stunbun created by miso roll
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(Taken From Source)


*NightSwing & Everest noticed Stunbun acting super weird... the bunny's markings flashing brightly as the air around him heats with incredible quickness. NightSwing then realizes there is a label attached to the funbun's tail and he reads it to himself*

Warning: Overcharging your funbuns may cause electrical fluctuations within his cells and may result in sudden discharges of power... rising air temperatures... and short circuiting of nearby technology... if you suspect that your funbun has indeed been overcharged... ground yourself immediately... put on all the rubber you have... and pray that he does not notice how hot you are for he might be extra attracted to you for many hours... contact with your funbun is not recommended during this time, but do not panic as he will gradually lose energy and return to safe levels on his own. If you have any questions please email us at "Forever Going!"

And whatever you do... do not remove this...

Everest: What does it say?

*NightSwing ripped the tag off Stunbun's tail and placed it in his pocket as Stun pant-ingly hobbles needingly into his room*

NightSwing: It says to take off all your clothes and be with him during his time of need. I have work, could you take care of him for me?

Everest: Weird recommendations... but sure. I am off today... Hey Stun? Do you know how hot your making it in here?

Art© miso-roll

Character© :NightSwing:

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