mythology and etc created by goolee
Parent: post #2110129 (learn more) show »

Since this was the first animation that blew up last year, thought it'd be proper to give it a fresh coat of paint!

Painting backgrounds aren't my forte, but I learned a lot throughout the lockdown, but the groundbreaker here is that I tested out EbSynth to see if it was a viable alternative to manually coloring and shading every frame. It interpolated 90% of it, but not perfect because computers are stupid LOL, but i took the frames and fixed them up myself. This entire process took less than half the time it would take doing it the ol-fashioned way. I can't wait to apply into future animations ^^!

And before you ask, NO I AM NOT COLORING/SHADING ALL MY ANIMATIONS. This was just a test to see how EbSynth could fit into my workflow. Overall, it came out fantastic, and it's nice to see this beloved piece in revisited.

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