ahya and taylor renee wolford (legend of ahya) created by ddarenn
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It's not everyday when an artist comes up to you and offers to draw your character on the sheer fact they love them so much. If it is one quick way to make me a blubbering appreciative mess, that would be it. I'm completely at a loss for words at such a kind and generous gesture. So to that end, I want to get word out about this artist who is beyond amazing and well worth your time to check out. They are courteous and prompt as well as very agreeable to any suggestions you may have for your piece. I suggested to add a shirt to her, but to leave the bottoms off since his goal was to create a lovely pin-up pose of Taylor. I wanted to keep it tame like I 'almost' always do. He managed to complete this piece in a single day which floored me. Definitely an artist worth checking out and commissioning if you got the funds! Now enjoy a sexy Taylor tease!

Art Done by: dDareNn - FurAffinity Account: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ddarenn/

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