gloomy and prince borgon (mythology) created by docfurpanic
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How to tease with Tantra

Story by Prince_Borgon

Sometimes it's taken for granted, but sex is an experience that not only involves the body, but also the mind and spirit.
Letting go of your instincts while maintaining a glimmer of lucidity and control,
and soaking in the mutual pleasure of an intercourse that makes two bodies one,
is however something that requires practice and mutual trust.
A difficult concept to apply, if you let the ego be in the driving seat of your actions,
and forget the care that must be reserved for your lover during the act.

Tantric sex is in fact based on this: considering the partner as an extension of one's body,
giving them such care and attention as to bring them to bliss, and then enjoying that warm intimate sensation in turn.

The dragon prince has made this philosophy his obsession, and often when possible he proposes such a practice to his lovers.

Gloomy the mercenary is not, however, very convinced, as you can see.
Who knows that Borgon won't be maybe able to make her change her mind, before the night is over...

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