden an issue to some of these people? At the end of the day its porn and it shouldn’t be taken so seriously cause it ain’t that deep.

    Agreed the only exception is old child moves with Roxanne wolf slapped in looking sexy that's where it goes way too far

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  • At this point I can expect anything from canaryprimary, my dude, the way the artist (and the voice acting god tier) has been replicating the source material and the artist's own art are both a welcoming sight for sore eyes

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  • randomfur0 said:
    Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

    bro i only just realized it wasn't made by the actual person

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  • StoneGuardian said:
    The amount of thirst for these characters is disturbing.


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  • Eliot115 said:

    dirtymac said:
    Why do you lie so much?

    Lie about? I haven’t told any lies unless the truth is a lie to you lol people throwing a fit over dumb shit, it’s like having an argument on porn hub like nobody gives a shit, we all there for one reason and one reason alone ._. keep your banter and ideologies on Tik Tok and Twitter. Thanks for the dislikes by the way, love knowing some of y’all fr fr pressed over literally tags and porn 💙

    "ideologies" my dude have you fucking watched the original shorts? They have agender and queer characters. Fuck out of here with your bigoted trash attitude.

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  • matchae6 said:
    Lie about? I haven’t told any lies unless the truth is a lie to you lol people throwing a fit over dumb shit, it’s like having an argument on porn hub like nobody gives a shit, we all there for one reason and one reason alone ._. keep your banter and ideologies on Tik Tok and Twitter. Thanks for the dislikes by the way, love knowing some of y’all fr fr pressed over literally tags and porn 💙

    "ideologies" my dude have you fucking watched the original shorts? They have agender and queer characters. Fuck out of here with your bigoted trash attitude.

    Imagine having fake outrage on a porn site.

    Must be vegans.

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  • anonymouse747 said:
    No body asked, stop being so damn politically correct jfc. Someone drew porn enjoy the porn we don't care if you're gay bi trans or non-binarry no one gives a sugar honey ice tea

    Huh, that's reminds me of a post of a anthro dog with penis, but he ask to be called "good girl" , and then someone in the comment section call him a good boy instead which trigger Alot of people

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  • I'm just wondering if it's ethical to copy the original art style in case someone may think it's the original artist that drew it if someone cropped the intro.

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  • I love how I go into the comments specifically to look for people who were gonna bitch about the characters being canonically nonbinary (which is wrong anyways. The character intro video ChiknNuggit made specifically states they are genderless, but that's far from the point), found the first person, see how they actually backtracked, respectfully denounced their actions, apologized, and recognized their wrongs, just for someone else to do it again 2 comments later, and then a sudden flood of em.
    Being a part of the lgbt community... It's saddening to see just how many of us seem to share a single braincell.
    This is why we're hated. Not because we're different or that we're gay or whatever. It's because of the loud minority that has to shove their preferences down everyone's throats.
    Most people who have viewed this image have very likely seen the real animations. They likely know the assigned genders to these fictional characters. True canon is irrelevant in a porn parody animation.
    Do you get upset when a female character is given a dick? How about when a male is genderbent? No. You don't. Because that brings awareness to transgenders. So it's good. I have never once seen a negative "BUT THEY'RE X GENDER" on animations/artworks like that. But the moment a charavter who's deemed nonbinary, trans, or what have you is given a define gender, it's suddenly bad.
    If a genderless character is given a dick, it's bad.
    If a gendered character is turned trans, it's good.
    If a trans character is given the "incorrect" genitals, it's bad.
    That paints a bad picture. Everyone, EVERYONE, is valid. Binary, trans, cis, nonbinary, we are all humans. We all bleed red, we all masturbate, we all breathe air, we're all trapped on this shitty rock drifting through space.
    Just treat eachother as human.
    No one is bigger, better, or more important than anyone else. Period.

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  • randomfur0 said:
    Canarys ability to replicate artstyles is so good its actually super impressive, gonna confuse someone someday

    At this point its a superpower

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  • Are you guys really arguing politics in a porn comment section? Holy shit calm down

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  • Woah! Exactly 4800 upvotes excluding my own upvote?! I guess that proves how great this sexy animation is~

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  • anon65 said:
    Are you guys really arguing politics in a porn comment section? Holy shit calm down

    I did it to make everybody mad, seems it worked lol I can’t remember how long ago I posted the original comment

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  • anon65 said:
    Are you guys really arguing politics in a porn comment section? Holy shit calm down

    I think the most ironic thing from me trigging the pronuners is that I’m one myself and I myself am pan sexual…people are very deeply invested in arguing in a comment section about porn. 💀

    It’s hilarious!

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  • matchae6 said:


    Lol yeah they knew exactly what they were doing when introducing Fwench Fwy (and the alternate version of them in particular lol).

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